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Tout ce qui a été posté par gelu88

  1. Y'a tu une raiser pourquoi one utilise pas la photo plus mise a jour avec les deux phase inclut, versus la vieille photo? Pour moi ce deuxième phase est assez essentiel, et ajoute beaucoup de utilite au projet.
  2. OUai. un extension vest Gare Dorval est un excellent idee pour un phase 2, mais a ce moment me semble assez inutile. Especiallment avec le ligne rose, qui vas grandement decider le futur de la ligne Dorion et le utilite de la gare dorval.
  3. Un aspect du connection vers l'aéroport qu'il faudrait suivre c'est la capacité du tunnel sous le Technoparc. C'est un tunnel de seulement 1 voie, pour sauver un peu d'argent. Mais ca vas limiter la capacité max. En contexte du demandé max de l'aéroport, ca devrai suffir, mais si on veut un extension vers la Station Dorval et offrir un trajet pour les gens de lachine, Dorval, etc, ca vas demander un deuxième tunnel vers le nord en plus du travail vers le sud.
  4. Un autre petit détail, le REM, comme la majorité de train automatisée, vas être ouvert an avant et en arrière, et alors des passager pourront avoir un point d'observation vraiment cool.
  5. Nah, le concepte Mirabel est mort. On gagne rien a continuer dans cette direction. Le vrai 2eme option est de Aerport St-Hubert, qui est Déjà a côté d'un ligne RTM actif et de l'autoroute 116/30, et a 10 minute du terminus REM dix30. En plus pour la Majorité de Montréalai, St-Hubert est aussi proche ou plus proche que Trudeau. Ils ont déjà commencé plusieur upgrade pour essayer d'attirer des client commericale. Etant donné les limite de Trudeau, j'anticipe du trafic commerciale "budget" partir de St-hubert éventuellement. Nouvelle de 2015: Y'a deja un petit companie qui vole de la: Et plein de petit charter. C'est assez simple pour eu de grandir si un Compagnie aérienne veux les utiliser.
  6. Le train express vas seulement rouler hors pointe, quand le temps entre les train sur la section centrale est toute les 5 minute, est sur les 3 branche toute les 15 minute. Alors y'a un trou de 10 minute sans train que l'expresse vas utiliser. On sais que l'expresse vas arrêter a bois franc(pour transférer les passager qui veuille allez vers l'ouest) et a gare centrale, mais la vrai question pour moi, c'est combien de train vont être express? Si je suis a Canora et je veux aller a Dorval, est ce qu'il faut que je prend un train a bois-franc et sortir point prendre un deuxième? ou est ce que les train terminus aéroport normal vont passer assez régulièrement? Honnnairement, entant dit que l'expresse est 20 minute vs 25 pour le train régulier, je vois pas le but. Ca donne tres peux d'avantage mais cause assez de complexité inutile.
  7. on a tu un update sur un connection de ils bizard vers ils Brigas ou laval? Je voie qu'il y a une petite traverse, je sais pas comment ca marche, mais un vrai pont piétonnier sera vraiment utile pour cette region.
  8. It's not part of the REM, and it won't be built in the short term but it's definitely in Ponite-Claire's plans. As is a pedestrian overpass right where the station is, connecting to Alston You can see it on their future plan for the fairview area: Everyone should read this document btw, it's really inspiring.
  9. Do we have detailed info about station locations? I thought they released a lot of that type of info in 2016? Also do we know exactly how much parking is going to be at the stations? how much new surface or elevated structures will be built? Or is all that info still unknown?
  10. I'd say they moved it because the dot is right on the intersection of the railway overpass and Boul SUnnybrooke. Wheras the DM platform starts 50m from the road and extends 200m farther east. If you look at other stations that remain where they are, the dot is right in the middle of the old platform. This leads me to conclude they will shift the station slightly so it's right next to the road. I'm not saying its a huge shift, but it's a much more optimal location than the old platform.
  11. yup, Kirkland is wrong, but so is Fairview. Last year it was moved east into the shopping mall lot. A few interesting tidbits though, assuming the rest is good. The Sunnybrooke station is shifted over to be next to Boul Gouin, which is much better than the current station randomly stuck behind a residential area. This gives it better access to the commercial street around it as well as the area at Des Sources and Gouin nearby. It also brings it closer to the bus stop, while making a few dozen parking spaces on the other side of the DM station obsolete. Gare Sunnybrooke is also shifted over to be near the intersection instead of far inside. It means far better connectivity and hopefully both stations means a future densification of Gouin overall. What's the deal with the Laval sur le lac gold club? is it doing well? because The Saint-dorothee station is basically in the middle of a residential area, and other than developing the parking lots it has no future densification potential. But if that golf club over shut down, they have the transit connection to justify some pretty huge developments. Especially since there's like, 4 other golf clubs in that area lol.
  12. oh, en fait la couleur naturel c'est la dans les image initiale:
  13. Not exactly true, there's a walking and cycling path going right under the bridge on the south shore. It offers a pretty cool view of the underside of the bridge.
  14. Another major element people have not talked about. What's the deal with the Cavendish overpass? If they build the overpass, along with a T intersection connecting boul Royalmount, it could greatly increase the connection of that area and no longer make it a dead end. This makes it better for the Royalmount project, but also for blue bonnet and any other neighborhood revitalization of the rest of the area. If I try to think utopian for a second, it's totally possible that in 30 years that entire area pulls a griffintown and turns into an entire highly populated urban area, with Royalmount acting as it's core. That's kinda what Longueuil wants to do around their metro, it's what all the REM stations hope for, and such connection is totally possible here if they plan it right We have no idea right now how this project is actually going to be laid out. If it's not crap, we could have a pretty decent long term plan, and the project could catalyse the rest of the industrial area around it to "residentialize". They are talking about cycling access and walkability, so it's possible the urban design might be decent. But we have no idea, and we are at the whims of anonymous designers over how it will end up, because TMR gave them total control.
  15. Non, le pont actual a 3 voie, et un voie d'urgence qui est conçu pour réduire la congestion en situation de panne ou urgence. Cette voie vas être converti en temp de pointe comme voie réservée autobus, mais elle etait tousjour la. Alors en large c'est le meme system qui est utilise pour la voie réservée sur l'autoroute 40
  16. Pas une surprise, c'a a été la plans depuis le debut. Construite les voie du REM qui est aussi compatible avec les autobus est possible, mais on ajoute la complexité pour de rien. La voie d'accotement est une solution totalement raisonnable, qui devrait nous donner un qualité de service identique au situation courante.
  17. I've read the entirety of this thread. The most important issue no one has talked about is parking. How many spots? are we sure they are all free? The single most important number for the sustainability of this whole project is the number of parking spots per unit area. It's pretty clear that this project will have very few surface level spots. They will almost all be underground. In that case, they can add a few hundered, maybe a couple thousand without much issue, similar to how the center of dix30 does it. This would also control the maximum level of congestion, since people won't come by car if they can't park without stress. But if they want more, if we're talking 3,4 or 5000 free spaces, they will have to spend a huge amount of money. If parking is free, that cost will be downloaded to leasee's (which usually incentivizes luxury users over cheaper ones) This also leads to the congestion nightmare we are all afraid of. But it's not a guarantee. If they have paid parking, the dynamics change quite a lot. This immediately makes using transit more viable for many riders who could do it either way. The most common way malls do it without pushing people away is to offer free parking if users spend X amount of money while they are there. We don't have any details, but my point is that *any* amount of parking management policies can have a huge effect on how this project affects traffic patterns overall. Another element that I find curious, why isn't Carbonleo lobbying for an extension of the Orange line to Bois-franc? They are only talking about a shuttle, which we all know is not going to be used very much by local users. A shuttle from the airport is a bit better, but it makes no sense in the context of a new 6 Billion dollar transit system that is scheduled to come online at almost the exactly same time as the Royalmount project. Having a direct transfer from the REM to the orange line, then being able to get off at De la Savane and walk to the mall seems to me to be a hugely attractive option for thousands of users in the west, but also from the core and south. If they were serious about transit, that would be a major priority. To comment on the arguments that have gone in circles over the past months, I would say that I think this area would absolutely benefit from re-development. Putting in a $1billion is absolutely something everyone should want. The question is, what type of project works best for that area? Having a large commercial element be a part of the project is totally reasonable, but if we want to minimise long travel times, it's best to make the local density as high as possible. Having thousands of new residents that could get there without using the highway helps, Blue bonnets and the entire corridor around devonshire could be developed and link Royalmount to a population distinct from the highway access. The Cavendish overpass, with a T junction towards Boul Royalmount, is essential to maximising its local value. but a transit focus is also essential. The key for getting people to use transit is how the new development is designed. If the layout of the project on the highway side is properly focused on pedestrians, they will use it. If it's more focused on people coming from parking lots, more of those people will come. Consider Solar Uniquartier, which in many ways is an identical project, but one which seems to have much less of a car focus.(and includes 40% residential, which is no accident) This project was much worse last year when there was zero plans for residential. If the plan now is a smaller retail part with phases to be added later, that is more reasonable. If in the long run we could totally eliminate the industrial activity in that area and have royalmount be the nexus for an entire high density mixed use community, anchored by a active metro station, The future of the area could be pretty bright. But the rhetoric of the developers is not inspiring me that the right choices will be made.
  18. hmm, bizarre ca. c'est assez loin du système, et est pas du tout connecté au chantier qui pourrait faire une connection éventuellement. espécialement parce que la poste de Transformation a Brossard et St-Laurent sont littéralement collé a côté du trajet.
  19. Le nouveau tunnel piétonnier vas lier le nouveau quartier Bell avec la rue place du commerce, l'ancien rue commerciale de l'île des soeur. C'est des gros tour de bureau et les commerce style banlieusard avec des stationnement giante. J'espère que la proximité et accès direct avec la station vas permettre du redevelopment de cette endrois au complet. Pour des annee, les gens de IDS font plainte que y'a just un lien pour aller a l'île. C'était toujours trop dispendieux de créer un deuxième lien pour une si petite population. Le REM vas beaucoup aider c'est gens, mais je crains que la population vas vouloir conduire au station, et résister du développement, ce qui vas vraiment limiter son potentiel.
  20. Interessant. pas une surprise, mais le viaduct pour le station ile-des soeur vas être construit pas le consortium SSL.
  21. En fait, je crois que cette construction est liée au nouveau règlement pour allez au etas-unis. Il vas avoir un poste de douane complet au gare centrale avec des agent américain. Cela permet lès train de voyager vest le sud sans avoir besoin d'arrêter a la frontière, ce qui cause des gros délais.
  22. Meh, le detail le plus important point moi, c'est que le viaduct est en fait 4cm plus haut que le panneau indique.Si les camion le frappe, c'est leurs faute. Je presume que 3.95cm passe les standard routièredu MTQ et les standard internationale? si oui comment est ce que les camion son cree plus haut? Bref, Je crois pas que la Caisse vas remplacer le pont. Il est en condition parfait. Si il veux regler se probleme et reduire la chance de colision plus dangereux, on a juste a refaire l'asphalte et creuser la route plus profond. Clairement le problème est juste quelque cm edit: je vien de checker les reglement officiel du SAAQ et aussi en Ontario. La hauteur max des camion c'est 4.15m Alors ouais... c'est apparemment un vieux pont qui a ete "grandfathered in"
  23. Whining or not, the exact timetable of the DM shutdown is a very important issue. Minimising it must be among the consortium's main priorities. The worst case scenario of a total shutdown from DM to downtown is very bad for the city, since temporary buses have no way to get all the way downtown. The obvious solution is to have special buses terminate at Cote-Vertu, or increased service to Fairview bus terminus. But without reserved lanes they will get stuck in traffic, which will greatly increase shifting to cars in the interim. Sure, much of that will come back once the new system is online, but that's not guaranteed. They need to take this seriously (which I think they are) A full shutdown for two years seems like a extreme situation, I don't expect that to be the case. They have some flexibility. They can build some parts of it first without shutting down the line. Here are a few ideas: The current line is dual track until just before sunnybrooke where it spits towards the airport. This means that could build some of the new tracks(maybe some of the stations) from Gare Centrale to Bois franc while still keeping partial service downtown running. SInce the rail yard is in DM, If they need to shut down the central portion, they can still run the trains from DM to Sunnybrook, then have buses from there to different metro stations or bus lines. They can also totally complete the west island branch without affecting the network, and once the center branch is done, they could have full service from Bellevue to Brossard. Perhaps they wait till that time to shut down the Sunnybrooke to DM section, which is not as bad, since users could use buses or cars to get to Kirkland, Bellvue, Fairview. Which is still a lot better than buses all the way to the core. Heck, i'm not sure if this is possible, but if they can run from DM independently for a while, the REM could advance from Sunnybrook westward one station to Roxborought. You "REMify" one station, provide buses from that station to the next. That leaves the last three, which probably need to be shut down together, since it makes no sense to use the train if you can't even get on the island. I'm sure many of these ideas don't work with the infrastructure they have, but my point is that some sort of staged shutdown is much more likely than a full shutdown of the line. I am very excited for April when we get these details.
  24. Un aspect dans le nouveau reportage au Gazette qu'on savais pas avant: Si on regarde leurs projection l'année passée , on a tous conclu que c'est vraiment conservateur, alors si la ligne a du moindre succès, le coût pas usager vas etre assez bas.
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