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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. I wonder if it’s warmer way down there, closer to the Earth's core...
  2. 😁 Merci! Face à face, c’est souvent le vocab qui m’échappe! 😂
  3. Pour être honnête, nous n'avons pas encore vu de plans réels pour ce site, juste quelques croquis datés d'au moins sept ans.
  4. SameGuy

    REM - Axe A640

    Ça explique mal alors le trafic perpétuel sur les axes nord-sud.
  5. But I agree with @Né entre les rapides and @Enalung that it has become unnecessarily divisive in tone over the past few months, veering from the discussions of design and construction to that of politics and ideology — ie opinions about which government should be ponying up to rescue the station. While discussion of financing projects forms a very natural part of discourse regarding a major project, it too often invites ideological barbs to be thrown into the mix that do not actually help further that conversation. If the mods/admins see it differently, then carry on, but I wouldn’t be astonished if this gets forked to a different thread in the off-topic forum.
  6. So is Châteaguay part of the Suroît? Nah, I think it’s more traditionally associated with Roussillon than Haut-St-Laurent.
  7. Yes, you “got” what I meant. Your description of the region is precise. For a variety of reasons that I can’t fathom even twenty years on, my wife’s brother moved to eastern Ontario (l’Orignal) and continued to commute daily into Dorval. I know quite a few people who’ve done that, also for somewhat opaque reasons. But as eastern Ontario is surprisingly well-provided with hospitals and clinics, we can ignore this tranche of Montreal suburbanites. The new hospital and health centre will be a major pole, and will relieve some of the load from Valleyfield, Ormstown and even Lakeshore, while reducing some bureaucratic encumbrance by also redirecting Québec-side locals from Hawkesbury or Alexandria to Vaudreuil. Back to the subthread at hand, while it’s possible (or likely) that a number of its users might originate in the West Island, I think it’s unlikely to draw people from deeper within Montreal and again, extending a metro out to a so-called “third belt” service centre would be an unwise expenditure. However, if Sylvain Yelle gets his way and exo1 VH is improved (especially off-peak and reverse-peak service), I could see it being handy for on-island residents commuting to work at the Vaudreuil hospital.
  8. It’s basically the West Island... 😝
  9. Lol I didn’t even notice the tag
  10. Gotta agree. I don’t see anything crossing the line yet — there have been quite a few posts further up that got much closer to that line.
  11. @Fortier and I were initially close 😜, and @eastender85 nailed it! Yeah, that’s “closer to the mountain” (or on it!), it’s in CDN(-NDG), and it’s “Westmount-adjacent.” I hope it goes ahead.
  12. Not a great idea IMO. I’m certain such a massive project will give rise to many positive changes to transit in the area, but sending a metro 15 km across mostly agricultural, undeveloped, or undevelopable land (and water) is wasteful. The hospital is meant to serve the Presqu’île, not the West Island. People won’t be hopping on public transport from Montreal to get to it.
  13. L’animateur Mikael Colville-Andersen est un Canadien-Danois, et le titre originale anglais de l’émission est moins misogyne, dont The Life-Sized City. La production est, en fait, Ontarien et non Danois. M. Colville-Andersen habite Montréal à temps-partiel — la division nord-américain de sa compagnie Copenhagenize est basée ici.
  14. That’s indeed a flatiron! I really hope it gets the go-ahead.
  15. Erm it was ADM that decided to pay for its own station precisely because of the major land-side renovation project. A normal underground station would have added less than $150 million to the REM cost and would have been absorbed by the main partners (CDPQi, Québec and Ottawa). The issue now is that ADM isn’t looking for anyone else to pay for the station, but their mandate precludes them from raising funds from any source other than operations. They are asking to be able to borrow the needed funds at zero interest on very flexible terms due to the uncertainty of travel for the foreseeable future. In many ways, it is indeed the fault of various levels of government that we are in this situation, having completely bungled the health crisis response. How did Asia and Oceania manage to do it while we couldn’t? Anyway that’s off topic. But the status remains that while ADM is now racing the clock (and Alice) to get loan guarantees in order to to proceed, the governments don’t appear to be in any sort of rush alongside ADM.
  16. Wow. Le terrain n’est pas trop loin de la gare exo1 de Vaudreuil, mais pour le moment c’est compliqué faire le trajet entre la gare et ce site (la 342 x Cité-des-Jeunes). Espérons qu’ils investiront aussi dans l’amélioration des connections de TEC et actifs entre le point “central” de Vaudreuil et le centre de santé hospitalier.
  17. In English they are all “station” with very few exceptions. J'ai toujours compris qu'une «gare» est un arrêt plus important; AMA une plateforme à ciel-ouvert, sans installation intérieure, au milieu de nulle part, qui n'est pas un nœud important sur cette voie ferrée est plus un «arrêt» qu'une «gare». ETA: don’t forget, I’m constantly aiming to improve my French, c’est la raison que j’essaie d’écrire en français. J’étais anglo unilingue jusqu’à la trentaine. 🙂
  18. LOL as-tu écouté The Long Way Up avec Ewen McGregor et Charly Boorman? Le pick-up Rivian flambant neuf piloté par un des producteurs a roulé contre une roche sous l’essieu et ç’a arraché l’accumulateur des freins et du suspension actif. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  19. That’s definitely the same building. Lol I hope they bury the utility lines!
  20. Excellente déduction! J'ai vérifié tous les boulevards CSL et je l'ai vu, mais je n'ai pas zoomé dessus. Je crois que tu l’as trouvé! This is one of the rendered reflections:
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