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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Again, our bemusement is justifiable, but the TBM stopped under the terminal, some distance before the station. The station vaults were/are being excavated using traditional mining methods, so the TBM would have to tunnel a further 500 metres (unnecessarily) in order to reach the area of the YUL-to-Dorval tunnel's portal to bore out the last 700 metres or so. The Dorval extension was not in the mandate, so there's no way Infra would decide to waste that much time, effort and expense on a whim.
  2. Haven't some of us previously questioned why the stations don't have a roof over the tracks from one platform to the other? Boggles the mind. Absolute amateurs.
  3. The actual Anse-à-l'Orme is several kilometres away in Pierrefonds, and for all intents and purposes, L'Anse REM station serves Baie-d'Urfé – and is directly at Morgan Road. Chemin de l'Anse-à-l'Orme's southern end at Ste-Marie is closer to Kirkland station than to its eponymous terminal.🤦🏻‍♂️
  4. L'Anse-à-l'Orme station is near neither l'anse, nor any l'orme.🤦🏻‍♂️
  5. Elles volent vers le nord; va faire 37° à Minneapolis demain, pas sûr si les bernaches aiment se faire rôtir!
  6. Yup, exactement. Intéressant de le voir sous cet angle.
  7. Yeah, I imagine if I had to live in Repentigny and had to commute, all I'd do is drink, too.
  8. Il est intéressant de voir le zigonnage nécessaire de la caténaire, mais plus encore l'alternance des bras de rappel en porte-à-faux. © @Monsieur_MA
  9. Wow!!! Merci de partager ces clichés. Awesome.
  10. For sure a street tram is slower than traffic, especially with stops spaced about the same as those of a city bus route. With a segregated right of way and stops spaced reasonably far apart (1000-1500 metres), grade separation where possible, and full traffic light control where grade separation is not feasible, service speeds can approach those of regular rail. Is it the right mode for the route suggested above? No.
  11. Finally someone refers to them as "Les Victorias"! My mom, who worked for one of the engineering firms involved in the TdlB development, said nobody called it the "Stock Exchange Tower"; it was "Place Victoria."
  12. I wish people would stop making stuff up when they don't have the facts. The TBM wasn't "buried" unnecessarily.
  13. A not-for-profit that isn't allowed to seek outside sources of funding, whose revenues were cut by 97% for over a year. Yeah it might be wise to stick to a subject you know.
  14. You've seen the final plans for the airport landside redevelopment?
  15. One more time for the folks in the cheap seats: it's not "just a metro station."
  16. Le REM ne s'effondre pas depuis six décennies sous un budget tendu
  17. Without moving-block, 90 seconds is a pipe dream.
  18. I don't know if they consider it a low-hanging-fruit project, but at 2018 estimates, that's a $150 million. Likely double, now, and probably a half-billion by 2030 (when we hope the Bleue opens). That seems like a big investment with little tangible return – a bit less dropped junk, fewer jumpers or jaywalkers, and some perceived safety during crushhours – so even if it is being considered – and I know I was a Sauvé and Caldwell baby – I doubt it'll make it past the next round of functionaries' buck-passing.
  19. How long ago? I did say "modern mainline aircraft." Planes used to rattle windows at 10,000 feet! But regardless, you knew about the flight path at the time, and loud old planes are many minutes apart at YUL. Even at rush hours, the loudest planes – the ones I suspect you consider "loud as hell" – are several minutes apart; the rest of the day, there might be a handful per hour. As for staying at a cardboard box budget hotel directly at the end of the runway, well, you stayed at a cardboard box budget hotel directly at the end of the runway!
  20. A220-300, peaked at 88 dB, but less than ten seconds over 80 dB. At 4000 feet over St Laurent homes, you're barely hearing that in your yard that you never use, never mind inside your McMansion's massive master bedroom.
  21. I wouldn't say "pampered snob" – it's middle- and working-class, like much of the West Island, Lachine, Lasalle, St Laurent. But they chiâlent cuz they bored.
  22. A loud aircraft – say, an older A330 – on landing approach over the closest residence in St Laurent doesn't usually register over 80 dB. Long gone are the days of unabated noise from soot-spewing turbojet engines on DC-9s and classic 737s, DC-8s, and 747s. The new mainline aircraft are more quiet than most regional and private jets – which remain exempted from overnight curfews.
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