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Tout ce qui a été posté par universityst

  1. Al Pacino was right : what a motherfucking waste!!!!!!!!!
  2. I agree with everything you said... really afraid the white/orange panels randomly set will screw up the view of this beautiful glass wall!!! but high hopes on the second tower if the glass quality/colour is the same...
  3. Oh no don't worry if you're a buyer you're safe since you'll be INSIDE! its people outside looking at this eyesore that will catch glaucoma!
  4. the ugliest masonic lodge in the world!
  5. the inmates! not residents... inmates is how they're called!
  6. LOL montreal admiistration! rem, a 67 km new metro line, will be up and running before... a retention pond and a park! no wonder rem construction is too fast for their bureaucrat mafioso syndicated brains!
  7. No! CDPQI actually just looked around in grisbeigetown and saw what kind of 'architecture' those same city syndicated morons have 'allowed'... so they just thought fuck'em its 10 days!!! lol
  8. it seems like european and small HAS TO mean elegance and quality... it doesn't necessarily! some of these buildngs are plain ugly!
  9. Not a Exo/AMT vs CDPQ!?!?... dude EACH AND EVERY one of your interventions for the last 2 years is a VS CDPQ/REM!
  10. One single article sums up everything that's wrong with this city!
  11. Ce qui est sur est que l'immeuble de droite est mûr pour la section 'eyesore'
  12. yes... and based on the quality of the roads/sidewalks this is being built in germany not montreal!
  13. 50% social penthouses or they'll block it Oh and 50 floors is too high it'll block the next alignment of the moon and sun in 2034
  14. LOL!!!! those you elected are representing you with integrity, and care about the community?... and we're talking about road congestion!... one more time... we're talking about ROAD CONGESTION!... well my friend if you truly believe what you've just written, I elect you Mayor of the sheeple. Congrats!
  15. ok so this is how this place works : an investor brings a $2 billion investment to the city the sheeple start a crying and bashing campaign blaming him for... congestion! guess who they call for help against the bad guy? government and city! government and city block the investment now government and city are... the GOOD GUYYYYS!... in a CONGESTION ISSUE!!!!!!!!!! carbonleo... take that money where it belongs
  16. Amazing how all these clowns are capable of getting together and go hand in hand block any move anytime they hear the evil words private, commercial, billion(s), big(est), tall(est), first, fancy, luxurious, etc... and what's even more amazing is they blame the evil money seeking developer for congestion and cry for help to... THE GOVERNMENT and THE CITY!!!!! while these 2 entities ran by absolute moronic schmucks should be the ones to blame for the damn congestion in the first place... plus us having the worst, poorest and cheapest looking roads, sidewalks and 'highways' (3-lane really!?) in north america!
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