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Tout ce qui a été posté par job

  1. À noter que l'article est commandité ... C'est quand même quelque chose de voir tous les clichés et 'buzz words' réunis dans un seul projet lol ...
  2. Honestly, from my experience, the landlords are limited in their influence ... the 'running costs' for downtown commercial spaces can easily reach 45 to 90$ a square foot. A big part of this is, of course, taxes.
  3. Maybe more crappy wood benches all over Saint Catherine ? Another nice sand pit like the one near Saint James Church? They need to invest in bringing businesses and restaurants back by lower rents ...
  4. The worst part is that the Board of Directors of Fierté do not intend on stepping down.... How can you even consider sticking around after such an incredible embarrassment.
  5. Je ne me souviens pas l'hateur mais de mémoire c'était du 65 étage qui était voulu ...
  6. Il y a aussi le Rocabella, qui initialement voulait construire une seule tour ...
  7. Glad someone brought up 4 seasons on De La Montagne ... there is one retail space in that complex and it took years to lease to Moose Knuckles ?!? There have also been rumours for years of turmoil with the Four Seasons brand and that the hotel has changed hands... Perhaps someone can confirm. Lastly, the residences ... many are still for sale by promoter and there were only a dozen or so to begin with. I am glad the project was built and exists but I would hesitate to consider it a home run :s
  8. Definitely agree ... if it is to be another offering similar to Dix30, it will probably do fine. My initial point was and remains that it is a highly diluted version of the original plan and thus, little more than an ordinary mega mall. Will this be worth the investment? TBD but my guess is probably not.
  9. Just going to point out that none of these dealerships are recent ... they are all remnants of a time when they were 'cheap, large plots of land' relatively close to Westmount / TMR / Outremont. Furthermore, it is hard to categorize car dealerships as luxury shopping ... you buy your Bentley or Aston Martin once every few years at best. After that, they come pick up your car for servicing. I think Royalmount is hoping for more than a visit every few years. No one is saying the people behind the project are 'idiots'. They KNEW their demographics and the economic climate when they chose to jump in. They could not have predicted covid, municipal issues, inflation, supply chain issues, etc. Again, the initial project was definitely interesting. Its current, diluted iteration, not so much. In my opinion.
  10. Yep ... it works in Toronto which has a completely different demographic, population and economy. Good point. It would also work great in Dubai but Montreal isn't that either.
  11. Amen. It is all about creating experiences in line with the values of the new generations. A megamall at a highway intersection with unaffordable housing and no green in sight is the exact opposite of those values. If we are going after the luxury shoppers ... they won't want to go down to a huge, crowded mall in the middle of nowhere to buy their 5000$ purses. If we are going after the new, experience-driven generation, a megamall surrounded by highways probably isn't it either. Hence, my initial criticism of the project ...
  12. I was implying that L Catterton jumped in at the beginning when the project looked far more interesting than it looks now. I don't think they would have participated in the current project as it has evolved ... just my opinion. As for LVMH; definitely will help. The planned LV store will help raise interest for the locals in proximity but the price per square foot will certainly be accordingly high. In my opinion, Montreal, has always had a very particular relationship with luxury retail. For example, there was a Holt Renfrew and Birks at Rockland ... those closed. There were standalone Versace and Cartier stores downtown and they closed. It is tricky territory to navigate. I wish the project luck and hope it works, but I certainly would not bet my own money on it.
  13. But Midtown is 'in town' ... for many areas, it is harder to get to than downtown. For example, from the South Shore or for the entire East of the island. Similar arguments were brought up back in the day when Holt Renfrew opened a second location at Dix30 (the H2) and that was catastrophic. Just to be clear, I was a fan of the Royalmount project in its original iteration where it created a new, urban environment and ecosystem. In that context, it made sense. Now, it is a truncated version that really leaves us with an out-of-context mega-mall that may work but probably not as a luxury destination. In regards to accessibility, I agree that downtown has been a challenge but the infrastructure work is nearing its end ... the 720 is nearly finished, the REM stations almost ready, the Champlain finished, the Turcot done and the Saint Catherine and Peel works coming to an end. The situation is the exact opposite at Royalmount where the elevated Metropolitan will have to be redone (that will take 74 years!) and the public access reconfigured. A good idea that has gone askew in my opinion but there was so much money already invested that they could not back down. I doubt L.Catterton would have backed the current project from the beginning.
  14. Definitely; parking is downstairs at Holt's ... The Jean Talon exit on Decarie (without the mall) is a 20 minute ordeal.
  15. My state of mind is one where retail spaces are empty everywhere and building a mega-mall with a mediocre access plan and the hope that people will want to take the metro or wait in traffic to go buy Louis Vuitton --- in Montreal --- is wishful thinking. Everything about it is off ... a waterpark?
  16. Anyone else remember that huge mall project that was abandoned 3/4 built in Riviere-des-Prairies in the 90's ... why do I feel like we are looking at history repeating itself?
  17. Does anyone else notice the obvious ... that from many (if not most) angles the Mount is already hidden? With all due respect to it being a nice feature and a cute public park ( although much less usable than a flat park such as Central Park), it isn't Mount Fiji or Mount Everest ... a nice feature but not quite as impactful as most seem to wish it was :s
  18. Finally something that would merit excitement ... would make a world class skyline
  19. Vrmt cool ... mais à Vaudreuil ? Existe-t'il tant d'intérêt autour du Chateau ? Selon-moi ... le Chateau mediocre et plutôt 'tacky' est assez ...
  20. La grande difference avec Central Park c'est que c'est plat donc beaucoup plus accessible à tout le monde. Au contraire, le fait que le Mont Royal soit une montagne le rend moins accessible à une grand portion de la population si on y enleve les moyens de se rendre à des points stratégiques sans voiture ...
  21. job

    À démolir...

    j'ajouterais le Hertz Location de voitures sur Maisonneuve, entre la Baie et Desjardins ...
  22. très d'accord ... surtout que si on regarde la forme que le skyline prend, le site Phillips Square serait l'emplacement ideal pour une tour centrale qui dépasserait les autres, et, qui se situe au centre des 'clusters' de tours qui se forment de tous les cotes --- (au nord, le coin du Smith-Peterson-etc, --- au sud, les nouvelles tour Broccolini --- à l'est QDS, Humaniti --- et à l'ouest, le quartier de la gare centrale). Donc au niveau planification urbaine, ce serait un bon endroit pour un 300m... en plus, ca dégage plutôt le Mont Royal de la plupart des points de vue.
  23. This is supposed to be a luxury SAQ ? In a 5 Star hotel? Really awful! The "entrepôt" in Marché Central seems more luxurious ... such a shame!
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