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Tout ce qui a été posté par MartinMtl

  1. Je trouve hallucinant qu'on en soit encore à démolir des immeubles de qualité au centre-ville alors qu'il y a encore tant d'espace disponible pour construire. Vraiment incroyable.
  4. Excellent projet, une vraie réussite de revalorisation de maisons victoriennes avec un ajout moderne. Un modèle à suivre.
  6. Je ne suis pas du tout certain que dans l'esprit du gouvernement québécois, une telle annonce soit payante en terme de votes. Je crois que la population en général ne se préoccupe guère du Palais des congrès.
  7. Deloitte is 133 m. TDC2 is 166 m., so about 33 meters higher.
  10. Tu as raison. Et on sait que, malheureusement, les élections provinciales ne sa gagnent ou ne se perdent pas sur l'Île de Montréal. Mais on peut espérer que les choses sont en train de changer... En tout cas, c'est ce que je souhaite.
  11. Absolument. Valérie Plante pourrait facilement capitaliser sur ça pour mettre les partis provinciaux dans sa poche. Elle le fera sans doute, avec raison. Je crois que les analystes ont grandement sous-estimé l'importance de l'enjeu du transport collectif dans la victoire de Plante. Au-delà de la grogne contre Coderre, ce fut sans doute l'élément le plus déterminant. Il ne faut pas sous-estimer l'insatisfaction, les frustrations, voire même la colère des Montréalais qui utilisent le transport en commun. Le service est vraiment déficient.
  12. Aucun projet, et celui-ci autant que les autres, n'a besoin de profiter de la limite de hauteur comme un prérequis. C'est au promoteur de décider ce qui est rentable pour lui et son projet. La decision ne revient pas aux gérants d'estrade de ce forum. Par contre, la qualité de l'architecture, du rapport avec la rue, de l'intégration avec le voisinage, ça, ça peut être exigé par la ville. La hauteur ? C'est la décision du promoteur, point à la ligne. On n'est pas dans un jeu virtuel. Il y en a encore qui se plaignent ici que la tour Deloitte n'est pas plus haute. Pourtant, elle n'est même pas encore toute louée quelques années après sa construction. Le promoteur avait donc parfaitement raison de construire "seulement" 26 étages de bureau plutôt que 50. Il a fait ses devoirs, analysé le marché, et calculé le seuil de rentabilité de son investissement. C'est tellement infantile de croire qu'un promoteur va ajouter dans l'équation le "skyline" de Montréal.
  14. Méchante différence entre le rendu et le résultat. Une belle de job de "cheapening".
  16. Quel commentaire ridicule! Es-tu déjà allé au Stéréo ? C'est un des meilleurs after-hours au monde, un temple pour les amateurs de techno où sont invités les meilleurs DJ de la planète. J'ai des amis de France et (plusieurs) de Toronto qui se déplacent juste pour venir y faire la fête. Ton commentaire de vieux mon oncle réactionnaire est d'une ignorance crasse et d'un puritanisme digne de l'ère Drapeau. N'importe qui ayant à coeur le statut international de Montréal et sa réputation devrait savoir que le Stereo est connu dans le monde entier par les amateurs de techno et de nightlife. C'est un maillon essentiel de l'écosystème du nightlife montréalais. Si le Stereo ferme, Montréal va prendre une méchante débarque dans le paysage mondial du nightlife. *** DANCE LIFE CLUB CULTURE: TOP 10 WORLD DANCE AFTER HOURS… 4- Stereo, Montreal Allo Stereo, alla domanda: “come ci divertiamo?”, la rispsota è la musica, non l’alcool! Un luogo dove all’afterparty si servono succhi di frutta, acqua e red bull, con un sistema audio incredibile che si sente sulla cima di una spaziosa pista da ballo in legno. Un concept che riprende molto le origini del club. *** USA TODAY 10 BEST: MONTREAL LATE NIGHT 7. stereo The city's favorite after-hours club, Stéréo has been around since 1998. The party doesn't usually start much before 3am, but closing time can be anywhere from 6am to 3pm the next afternoon, depending on the crowd and the DJs. Top-of-the-line sound equipment and an established reputation make this an attractive choice for some of the most renowned DJs in the world, like Danny Torrence, David Morales and Stephane Grondi. *** WORLD'S BEST BARS STEREO Cult after-hours club and bar that's as big as your bedroom but punches way above its weight. The spectacular sound system and hi-tech swivel lighting make it one for the music purist, partly why Muzik rated it among the top 10 clubs in the world. Why else would Paul Oakenfold play there? The after-hours club session only starts at 2am, and there's usually a terminable queue outside, but bide your time and it's worth the wait, one for your late-night annals. Drinks are fresh and perky and fire up all the cutting-edge hipsters. By 10am the dance floor is heaving and the day is breaking. *** DJ MAG: BEST OF NORTH AMERICAN AWARDS 2017 : STEREO This longstanding Montreal, Canada afterhours outpost does its country proud with an infamous sound system that pays homage to its name... “Music is the answer!” announces the website for Stereo nightclub. Not only do we agree, but it appears DJ Mag readers agree that this Montreal gem is the answer for music – house and techno, to be precise – voting it the north’s Best Venue. Founded as an afterhours club in 1998 by DJ-producer Angel Moraes, and now owned by Tommy Piscardeli, the venue has long been revered for that which it is built on and named for: its sound. Any raver who has had the good fortune to have had a spin on the Stereo dancefloor can attest to an experience of aural immersion that they’d be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. For that reason, the club has maintained a staunch loyal following, both throughout its city and beyond. Nearly 20 years running, Stereo has seen the scene shift and grow, and has adapted in its own ways – overcoming intense fires in 2008 and 2009 which brought the partying to a temporary halt, and more recently, taking action against the widespread and dangerous use of GHB. Last year, in a move that made the party scene sit up and take note, owner Piscardeli announced the club’s new zero-tolerance policy for GHB: anyone caught with it will be banned from Stereo, forever. "GHB is killing the club scene the world over," the club stated in a Facebook post. It’s a bold but probably not unwise move, and it is not too far removed from Stereo’s other longstanding practice of working with local law enforcement to monitor drug use in the club, asking partiers caught with drugs on hand to either place the substances in a locked “drug box” only accessible by Montreal police, or turn around and leave the venue. Of course, it’s not all rules and rigor at Stereo, and the pool talent they bring in to move their infamous dancefloor – one that is modeled on New York City’s famed Paradise Garage – is nothing short of what one would expect to see on any night across Europe. From house music legends like Danny Tenaglia, Kerri Chandler and John Digweed, to techno’s finest like Nicole Moudaber, Alan Fitzpatrick and Pan-Pot, Stereo’s consistently solid line-ups continue to keep its floor packed. Combine that with a crystal clear analog sound system that’s good enough to impress any audiophile, and you have the making of a club deserving of awards. *** MONTREAL NIGHTCLUBS : STEREO Stereo is a way of life to many Montrealers. Some call it their church (fitting considering the place is usually rocking well into Sunday morning), and eminent DJ David Morales, who is also an owner, refers to it as “home”. Most of the world’s best-loved DJs have played Stereo, and the club boasts an impressive roster of residents, both from Montreal and international. The clientele is a diverse mix of gay and straight, French and English, but everyone is there for one reason: to get the hell down. Stereo consists of one giant room with flanking risers and elevated levels for looking out over the dance floor, a “lobby” where you can catch up with fellow partiers, and washrooms that tend to become more and more unisex as the night (day?) goes on. Décor features a huge disco ball and black walls, complementing what is arguably the world’s #1 analog sound system, engineered and built by Angel Moraes. Above all, though, what Stereo has that nowhere else does is vibe, plain and simple. The Stereo experience is something that is difficult to explain, and near impossible to re-create. So bring an open mind and comfortable shoes, and prepare for a night you won’t soon forget. Oh yeah – and you might want to book Monday off work too. *** COOL JUNKIE: 10 BEST CLUBS IN THE WORLD #7 Stereo – Montreal by Marcos Colón & Taryn Haight 07.21.2010 We’ll have to go with Muzik on their decision to rank Stereo in Montreal as one of the top 10 clubs in the world. The sound system at this nightclub alone is enough to entice some of the hottest DJs in the world—including Paul Oakenfold—to spin on Stereo’s turntables. Even the walls are designed to optimize the sound inside this nightclub, with an inside wall three feet away from the outer walls, creating what the venue describes as a “box in a box” technique to get the beats sounding less like they’re blaring from static-ey club speakers and more like they’re coming from a recording studio. Pair the incredible acoustics with top-notch DJ talent and a dancefloor which rests on shock absorbers (to keep your dance moves and energy going strong throughout the night) and you’ve got the recipe to one of the best nightclubs in the world for music and all-around partying. *** The 15 Best Places for Dancing in Montreal 1. Stereo Nightclub *** IN THE MIX: 15 venues every dance fan needs to see #10. STEREO, MONTREAL While the States have their fair share of iconic venues, their northern neighbour also knows how to party. Up in Montreal, Canada you’ll find Stereo, the legendary after-hours venue and treasure trove for marathon sets. In the past few years, DJs such as Chris Liebing, Seth Troxler, Maceo Plex, Danny Tenaglia, Nicole Moudaber and DJ Koze have graced the Stereo stage; this week, German duo Ame are among the guests. Stereo recognizes that top-tier DJs require top-tier sound, but not much else. Aside from an acclaimed audio system designed by Angel Moraes, the club’s interior design is fairly simple: a giant disco ball enveloped by black walls, and a menagerie of lights and lasers to make the dancefloor come to life. In their words, “Our goal has always been to throw the best parties through carefully chosen artists, the best in visual presentations and lighting, in a room that creates such a thick energy you can almost cut through it with a knife.”
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