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5781-5783, Ch. Côte-Saint-Luc - 12 étages


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Not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand it's sad that people will be kicked out of the homes they have lived in for many years, on the other hand the buildings do look old and worn down. Is this simply the "free market" driving new development?

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2 hours ago, go_habs_go said:

Not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand it's sad that people will be kicked out of the homes they have lived in for many years, on the other hand the buildings do look old and worn down. Is this simply the "free market" driving new development?

People do live in the apartments, but they rent them. As an owner you should have the right to "kick" people out, while giving them enough time to relocate and a 3 months relocation allowance, if you want to do a new development project on your site. 

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  • 1 mois plus tard...
  • 1 mois plus tard...

Il y aura un référendum. 5 autres "tours" similaires s'en viennent selon le maire.


Hampstead's town council approves Nov. 24 referendum on luxury tower

Proposed highrise has met with fierce opposition from tenants of the existing buildings and some neighbouring homeowners.

Voters in Hampstead will have their say next month on the fate of an affordable-housing complex after the town council voted to allow a referendum on a project to build a new 10-storey tower on the site.

The referendum will be held Nov. 24 after councillors unanimously backed holding a vote, Hampstead Mayor William Steinberg said Monday evening at the start of a tumultuous council meeting that lasted more than two hours. About 2,000 people who live in the immediate vicinity of the project will be qualified to vote.

The proposed highrise, at 5781 and 5783 Côte St-Luc Rd., has met with fierce opposition from tenants of the existing buildings and some neighbouring homeowners. A petition signed by 252 citizens was submitted last week to request that a vote be held on the development.

Steinberg has been pushing for the multi-family project, saying it would bring in about $145,000 annually in additional tax revenue. He has also warned that the existing buildings are in bad condition and are rapidly deteriorating.

“My obligation as mayor is to do what’s in the best interests of Hampstead,” Steinberg said at the meeting, sparking howls of derision from some of the 20 or so attendees. “There are 7,000 residents in Hampstead. 252 out of 7,000 is a very tiny percentage.”

The proposed tower would include 89 residential units and as many parking spaces. Its top two storeys would be recessed to reduce the shadows on nearby buildings, according to the mayor.

If the project goes through, as many as five other towers are “in the pipeline” and could be built in the area over time, Steinberg told attendees without elaborating.

Some residents who spoke at the meeting criticized the mayor’s attempts in recent weeks to “tilt the scale” in favour of the development.

One woman, who didn’t identify herself, complained that the city failed to adequately post information on the process on its website, and distributed at least three pamphlets in favour of the project. Another bemoaned the size of the compensation package offered to residents who would need to move if the affordable housing apartments are demolished.

Steinberg insists the developers have gone beyond their legal obligations by giving tenants 14 months notice to vacate from Sept. 30. They also reached agreements with two property managers in the area, who will notify the tenants of any vacancies before publicly advertising them, he said.

Hampstead town council is divided on the matter. Councillor Michael Goldwax said Monday he opposes the 10-storey tower because of the shadows it would cast, and would prefer a smaller structure.

Councillor Jack Edery, who is in charge of finance and opposes the project, said Hampstead’s financial situation makes new luxury housing unnecessary.

“We’re a wealthy town but we’re a small town,” Edery said, adding that Hampstead has slashed its debt in half over the past decade. “We can use that extra money, but we don’t need it.”

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  • 3 semaines plus tard...
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5781-5783, Ch. Côte-Saint-Luc



Emplacement: 5781-5783 Ch. Côte-Saint-Luc
Hauteur en étages: 12
Hauteur en mètres: 
Coût du projet: 
Entrepreneur général: 
Début de construction: 
Fin de construction: 
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  • 4 semaines plus tard...

Les citoyens de Hampstead disent non au projet immobilier appuyé par le maire

HAMPSTEAD | Après la saga entourant le maire William Steinberg et la loi sur la laïcité, voilà qu’Hampstead, petite ville défusionnée de Montréal, s'est trouvée de nouveau frappée par la controverse. Cette fois, c’est un projet immobilier qui a suscité la grogne.

Finalement, au terme d'un référendum tenu dimanche soir, c'est le clan du «non» qui a remporté, faisant abandonner du même coup le projet immobilier au coeur de la controverse.

Parmi les électeurs admissibles, 29,56 % ont voté contre le projet tandis que 13,31 % se sont prononcés pour.

En pleine pénurie de logements locatifs à Montréal, le promoteur Crofton Moore souhaitait raser deux immeubles sur le chemin de la Côte-Saint-Luc pour construire des tours d'appartements de 10 étages où les loyers auraient été possiblement plus élevés: un projet qui ne faisait pas l'affaire de tout le monde.

Les immeubles visés offrent en effet des logements aux loyers plus modestes, soit environ 800$ par mois pour un 3 et demi : une rareté dans ce secteur de la ville.

De son côté, le maire William Steinberg défendait le projet.

«Des vieux bâtiments sont démolis et des nouveaux sont construits. Ce n’est pas spécial ce qui arrive dans cette ville. Et que des gens qui habitent à proximité soient contre, c’est normal», a-t-il justifié lorsqu’il a été interrogé par TVA Nouvelles.

Le premier magistrat de cette petite ville d’un peu moins de 7000 habitants avait aussi fait parler de lui au printemps dernier, lors du débat entourant la loi sur la laïcité du gouvernement Legault. Il avait comparé ce qui était encore un projet de loi à l’époque à un «nettoyage ethnique».

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