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Tout ce qui a été posté par wellz

  1. "The faster we get her up, the faster we no longer have to look at her"
  2. Une chance qu'une bonne portion de cette boite sera couvert par le couronnement!
  3. wellz

    Le 62 étages «not Brocco»

    In New York, they build 300m towers on much smaller lots. 200m would be a breeze!
  4. Wow this is very ugly!! Who in their right mind designed this??
  5. Looks quite generic for now. I will wait for other pics.
  6. Projet dead. Amene le a Montreal cette phare!!
  7. It would look much better if it extended to the end of the street without that blind wall. Blame the hookers, strippers and the owner of Wandas!!
  8. Finally Montreal goes "Big Time"!!!
  9. C'est quaisement la meme grandeur de site que la tour Quebecor.
  10. Not to add to the distress, but yikes!!! Montreal deserves better.
  11. Insurance rates through the roof for those tenants!!
  12. The first pic makes Montreal look major!!
  13. Wow. Ok alors oublier la couronne sur TDC2 et 3.
  14. Je peux imaginer les ouviers dire dans leur tete "esti que c'est laid en tabarnac!!" en posant ses panneaux rouge.
  15. Tout va s'ecrouler aux alentour j'imagine!
  16. Malheureusement, on peut clairement voir sur le rendu que cest justement du rouge multi teint
  17. Another huge parking lot that needs to go ASAP!!
  18. Ca creuse plus rapidement que le YUL2.
  19. All I see is terrible and uninspired architecture from this designer. I guess he is the go to guy for low budget construction projects.
  20. I once thought TOM would be done before Rocca2 and was surprisingly wrong. It is now looking like TDC2 will be done before TOM and it is quite sad TOM condo owners at this point!
  21. Obviously you dont understand sarcasm! What a shame!
  22. I just noticed that they are building this thing around the Cleopatra. What a joke. They couldn't just put a gun to the owners head to make him sell that dump??? Shame!
  23. They(CF) are accelerating their plans for this sector. 600 Peel should be announced most probably before end of 2018!
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