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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Then they shouldn’t be in the business of proposing and building public transit infrastructure. Public transit is a social service, not a for-profit business. Imagine if we privatized the building, maintenance and operation of all roads and highways. Imagine if that private roadways corporation ignored the concerns of the public, the recommendations of public, academic, and government bodies that attempted to provide some oversight. Then imagine that that corporation held the government hostage and demanded a 99-year contract to get overpaid for every single rider in every single vehicle using those roads, after building the roads in places they weren’t really needed, forcing drivers to use roundabout routes to get where they need to go. There would be rioting in the privatized streets!
  2. Not sure transit users are popping in to either of them. 😉
  3. I big, dead mall. There is a Tim Horton. We will see what Broccolini has planned for the redevelopment.
  4. Ça va arriver lorsque l’achalandage sera assez importante pour supporter des PE.
  5. J’espère que cette station va dépanner beaucoup de monde. 😉
  6. Rigueur, rigueur, rigueur. Toc toc toc toc
  7. If it gets the attention of yuppies and DINKs living in NDG and frees those up, it still helps the shortages. In other words, in a growing economy, everyone is upwardly mobile.
  8. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Incidentally (and way off-topic), the India v England cricket test match this weekend is in Chennai, and during breaks they are showing (mostly-overhead) shots of the city and surrounding areas and it looks very nice. 🙂
  9. Thanks for this. I’ve been meaning to respond to the past whataboutisms referencing UPX. The funniest part about UPX is that it’s called a “premium” service! I think that’s because of the fare price more than anything. 😂 The original ADM proposal for the YUL Aéroport Express that James Cherry was promoting was going to be a similar to UPX: a spur to the A20 corridor with express shuttle service direct to Central Station for a premium fare. The proposed YUL Express wouldn’t serve the needs of any local transit users.
  10. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Chennai looks like a beautiful city. That’s a full-size, heavy rail Metropolis, but the guideway on this segment is overbuildé. Incidentally, they used 12 TBMs for the tunnel sections under the most densely constructed parts of the city. 12. For a 45 km line with approximately 20 km of tunnels. We are lazy.
  11. Thanks. You know how painful it is when espresso comes out your nose? 😂 ETA: yes I know the English expression would be, “if you want to nitpick, go ahead,” but yours is waaay funnier.
  12. Il y a plusieurs méthodes d’éliminer les caténaires, dépendant de la situation. Pour des trajets assez courts, mettons, à travers un centre historique, on pourrait dépendre sur quelque type d’accumulateur (piles, super-condensateurs).
  13. That makes it distinctive, but is it a benefit? Like, it does nothing for me, and if the rental shortages go back to 2019 levels then a 500-unit rental building is better than a 73-unit building every day of the week.
  14. That’s what I expect. In the next decade. I guess I wasn’t clear. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. Merci d’avoir changé l’entête du fil. 😏😉
  16. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I watched this earlier and it is excellent. Paris is lovely, even the “ugly” parts.
  17. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Hrmmmm. It would take a looooooong time for the slightly increased operating expenses of a bus line over an APM to make up the huge difference in construction expenses. I may not be a transit professional like you, but as far as being a taxpayer (and pension rights holder) in this province and still having enough viable brain cells left to see pork when I smell it, $10 Billion can buy a lot of more-reasonable infrastructure, and can pay a lot of human salaries. I'm not saying a BRT would be ideal along REM-B's proposed alignment, but then again, why is REM-B's proposed alignment considered ideal in the first place? In other words, if this $10 Billion metro line only warrants a limited capacity light rail, we should be doing more work to right-size it, or propose it along an alignment that would actually benefit from a $10 Billion mega-project. We are lazy.
  18. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    You don't think REM-A is replete with problems and ignored concerns and recommendations? I'll reiterate that I, like many, am excited about the prospect of rapid transit in my part of the city, but I'm certainly not wearing rose-coloured glasses about REM and the Caisse bulldozing ahead. I understand perfectly well why residents in other areas are drooling at the prospect of REM-B, -C, etc, and why third-ring exurban mayors and communes are willing to sell their souls for a "REM metro" to their far-flung McMansionvilles and dairy farms and SmartCentres. I mean, the government is signing blank cheques, so why not?! But I stand by what I wrote: after 40 years of neglect, during which period several multiples more was spent on roads and highways in the metropolitan area than on transit, it seems our various levels of government are ready to deficit spend, giving a huge wad of cash to a quango to build a glitzy, one-size-fits-almost-none metro system rather than using all the analysis and studies completed over the past 40 years to spend properly on a well-designed and integrated transit system that benefits the areas it serves. Cat Fournier was 100% correct in her outrage this week, and M. Bonnardel was barely able to skate within the lines while evading her questions.
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