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Tout ce qui a été posté par wellz

  1. The Habs are organizing a party there for the playoffs. Could be preparation for that.
  2. I thought they were gonna leave the gaps as is. Good news!
  3. It will go higher. They are only at floor 26 or 27.
  4. This area of downtown is starting to look so much different. You wouldn't recognize it from certain angles!
  5. This one is really starting to make an impact.
  6. The website has been updated and looks much more appealing!
  7. wellz

    Expos de Montréal

    The Canadian Press Published Monday, March 30, 2015 8:37PM EDT MONTREAL -- Major League Baseball's new commissioner Rob Manfred is clear on what Montreal needs to bring baseball back: the city needs a new stadium. "The key thing in Montreal would be to have a plan for an adequate facility that could support baseball over the long haul," he told The Canadian Press just a few days before Montreal hosts two exhibition games between the Toronto Blue Jays and Cincinnati Reds at Olympic Stadium. Manfred explained MLB would need a strong commitment from Montreal for a new stadium before the league could seriously consider relocating a team or expanding there. "(Montreal needs) a plan for a major league facility. A firm, committed-to plan," he said. "I don't expect people to go into the ground and build a facility without some sort of commitment that they are going to get a team. But I do think that you need a plan, and a commitment to how that plan is going to be executed." Manfred, who replaced Bud Selig as commissioner in January, said MLB is not looking in the short-term to increasing the league to 32 teams, despite strong interest in Montreal. More than 80,000 tickets have already been sold for the two upcoming exhibition games between Toronto and Cincinnati. Olympic Stadium, built for the 1976 Games and home to the Expos starting in 1977, holds 45,757 fans when configured for baseball. It is also sometimes home to Major League Soccer's Impact and the Canadian Football League's Alouettes. Over 96,000 tickets were sold last year when Montreal hosted two games between the Blue Jays and the New York Mets. "The exhibition games last year, and how well they were attended and at least the early reports on the games this year demonstrate a real interest in Major League Baseball and the Montreal market," Manfred said. "We find that to be very interesting and exciting." According to Manfred, exhibition games in non-MLB cities are an important litmus test for the potential viability of a baseball market. "The games like those exhibition games in new markets are important as an initial test of the level of interest that the market has in the game," he said. "When you have the kind of success you've had in Montreal you kind of pass the first initial test of whether it's a market that could support baseball." The new commissioner didn't give much away as to the league's plans for the future, but he did say that if the MLB expands beyond the continental United States, the likely new markets will be in Mexico or Canada. "Mexico and Canada present the most fertile ground just in terms of the level of baseball interest and the proximity to our existing franchises," he said. Manfred said the league prefers to make baseball work in existing markets, despite the troubles some MLB cities have been facing, such as Tampa Bay and Oakland. "But we have always been realistic," he said. "At the end of the day, relocation to another market could be the only solution."
  8. I feel like messaging them with one phrase: "YOU BUNCH OF LOOSERS!!!!
  9. I say we transfer this thread to "projet oublier". Anybody agree??? lol
  10. Quel gaffe monstrueuse!!! I can imagine their reasoning, "hey lets just make it cheap looking and save a few bucks, heck!! its just Montreal!!". Are we really surprised though?? I mean just look at the rocabella, tourdescanadiens, and griffix. They all got the cheap treatment all for the sake of a few dollars!
  11. Une solution assez simple, rapide et moin couteaux a ce probleme serait de changer les colonnes pierre grise sur la basiliaire a des colonnes pierre brunes pour matcher les panneaux sur la portion tour. Solution ideale!!
  12. So therefore, they cheapened it by going with pre-fab instead of all glass.
  13. wellz

    Griffix - 20 étages (2013)

    Bon alors la plus pire des rendus a eter construite. Ayayaye!!!
  14. Correction: This image seems to show the tower when it was first proposed at 35 floors. The 147m claim may be warranted at 40 floors!
  15. wellz

    Griffix - 20 étages (2013)

    Whats troubling even more is that the city keeps giving property developers the green light to build such monstrosities!!!
  16. The 147m estimate seems like a bit of a stretch! Based on the image below, the height of the towers will end up being ~ 135m if you compare it to the CGI and 1250.
  17. Should be about 80m (max 90m) at 26 floors. Not bad for this area!
  18. C'est pas 13 etage de stationement? Je vois seulement 8.
  19. wellz

    La Perla 9 étages

    Isn't this the project Max Pacioretti brags about on the radio??
  20. The brown siding makes the building look incredibly cheap. Does not fit at all with the base. SMH!
  21. Dont know why they didn't go with the stone ishh look like the base of the tower. Would've looked 10x better!
  22. Visited the site yesterday. In the pics, the brown paneling looks ok but in person it looks very cheap!
  23. Some idiot freelance photographer expresses concern and derails the start of construction of a multi-million dollar project??? Something doesn't sound right. We may have another "Le Victoire" situation on our hands!!
  24. This has to be a joke. Only in Montreal!! SMH!!
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