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Tout ce qui a été posté par gelu88

  1. As most of you know, the CN viaduct is hollow inside, it's not a solid structure. That's why most of it is used by the Depotium company as a storage site. Given how much of a barrier it is for Griffintown, and given that the caisse now owns it, I wonder if they would consider taking back some of that volume and tearing down some walls. It would be fantastic if that viaduct was more permeable and if pedestrians and cyclists could cross more often than just the streets. Especially with the new park in Griffintown planned around Dalhousie and the entire stretch of University now being park as well. Obviously the location of any new crossings depends on where the REM track rises high enough(~3m at least, for pedestrian use). But I think it would be a positive change. Similarly, all the crossings are extremely dark and dirty. Beautifying them with good lighting and proper cladding would make a world of difference. Good questions for the BAPE if anyone wants to ask them. I'm thinking of going. Edit: makes me think, I wonder if they could carve out some of that viaduct where New city gas abuts it. Having an additional crossing next to the CCUM would be neat as well, if only as an expanded event space.
  2. Certe, c'est une bonne question pour Denis pour les gens qui vont au meeting la semaine prochaine.
  3. Suject vraiment interressant ca. A un certain point c'est un question politique. La station est la depuis des decinnie et la caisse a promis de facon assez concret que toute les station deux montagne cerai guarder. Je me demande si on sauverai tant d'argent en enlevant cette gare. Il's on deja besoin de construire un viaduct pour outrepasser un crossing a niveau. alors y'a pas un coup pour une passerellee elevee. C'est simplement un platforme couvert sur les 2 cote du viaduct avec 2 escenseur. $10-$20 million peux etre? Honnetement un cout plus gros c'est payer un employee de patroiller cette station 20hr par jour. Pas une job difficile ca
  4. Non, Mcgill et edouard ne sont PAS dans le budget. Edouard toute seul est estime a $350 million. M Andlauer a sugerer que les details vont etre publier dans les prochain mois, et si l'argent est pret ils pourron etre complete juste quelque mois apres le reste du systeme.
  5. En plus, A ce moment on peux y rendre en autobus. Oui, Ca prend 17-25 minute avec un transfert (ex: 160>5 or 92>5 )mais la station Canora a metro Edouard c'est 10mins en auto. Ca me surprenderai pas si la STM cree/modifie une ligne pour ajouter un trajet plus direct.
  6. You have to keep in mind that the first priority for the Caisse (they one they were hired for) is to 1) build a train from the south short to downtown, and 2) build a train from downtown to the airport. It just so happens that the best way to do that involves linking the 2 projects and having a bigger project, but everything else is secondary. If it delays the whole thing, it can be deferred. I mean, I hope it's not delayed long. Every day the system operates without those 2 stations means massive congestion at Bonaventure and longer trips for everyone. But i'm willing to wait a few months to see where they go with it before criticizing too heavily.
  7. Pretty sure they will. They will have updated technical studies soon. They already have a final price for Eduard of $350 million. The only reason it's not concrete yet is that the complexity and unansered questions around it were delaying the rest of the proposal. Turns out Denis Andlauer is the director of operations for the whole project, no wonder he knew so much. He talked for 3 hours straight, no breaks, not even a drink of water as far as I noticed.
  8. Just came back after spending nearly 3 hours listening to people speak. For people going next week, look for a fenchman named Denis Andlauer, he's the best person to talk about EVERYTHING. Anyways my report: Report: The rive sud terminal will include a full garage for trains. (deux montagne has an AMT terminal which will be used as well) a small extension for ~4 trains will be made at the end of st anne de belvue station to feed the system every morning. Rive sud station will have a parking space for 3000 vehicles(forgot to ask how much will be surface lots) Capacity. Asked Alain about Ant6n’s critiques. He responded that initial trains will have 180 second headways but that 120 second headways can be done without much difficulty, which would expand the system to 18,000 pph. The system is theoretically able to have 90 second headways. They expect this will allow the system to handle capacity until 2040. Beyond that, they confirmed that every station will be designed to be doubled in size to 160m in length, meaning 1200 passenger cars. Amazing news. When asked about Tax increment financing, he said they want it, but that direct revenue for TIF is not the goal. They estimate that it’ll add $120 million to the project, which they recognize it not that much. He confirmed that Fairview STM station will move next to the new station and that they are working very closely with the STM to make the integration between buses and REM as tight as possible. Quote: “right now the AMT rail stations are surrounded by parking with bus stops at the edges. We want to have buses in the center with parking around it” They worked hard on a Griffintown station but it’s just not possible. The problem is that that route south of Bassin peel is in a tunnel, and the track is planned to rise up after the basin. They can’t have a station on a grade and since they cannot have more than a 5% grade, it would mean moving the start of the rise further north which causes problems for meeting the CN rail ROW and entering into Gare Centrale. On the subject of the Mcgill and Eduard stations. He said they recognize how important those stations are. The AMT is currently working on some studies for fire emergency preparedness in the tunnels. That plus other work means they are not sure about those stations and don’t want to delay the whole project for them. No info about funding was provided. The Rive Sud station was initially suppose to be north the of 10, but that area is currently a recycling depot and in the past handled dangerous chemicals. It's heavily contaminated so they decided to curve south instead. The panama station will be built on top of the current bus trench, level with car traffic. The area under will become the pedestran zone and will be integrated with a new underground bus terminal at the existing Panama station location. The tunnel under points st Charles is one of the most challenging parts, because it is badly contaminated. They will take over the 3 lanes in gare central used by AMT, which may be used to store extra trains and add emergency capacity when needed. The station is 400m long, but they intend to use the southmost 80m. They are not allowed to modify the narrow, small Gare Central exit in any way. so they will also build their own exits, particularly a new path to Bonaventure that is easier and more direct than the current way. The fire hazard of the mount royal tunnel is recognized. Since they cannot have any exits, the solution(determined by the AMT already) is to have fireproof bunkers every 750m along the tunnel. The airport spur till St Laurent technoparc is guaranteed. After that the airport link remains under study. ADM is still studying if they can modify it to come in from the north instead. I probably learned more stuff that is not coming to mind right now, Ask me anything! Edit: They are considering have Express trains to the airport during off peak hours.
  9. I'm going to the Brossard consultation tonight, any questions people have that I should ask? The ones i have ready at the moment are: What’s the current thinking for the fare? distance based? having the possibility for a future milan station as part of a "phase 3" would be beneficial. ( given RTL BRT plans: ) what’s the plan for the area around rive sud station? development? just parking? parking structure? What is being done to reduce exurban sprawl? paid parking? higher fare at that station? 80m station lengths means 4 cars which may get congested fast. How realistic is 120 second headway given the usual rush hour station delays? Please leave room for future expansion to 120m stations. (20trains/hr= 12,000 pph) ant6ns volume chart: have you considered a potential extension north to st hubert airport? Given the location of the Panama station and the total redevelopment of the Panama/taschereau/Pelltier area, is it possible to design in the possibility for a new station "phase 3" on Pelltier? d'autre chose?
  10. es ce que les ~70+ reserve sont publier qelqu part? shus curieux de voirs c'est quoi les terrain a Brossard et au west island.
  11. exact. shui certain que cest de meme que ca arrive. 4.725 milliard du caisse et la provinec cest assez pour commencer le project. Si l'argent federal est garantie pour ~2019 la gestion devrai marcher.
  12. Absolument, le project REM est largement distinct de la light jaune. Moi J'habile a Brossard vers le dix30, dans quesement 30 ans dans le meme quartier, je peux compter dans une main le nombre de fois que j'ai utilisé le metro Longeuil. C'est seulment pour allez sur l'ile Jean drapeau. Mois j'utilize les autobus 90 du chevrier ou le 45 de Panama. Le REM vas enormement aider mes trajet. Le seul changement que le REM va avoir sur la ligne jaune c'est que beaucoup de personne qui habite en mi-chemin des deux vont choisir Panama au lieux de Longeuil, principalent les gens de St-lambert et Greenfield park. dans une moindre mesure, le station dix30 va peux etre avantagieux pour certain gens de St Hubert our St-bruno. Autre que ca, ca change rien En fait, un aspect plus important sur ce dynamique vas etre les project SRB du RTL. On prevois un vrai SRB sur Taschereau, centré sur Panama, et aussi d'autre vois de bus reservé allieurs FYI:
  13. We've covered a lot of issues on how where when etc this project will happen, but one issue i'm wondering about is how will the transition period be managed? The timeline for construction is spring 2017 to 2020. But how much of that work involves shutting down existing systems? For example, the new Champlain bridge will be open in the fall of 2018, and the old bridge be closed ASAP. But the reserved bus lanes on the bridge will probably be converted to rail track at some point. What's the interim plan? stick with the old cone system on the car lanes for a couple years? Keep the old bridge open for buses only? Or Maybe the can be track set within asphalt like streetcar tracks such that buses could also use it when needed? Can I fantasize and imagine the South shore portion will be complete by the time the new bridge opens in late 2018 or early 2019? Ditto for deux-montagne. The tunnel and later tracking will all surely have to be closed so it can be rebuilt. I wonder what the interim plan is to get 50,000+ people downtown in the meantime? I'm guessing you close the system from Gare centrale to Sunnybrooke ASAP with bus shuttles to the metro(or something), then build the airport and west island spurs. Then you could run the REM and shut the deux-montagne line one station at a time with the AMT line terminating on the most recently completed station. I'm sure these questions will get answered during the coming consultations, but it's a tricky problem, with no perfect solutions.
  14. One other project that I hope gets a boost due to this is a orange line extension to bois-brian station. It's a no brainer and a huge benefit to the system. It might also really help transit towards Chomedey in laval whenever the orange line goes up that way. for lasalle, It all comes down to money doesn't it? In an ideal world I would hope that this puts an extension from Angrinion back on the table, it would help both lasalle as well as relieve congestion on sherbrooke/Loyola if they had a more northern route. but most likely we are looking at improved bus service/BRT at best.
  15. J'habite pas loins de chevrier et au rails que tu parle. Malheursuement il est regulierement et tres activement utilise pour le transport de merchandise. Il y a largement de la place pour avoir un deuxsime rail, alors theoretiqment il pourrai construire une ligne elevee dessus du ligne existant, mais no way in Hell CN vas leur lesser faire ca.
  16. Should be noted that the issue with Toronto is that Bombardier submitted a very low price bid, which relied on producing most of the vehicle at a plant in Mexico (with final work being done in Thunderbay) The mexico plant is having serious QA and reliability issues, and a lot of work is needing to be redone. It's a disaster. They are even shifting some of the order to La Pocatière to go faster(no idea what that means for Azur)
  17. Oui, et en plus, il vas inclure des barrieres de securite sur tour les platforme. Alors un meilleur example serai Dubai:
  18. eh? what do you mean by "real headway" the frequency stated in the technical docs is 3 mins max, ditto the frequency of the Canada line. Given that it's an automated line, I wouldn't be too surprised if it's faster, but if so wouldn't they say do so in Vancouver?
  19. Je connai pas le ouest aussi bien, mais brossard se prepare pour cette annouce depuis de annee. Voici la vision d'urbanisme pour 2017-2035: Il's espere pour plusieurs Milliard en investissment au cours des prochain decinnie.
  20. Ca vas etre interressant a voir. Ils coupe presque un quart du trajet et reduit le temps de 65 a 50 minute, meme en guardan le niveau de service pareil, il pourrai avoir 2-3 plus de voyages. Mais ca simplifie beaoucoup l'horraire par ce qu'il ne partage plus la lingue avec deux-montange. Du service chaque 30 minute par exemple. Serrai tres faisable.
  21. Change of subject a little bit. Someone previously noted that the quays are only 80m long (compared to the 150m long metro trains). A 4 car train has a max capacity of 600 people(probably crush capacity), and based on the published info max headway is 3 minutes. The Canada line also runs 3 mins max at peak hour, so i'm assuming this is a design limitation This means that the system has a maximum capacity of 12,000 people per hour. I'm worried that this may actually be too small, mainly due to the fact that you have 3 lines combining into one tunnel towards downtown. How is that going to work? I would imagine that there would be different numbered trains leaving brossard (1, 2 and 3?) and going to Bois Franc. Unfortunately this means that there is probably a limit of 6 minutes for each of the deux-montagne and west island lines. Thus neither would be capable of carrying over 6,000 people per hour. I don't think this will be a problem in the short term, but if each station does get a proper TOD with large density construction, it may quickly lead to over capacity. Thus I'm hoping all stations are designed to be easily expanded to 6 car trains (120m). this means a capacity of 900 people per train and 18,000 per hour. Which is much closer to a real heavy transit system. A second problem here is that the central portion is already saturated, which means there is no way to have a future mascouche REM line go straight downtown without reducing the frequency of other lines. Like any transportation system, it becomes inefficient when you have too many separate lines borrowing the same route, at some point, you need to simplify and add a transfer point. So one of 2 possibilities exists. Either the Mascouche REM works like the AMT one will and simply terminates at highway 40. Or(a more interesting possibility) they extend the "mascouche line" west to either the west island line or the deux montagne line. This would require an extra transfer of course, but it would greatly expand the capacity of the whole system. I imagine they've thought this all out, It's transportation planning 101. But I hope it'll come up at one of the coming consultations.
  22. Yes, they confirmed one of the synthetic fields will have attach points for an inflated dome, like Concordia has at Loyola. It means that 2016 forward the team will no longer train at Cegep Marie Victorin
  23. un petit video de TVA sport qui fait un tour de la caserne avec Richar Legendre: honnaitement il faut dire que c'est un espace bien plus large qu'il apparait de loin. Le video montre 3 salle de grand volume, plus plusieurs autre petit espace. Le propriete de 22000 pc veau ~$3 million, alors Saputo depense $7 million pour le renovation interne, plus renover 2 terrain gazon + 2 terrain synthetique(un avec dome). Pour un comparaison, TFC depense $20 million pour un nouveau centre de 36,000 pc plus 3 terrain, et le centre d'entrainment des canadiens a Brossard veau $36 million.
  24. Wait though, It's cool that they are converting the Old fire station into a training center (it's probably be the most architecturally sophisticated one in the league), but it looks like they are taking over Parc Champetre. I get that the city agreed to this, but this might raise a stink with some locals. Right now the spot has 2 soccer fields and a CFL spec Football field. They will convert that to 2 grass soccer fields and 2 Turf ones. It looks like both grass field will remain public by the CFL field area will become semi-private. It'll suck for a few people who use the space now, though overall i'm happy they went there.,-73.5306752,318m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
  25. La portion au centre ville c'est tu 2 option sur la meme carte? ou un trajet 'S' ? parce que ca a l'aire super bizzare.
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