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Tout ce qui a été posté par job

  1. Tu as raison ... un 120 metres serait tout de meme intéressant
  2. Personellement, j'ai hâte à ce qu'on construise une grande tour qui ferait un emplacement ideal pour des écrans style Times Square ... Ce parc a zero valeur comme espace vert et un beau 200m viendrait completer la place des festivals, surtout si un style architectural audacieux est choisi... En plus, au lieu d'être une dépense pour la ville, ça deviendrait source de revenue ...
  3. job

    Montreal's Time Square

    Looks great ... only thing is that they are demolishing the building in the bottom-right picture and putting a 22-story I believe ...
  4. Agreed ... maybe they thought Wanda's would be a strong draw for those looking for 5m$ apartments ...
  5. job

    Montreal's Time Square

    A few thoughts ... 1. A while ago I had heard that someone wanted to turn Phillips Square into a sort of Times Square but they could not get permits ... nevertheless, this was 15 years ago and things have changed ... the east wall of PS would be a good candidate for screens; 2. Also a good idea would be the Rogers building on McGill college .. it has a solid column down the center that could be screens; 3. Lastly, the building to be built on the Domtar Park space ... a perfect place where Maisonneuve and President Kennedy split ... would integrate nicely into place des festivals. I think some screens are overdue and they add a certain dynamism when properly thought out.
  6. job

    Montreal's Time Square

    I could not agree more with this post ... We need some more movement in our streets and big screens would be a great way to do it. Hoping some clever businessman will be reading this thread !
  7. Sans antenne ca va faire encore plus moche ... surtout que cette tour n'a aucune illumination la nuit et que les enseignes CIBC sont souvent éteintes ...
  8. Absolument d'accord !
  9. Un beau sommet illuminé comme le 1 Bryant Park à New York manque toujours ... mais le ManuVie reste une belle addition à la vue de nuit du centre-ville. Surtout, la tour CIBC a été une occasion ratée ... un lobby 'refait' et aucune illumination du tout
  10. Bah, c'est mieux qu'un stationnement mais super ordinaire
  11. Maison Manuvie aux couleurs de Noel
  12. For sure! It's time to start getting things 'right' for a change ... I foresee a huge success for Toronto.
  13. Ou plusieurs écrans style Time Square ... les annonces permettraient en plus de faire des revenus pour la ville
  14. Could not have said it better ... we need a vision to put Montreal back on the map and we have to stop with the small-mindedness that permeates all decisions; While the rest of the world is thinking bigger, better, more ambitious ... we still get hung up on the height of the mountain, 'hating' on every initiative and beating the Hi/Bonjour issue to death ... Certainly, some initiatives will be less successful than others but it is time to start thinking big. Alternatively, we can all just concede that Montreal will never make it passed its second-rate city status ...
  15. Tu as peut-être raison ... mais dans ce cas-la, les recherches auraient du être faites au préalable pas après la signature d'un contrat. C'est du 'bad business' de fonctionner en rétroactif et, c'est plutôt cela qui fait Montreal mal paraitre selon moi.
  16. Great! Instead of making the news for making a strong comeback as an international economic metropolis, Montreal is making the news for unilaterally backing out of contracts, poor foresight and the elimination of a world-class event because it bothered a few neighbours for a couple of weeks... And, as a bonus, instead of tax dollars going towards subsidizing up-and-coming events to draw tourists and bolster image, they will be used on lawyers and to pay penalties... Awesome!
  17. Not every investment in a city's status and reputation on the world scene can be neatly categorized in a balance sheet ... events all around the world are 'loss leaders' that contribute to the dynamism and position of a city as a great place to live, a dynamic forward-thinking environment and, above all, an international-level metropolis. If we are to use simple accounting to evaluate all activities, then we should eliminate most festivals, forget about fireworks and altogether get rid of all flowers in the summer (they die every autumn and have zero sponsors).
  18. A good point ... Montreal is still not seen as a corporate-friendly for a number of reasons. Turning this reputation around will take some time but I think it was nice to see some big sponsors for the race (although they were few) like DHL and Qatar Air. Given a few years, the sponsors would have found their way. Canceling the race supports our reputation of not really being 'open for business' ... which is unfortunate...
  19. 100% agreed ... this is embarrassing and a step backwards for the city .... Sad!
  20. Espérons que c'est dans les plans ... on perd la tour le soir ...
  21. En restant sur le sujet ... 100% d'accord ... Mtl a tout pour être une ville de premier rang ... ce qui inclut tout le luxe qui vient avec la notion. Cela étant, on espère que le concept Ogilvy intégrera beaucoup de 'flagship stores' qui auront pignon sur rue
  22. Je concède que j'exagérais un peu mais l'expérience est toujours plus envahissante dans une boutique 'flagship' que dans un 'shop in shop'. Le duty free de Mtl est plutôt moyen, je dirais ... dans certaines villes, les aéroports-mêmes ont des boutiques propres (pensons Rome, Dubai, etc). A la limite, je me contenterais à ce que De La Montagne ressemble au Duty Free Charles de Gaule ...
  23. C'est vrai que c'est mieux que rien ... mais 'shop in shop', ça fait Duty Free à l'aéroport. Les villes de premier rang ont presque toujours des belles boutiques donnant sur rue qui embellissent et qui créent du prestige ...
  24. 15e ... Quant aux panneaux; tout à fait d'accord quant aux réserves ... faudrait peut-être songer à se débarrasser du Wanda's aussi ...
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