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Rising Star

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  1. not gonna happen... mentalités diamétralement opposées!
  2. wasn't enough for them to get away with building an actual SOCIAL WALL in the middle of the city?! now those people don't want anybody coming near them...
  3. universityst

    Travaux de voirie

    this gang of inbred morons and their union are one of the most direct reasons this city is so dysfunctional and looks the way it looks... right behind a weak idiotic administration incapable of keeping them in check! this retard is probably laughing about this with his union leaders around their 5th tim hortons break... I mean meeting... of the day!
  4. Totale réussite bravo et merci au promoteur!!
  5. ville de ploucs, province de bouseux... cette monstruosité est à sa place!
  6. come on montreal hurry up those kids cant wait to meet their drag queen instructors
  7. petit detail insignifiant dans cette decharge a ciel ouvert que devient cette ville
  8. between trudeau and plante we're trapped in a blue haired nightmare!
  9. I was wrong on this one it looks good and fits perfectly
  10. par les temps qui courent, pas une si mauvaise chose que les enfants restent loin... tres loin des ecoles publiques
  11. this is beyond f***** up lol
  12. we still getting our city's signature for the world to acknowledge... the gray concrete box on the top!
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