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  • Location
    bari, italy
  • Intérêts
    sport in general
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  • Type d’habitation
    Condominium appartement / condominium apartment

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. am i the only one that thinks they are building it too close?
  2. marjen

    Raise Mont-royal height.

    this topic i started was supposed to be funny
  3. I have a dream. That the Mont-Royal was taller. Let's make it that way. Let's dump some tonnes (several) of dirt and rocks on top of it. Let's prevent the inevitable building plateau.
  4. those balconies... privacy is gone, the dude upstairs can peek at you while tanning. Cool though!
  5. what's wrong with prefab? Prefab is going to be the only way to build in the near future. It does not necessarily mean it's low quality. I mean, the international space station is prefab.
  6. it's looking good in my opinion
  7. nice pics. For a moment I thought the chimney and the clock tower were buildings that i've never noticed.
  8. damn, notice the polluting smoke coming from the roofs
  9. that's a perfect spot for an outlaw 300m+ beautiful, thin and environment friendly building
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