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Tout ce qui a été posté par universityst

  1. lol oui absolument... si on était au Japon! pour les tiers-mondistes aux commandes dans cette province, un chemin de fer est un chemin de fer
  2. look at that starbucks slum!!! still hoping for a «little mistake» from maestria construction team... of course at a moment nobody's at the premises!
  3. that was a «what the heck did you think?!» moment lol
  4. c'est la photo qui ne devrait pas être permise dans ce genre de forum
  5. il commente des decisions politiques qui affectent directement ce projet et cette partie de la ville alors comment voulez-vous qu'il le fasse?? gardez votre tête dans le sable et laissez les gens s'exprimer svp!
  6. I unfortunately drove around downtown today... horrible experience and I swear to God it feels like a third world country!! just for the trash problem alone this administration should be terminated now! OK and now the other PhD in life will give me a 12 paragraph answer in 3,...
  7. wow again with the caq... I've never said I was talking about THIS government because I truly don't give a rats ass which political party is more or less responsible, I've zero political preference in this joke of a political climate... I'm talking about THE government in quebec and again, that's what's crazy in this forum or in today's society, we focus on social groups and political sides instead of simply focussing on the issues!! the issue here which is the only thing that should matter is: infrastructure and roads construction and maintenance in quebec is of third world level, what do we do about it? and if we follow your mindset, no government could ever be held responsible for any of the major issues since they all result of years and decades of neglect, incompetence etc
  8. look man I did read your answer... then I had the same impression I have almost everytime I read your answers (at least those to my posts) and that is... WHAT THE HECK IS HE TALKING ABOUT!?!? I believe you try to bring arguments to defend governments/the government and that's fine, but you never address THE point/issue, it's always around it! Writing 2 or 3 paragraphs doesn't mean your answer is elaborate... here for instance, we are blaming the government for the absolute shame and disgrace that our infrastructure and roads condition is and specifically the lack of accountability and consequences in incidents like this one... and you come up with the following defense argument: no consequences is not ok but hey it's common and there are other issues that need attention!... what that's it? we should just stop busting their balls, not hold them accountable and move on?
  9. aucun fonctionnaire syndiqué ne sera tenu responsable ni devra s'expliquer, on passe à autre chose... what a sad joke this government is!
  10. euuuhhh si, justement, l'un empêche l'autre quand ils dépensent 3 milliard pour cette connerie et qu'ils décident, dans le budget de la même année, qu'il n'y a pas 1$ pour cette infrastructure majeure! alors on s'en fout qu'elles soient mutuellement exclusives ou pas... quant à l'impact de chacun de ces types de dépenses sur le budget et leurs retours (tes 3 premiers paragraphes), c'est alors d'autant plus frustrant! Ils se sont tout simplement servi, à même les fonds publics, à raison de $3B, pour leur campagne électorale
  11. Il ne les prend pas pour des caves, ils SONT en grande majorité profondément caves... 99% de la populasse (comme tu le dis si bien) ne comprend même pas 1% de ce qui est discuté dans ce forum! TVA et CBC leur explique le monde et ils sont contents comme ça... alors oui ils vont prendre les 500$, les dépenser en 2h de tps et ils seront heureux de voter pour ce même groupe d'incompétents au bilan affligeant
  12. THAT is your argument to defend those useless incompetent morons?!?! my God just take a moment to read yourself and think of how far you had to strech your mind to come out with... something... I have no idea why you feel you need to defend this/them nor do I care but man!! no wonder we have in this province BY FAR the worst roads/highways in any parcel of any developed country! the only feeling that should come to our minds when we think MTQ is shame Oh and by the way, take everything I've written, replace mtq with city/municipality of mtl and it remains 100% true
  13. that dark green feels like its from the 70s, the tracks line already looks like montreal: concrete in bad shape, tracks look neglected with a mix of dirt, rocks and even wooden pieces on the ground, then of course the inevitable unjustified orange cones becoming part of the permanent set up along the highway... sorry I mean the 2 lane road next to the track! what a 'special' place this city is!!
  14. Votre habileté, capacité et même motivation à l'heure de trouver des excuses aux gouvernements et municipalités justifiant leurs constantes inefficacité et incompétence me dépassent... vraiment je suis «émerveillé»!!!
  15. yessss there's our game changer building that's gonna make of rene-levesque our avenue of the americas!!!... alarm clock... a look at the render... reality hits bad... depression!
  16. of course we all know this will turn out grey and... wow them windows penitenciary style! coops are gonna keep cooping!!
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