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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. I’m still fascinated by the large, single-bore tunnel with stacked stations platforms within the tunnel bore itself. It was the main thrust of the original Pink Line proposal. Long elevators on most of the 30+ stations would suck dead monkey balls, though. Maybe they could borrow the technique St-Petersburg used, diagonal bores for looooooong escalators.
  2. Barcelona Line 9. Alstom Metropolis driverless trains. 86 m long, overhead catenary. Similar in most respects to REM-A (except for open gangways throughout, like Sydney). No driver cab — the below video is from the “front vitrine” inside the train. If anyone tells me it’s not as smooth as Montreal, or it’s screeching too much… I have nothing left to say.
  3. You’re still telling me “rubber is smoother than steel because steel screeches.” Straw man. We’re done here.
  4. Please tell me you’ve actually been on the ones in Paris and Barcelona you’re claiming are horrible. And again, what about the ride quality? You countered my original claim that “modern steel-on-steel metros ride more comfortably than any rubber-tired metro” by dishing out the straw man that “steel wheels screech incessantly” (also untrue). Watch this again, a new Paris metro train running on an old line (1908) and tell me you hear any screeching or “tak tak” over rail joints. The only thumping is over a switch entering the station, and the only reason you hear it is because the train is so quiet to begin with. On the Montreal Metro you can’t even hear yourself think. But the ride quality? Come on, man. Stop trolling.
  5. Je pense que nous n'avons pas réussi à communiquer ici; LRS est utilisé dans pratiquement toutes les nouvelles constructions ferroviaires du monde industrialisé moderne, y compris les métros, les tramways et les SLR. Ce qui définit un métro, ce n’est pas la courbure ou l’écartement des voies, c’est le but qu’il sert. Le GPE n’est pas un «équipement de métro utilisé sur un infa de train standard», c’est simplement un métro. Le REM sera un métro, même s'il utilise des équipements de tramway dans des ensembles de deux voitures. Il utilisera également le LRS avec l’écartement des rails standard et n’a pas de virages serrés.
  6. Merci! Est-ce qu’un mod peut ajouter ce lien à l’en-tête? Express Metropolitain&nStartingSite=L0NND5C3F&sStartingImage=K0OYpBiR8nu70NmcbyNsMWA1UUM%3D
  7. What are you even talking about? GPE is a metro, pure and simple. Five-car, 1000-passenger, automated trainsets running underground at two-minute intervals as part of the Paris Métro and operated by RATP. It is a metro. Have you actually ridden modern steel-wheeled metros? Even Vancouver’s Expo line from the 80s is smoother than any rubber-tired metro I’ve ridden; metros in Sydney, Seoul, Hong Kong and Singapore are like riding on glass compared to Montreal, Santiago and Paris pneumatics.
  8. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    That’s exactly my point. Trams simply don’t cost $100 million-$150 million-$250 million a kilometre. Holding up Hamilton or Eglinton as examples of how bad tramways and LRTs are ignores the fact that mismanagement and bad decisions caused their costs to balloon. It is the same as saying our Blue line shouldn’t be built because in Spain, fully automated underground subways in much more complicated city basements somehow only cost $150 million a kilometre, but ours will be closer to a Billion dollars per kilometre. You can’t complain about the cost of Hamilton’s tram while trying to justify the cost of the Blue line extension. And yet.
  9. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    There might be some delays because my backyard pool isn’t ready yet
  10. Let’s hope STM and the City do it properly after being obligated to expropriate the whole Le Boulevard shopping centre, and either redevelop it to add TOD (housing, shops and services), or sell the excess off at market value to a progressive developer who would turn it into a modern, human-scale transit-oriented neighbourhood.
  11. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Yes. Trams are cool. But now imagine if the authorities approved something like that here, a tram that would be perfectly ok at street level for $30M/km but now they’ve elevated it to make a “signature” and it’s $300M/km! Oh wait, that’s essentially what the REM-B proposal is, an automated, elevated tram at $300M/km.
  12. I thought about that but it’s added expense and upkeep for minimal impact except to us nerds. 😉 Busy with cars and trucks driven by normal people who aren’t nerds on this forum looking up. They are too busy looking down at their phones.
  13. In the 80s and 90s, when I used to visit my relatives scattered across Europe, it always struck me that —although they all lived in “suburbs” of major cities and all owned cars — the concept of strip malls, indoor shopping centres, and even supermarkets was foreign to them. Every suburb was basically still a village unto itself like they had always been since before the sprawling cities enveloped them, and my relatives and all their neighbours took public transit for 95% of their daily trips. To me at the time, it seemed like they only owned cars to shuttle us back and forth the airports! 😄 Can you imagine if this “new” paradigm of walkable suburbs took hold here, and malls became residential developments with shops and services within easy access of efficient buses and the Metro/REM/exo?
  14. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Yeah my fear is that they’ll show us sketches that look amazing and everyone will ooh and aah and the realized project will look nothing like the renderings and mock-ups. omg
  15. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I look forward to seeing what they propose as a “signature” but seeing the relative glibness with which they cut corners after-the-fact, my glass remains half-empty.
  16. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Right, and also, who said the structure would touch the hotel? I’ve joked about the station going in the hotel because of all the empty rooms, but a station up above the middle of a 33 metre wide boulevard wouldn’t touch what is the completely nondescript façade of the Queen E. However, a signature design could integrate the station with a revamped southern Esplanade of PVM. I can’t wait to see how they come up with solutions to the crazy engineering challenges of an aerial structure on top of the RL bridge and Central Station complex directly underneath it, but going underground would be too difficult — which leads me to believe they won’t even put the station at PVM/Central, but stop short of it… making it even less of an interchange station. Im still not against an elevated structure on RL, but if the compromises keep piling up, I really would rather they build the terminal station east of downtown, perhaps at Labelle (Berri).
  17. Même dans les villes bien implantées ou florissantes: regardez les commerces abandonnés du boulevard St-Jean à DDO ou les strip-malls anémiques du boulevard de Pierrefonds. Pathétique. Les centres d’achats “strip-mall” et les petits centres commerciaux intérieures sont déjà condamnés à mort.
  18. Grey day for pics and the snow banks on the opposite side of Avenue Fairview and the Service Road didn’t allow me to safely get closer or directly in front. The stairways on both sides are progressing well, and now the structure of the upper walls and roofs of the platforms is going up. The grey prefab panels under the stairways went up a couple of weeks ago, but this was my first chance to stop by since the holidays. @crosbyshow I like to share the love 😂
  19. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I mean, CDPQi has already reported serious degradation of the inherited infrastructure underneath McGill College… Who is to say that the entire area from Cathcart to de Maisonneuve, and from RB to the cathedral isn’t destined for condemnation. If the whole enchilada needs to be dug up and rebuilt to avoid “effondrement” and “affaissement” then who knows?
  20. Pour le REM-A c’est bien 72¢ par passager par kilometre!
  21. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I’ve said before the façade of the Queen E is nothing remarkable so if that station ended up being fully connected and integrated to the PVM Esplanade I don’t think that’s the fin du monde.
  22. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    To be fair, CDPQi is only the promoter and owner; they put out a RFP and accepted bids tendered by consortia of very experienced and qualified firms.
  23. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est That would certainly be a signature.
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