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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I’ve tried to find out, but does anybody know the maximum frequency (smallest headway) of the green line? Pre-pandemic it was running at ~3m40s at rush hours and anywhere from 6-12 minutes off-peak and weekends. Eventually (post-fleet-renewal), CBTC (with or without moving block signalling) could allow much tighter headways without PSDs or full automation.
  2. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    My point was that I’m not worried about “dumping the totality of a new metro line onto the green line,” when that “metro” has a maximum capacity of ~350 per train. 😉
  3. Kirkland has begun the prep work to upgrade the eastern (ie westbound) Chemin Ste-Marie overpass to the Kirkland station, to accommodate active transit and accessibility needs. The only other thing we’ve read so far is that piece about Mayor Belvedere of Pointe-Claire insisting that the planned replacement St-Jean overpass includes significant safety and accessibility upgrades for pedestrians, cyclists and people with special mobility needs. Nothing (or nothing concrete) about Alston/Stillview, des Sources, or Baie-d’Urfé/Anse.
  4. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Qui est proposée d’avoir une capacité inférieure à celle du SRB Pie-IX? Même si chaque personne prenant le REM-B du nord-est se connectait au Métro à chaque trajet et que le REM-B fonctionnait à pleine capacité toute la journée, cela ne ferait qu'augmenter l'achalandage du Métro de 10%. Nous devons maintenant revenir à la réalité: il faut connaître les chiffres des études O-D pour savoir combien de personnes du nord-est ont besoin de se rendre au centre-ville et chaque jour.
  5. It’s really hard to get good shots of this one without parking 2 km away and walking down a narrow, unprotected stretch of Ch. Ste-Marie that has no sidewalk. I can’t wait to see what it’ll be like here when a steady stream of exo (CIT Presqu’île) buses come to the station every rush hour! 🤞🏼 they anticipated this, and plans are being readied to widen and modernize the road. Sidewalks, proper drainage, and a protected bike path are all needed here, along with a ped/bike bridge over the A40 from an extension of Fining Avenue in the Baie-d’Urfé industrial park.
  6. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    He’s from Ile Bizard so his opinion shouldn’t count for much 😜
  7. Hihi j’ai fait du “whataboutisme”. 😉
  8. D’accord. Ce que j'ai laissé entendre, c'est que la mairie n'était pas en faveur de la sauvegarde du bâtiment Bens Deli, à l'architecture intéressante et qui avait une valeur culturelle et patrimoniale assez significative pour cette ville, donc je doute qu'ils aient une quelconque tendance à protéger la YW, qui est subjectivement moins intéressante aux laïcs, avec un patrimoine ou un statut culturel disons un peu douteux.
  9. This is the C40 Reinventing Cities link to the project. I can’t find a direct link to Demain Montréal.
  10. Maybe @Mfrappier can shed some light if he sees this?
  11. Personally, I think the high-end “luxury goods” mall is the least viable part of the project, much less realistic than an eco-community based around active and public transportation. Nobody shopping for Gucci or Bvlgari or Hermès is hopping on the Metro or a shuttle from the VMR REM station, let alone a city bus! Meanwhile, there is a dearth of community shopping (grocery stores, cafes and restaurants, hard goods), services, and schools in the immediate vicinity. It would be much more realistic to develop this site into an integrated, dense, middle-class community with human scale shops, services and schools on-site, with the proposed connection to the DLS Metro station in advance of any improvements to transit in the area.
  12. Non, moi aussi j’ai pensé à ce projet durant la semaine quand on discutait le 785 Mill pratiquement en face du DemainMTL.
  13. Bens Deli was architecturally interesting. The YWCA? Bof.
  14. Wow imagine! That would dwarf everything around it (Icône, YUL, Rocca, CCE, etc).
  15. It’s pretty huge so I think it depends which part. Much of Terrasse south of the Dougie and dlV/Airlie, and near the Hospital is nice, but between dlV/Airlie and St-Pat is basically one large parking lot and strip mall.
  16. Not totally a scoop, though. Another member has been dropping hints for a while! 😉
  17. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    “Overground rail in this climate is not the best use of $10-billion.”
  18. I went into the new Brault & Martineau in Kirkland for the first time last week, after watching it being erected with engineered timber over the last two years. It’s jaw-dropping.
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