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Tout ce qui a été posté par joaosax

  1. Not really big news but all websites related to the project were taken down.. maybe something new is coming?? Tour Bleury - Canderel Tour Jeanne-Mance - Canderel
  2. 2050 st laurent is the gray building on the left.. i hope this project includes the empty parking lot and yellow stone building as well!
  3. I have to disagree.. I find the two previous projects integrated MUCH better with the loft des Arts building. This one just feels too bulky and misplaced.. but I hope my opinion will change as I see the finished result
  4. Pas sur où poster ça, mais j'ai vu cette affiche d'un nouvel hotel juste à cotê du Myriade.
  5. They are probably re thinking the project like they did for St catherine street to add "amazing" new ideas like one lane street ??
  6. I am sure the people behind this are the residents of Le Peterson. They are doing everything they can to avoid their views being blocked by another building which surely would bring the value of ther condos lower.
  7. Sur la photo de l'aperçu du projet, il parait y avoir des petites fenêtres sur la partie rouge.. mais la j'ai impression qu'il ny aura plus peut-être qu'ils vont les faire a la fin fin?
  8. Hum peut-etre, but seeing the construction nearby for Laurent-Clark, they never stopped digging even during the colder months. Not sure if for this project they were on a tight budget and decided to stop during winter. Oh well, hopefully you are right!
  9. Yup but the site has been abandoned since last December... No workers in sight. Ill try to call the city to see what's the status. This is what it currently looks like:
  10. I don't know why but I have a feeling that Valérie decided to put this on hold to "rethink" the project.. more time and money wasted. Havent we waited long enough for this? Get construction going already!
  11. Hum, I guess they are building the ground floor plus 3-4 floors for office space (gray and green sections in the image below). The hotel will sit on top of that (orange section).
  12. I wonder why they stopped digging? Is it normal to stop construction during this time of year?
  13. Not sure if this has been posted before, but I found a new picture on the Canderel Tour Jeanne-Mance website. Seems like they are experimenting a higher tower on the Bleury side.
  14. Wow looking good, I like the green space! Whats that glass building? They rebuilt the subway station?
  15. The guarantee was forgiven . This was 5 years ago, but they will probably extend it again. Après avoir accordé un premier délai aux promoteurs, l'arrondissement vient de leur accorder cinq ans de plus et renonce à une garantie de 1,25 million de dollars qui devait être versée si le projet n'était pas terminé en 2010.
  16. I am confused.. how can they change the design of TDC 2 after having units sold? I would be pissed off if I was one of the buyers, it looks a lot cheaper now! And for 600 peel, it is just a matter of time before they replace those nice looking towers with some shitty box like building.. oh well it was too good to be true.
  17. Ouin, 80% vendu.. wow
  18. I am just glad this project is not dead.. I prefered the older version too though
  19. Ça doit commencer bientot la construction maintenant que les festivals sont finis?
  20. Here is another look at this beauty:
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