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Admittedly, at least we can point and laugh, at Ontario :)


And New Hampshire, Alabama, Virginia (18-19 states in the US have some kind of state controlled monopoly on alcool sales)

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And New Hampshire, Alabama, Virginia (18-19 states in the US have some kind of state controlled monopoly on alcool sales)


New Hampshire is okay because you can get beer in depanneurs (like Quebec) and the prices at the state liquor stores is relatively low. One thing I love about the place is how when you drive down I-93, just along the NH-Mass. border, is a NH state liquor store, one on the west side of the highway, and another liquor store on the other side of the highway, and not little stores, huge liquor warehouses :rotfl: Not one, two, you can park at one and throw a rock at the other...


When you park there you see all the license plates "Massachusetts", I guess liquor must be cheaper in NH by a good bit :D

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Good God... the SAQ is one thing that should be privatized. Like NOW. Better choice, better pricing.


It was pretty dumb for the SAQ to have an outlet at both the Forum and WS. I gotta say, WS seems like a keeper. That is a hell of a lot of high income earners living in those buildings. It's a built-in market.

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"I'm ticked off like you have no idea. I don't know whose brainy idea it is to close such a full functioning SAQ," fumed Angela Ragusa.


L'idée vient de ceux qui sont obligé de rendre des comptes pourquoi des succursales perdent l'argent, épaisse!


Mais tant qu'à moi, j'aime le concept de la SAQ, les choix sont bons, les prix peut-être 10% trop cher mais pour 99,9% des consommateurs, le choix est adéquat. Je ne crois pas à la privatisation de cette institution. C,est une opinion et je suis très au courant que c'est pas tout le monde qui ont ce point de vue.


Pour ce qui est du sujet de ce fil, la fermeture de 2 adresses à vraiment du sens du côté business de la chose, un point c'est tout!

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