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Tout ce qui a été posté par Southwark

  1. I would say that picture is from around 2004 or 2005. The Jardins Windsor are under construction in the picture! Those were completed in 2006.
  2. Southwark

    Zenith - 20 étages

    This might just be the nicest new building constructed in Minsk.
  3. It still looks better than what they build on Crescent and Bishop nowadays...
  4. It seems as though it disagrees with the Commission de toponymie du Québec. But either way, put it to a vote of people in the area if they want to change it. Origine et signification En 1817, un corps de douze jurés approuvèrent l'ouverture de la rue William sur le fief Nazareth, du chemin des Sœurs-Grises au district des campagnes. Thomas McCord (1724-1824), propriétaire du terrain, nomma lui-même cette rue du prénom d'un de ses fils, William King (1803-1858). En 1856, la rue fut prolongée vers l'ouest jusqu'à la rue des Seigneurs, à la suite d'une requête de citoyens et de la cession d'une partie des terrains de la ferme Saint-Gabriel par les messieurs de Saint-Sulpice. Le 22 avril 1869, on inclut dans cette dénomination la rue des Enfants-Trouvés : la rue William va alors officiellement jusqu'à la place Royale. Pourtant, au moment de la dénomination de la place D'Youville en 1901, il semble que l'on utilisa encore le nom d'Enfants-Trouvés pour le côté sud du marché Sainte-Anne. Le changement n'a donc pas été concrétisé et la rue William ne s'étend toujours que de la rue McGill à la rue Canning. Date de désignation : 1817. Source : Les rues de Montréal : répertoire historique, 1995.
  5. Sure, but it didn't rename anything at the time as far as I'm aware. Put a renaming to a vote or don't do it. If the current residents of the area vote for the name of a street to be changed to Bernard Landry, so be it. But don't impose it on them.
  6. By unanimously negatively, I am referring more to someone who almost everyone can agree was a bad person. Premier Landry is not viewed unanimously negatively. He is controversial, but almost every historic or political figure is. I have no problem with naming something after him, as I said. But it is better to name something new (like they are doing with the station) and maybe with a park on Robert Bourassa. If they want to rename something, they should at least put it to a vote. I would suggest either everyone on the street in question, or maybe residents of the borough? But if it's done democratically, nobody can complain of the result.
  7. It is a replacing a historic street name in the neighbourhood, and a name that is significant in Canada, so it's controversial, yes. It is not tied to the area specifically, but I still feel it would be better to put it to a vote.
  8. Changing names happens all the time, yes, but that does not mean it is always a good thing or even that most people agree with it. Unless the name is extremely generic, or the figure is unanimously viewed negatively, it should be avoided. They should put controversial name changes to a vote. Just like statue removal should be voted on. It's the only fair way of deciding that lets everyone feel they were consulted. But renaming something else in this area after Bernard Landry without a vote on the matter would be even more controversial. Especially erasing the name of an Irish person (like William McCord, the namesake of William Street). Something new, no problem. Name the park and the station after him. That is a good compromise.
  9. I like Rocco's suggestion. Name the park for him on Robert Bourassa. Or create a new park in the Cité Multimédia and name it after him. Or there is the Silo no 5 area. It will have a road as well, presumably which could have his name. He deserves to be commemorated. If I were the Irish leaders, I would pick my battles. They should focus on defending what's already there. But they have to be pragmatic and not throw a fit for something new that is not being renamed.
  10. No, that's even worse. That is literally erasing the historical names of the area. Something new is fine, but we should keep existing names as they are.
  11. No, I hate renaming existing things. It's better to name something new. Naming something new after him is better than erasing something existing.
  12. Projet terminé [
  13. Projet terminé Ouvert depuis le 1er mars 2018: Ces photos datent d'avril 2018: Source:
  14. Projet terminé
  15. Southwark

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