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Tout ce qui a été posté par LindbergMTL

  1. Est-ce que quelqu’un connaît ici la petite histoire de ce règlement? Qui a pris la décision? Quand? Était-ce un groupe, une personne d’influence? Y a-t-il eu un processus démocratique derrière cette décision? Et si c’eta un peu plus occulte qu’on le pensait. Je me suis mis à imaginer que peut-être c’était le clergé qui ne voulait pas que la nouvelle ville moderne dépasse la hauteur de la croix sur le Mont-Royal. Ce n’est qu’une hypothèse bien sûr. Mais l’opacité de cette situation peut nourrir toutes sortes d’hypothèse en fait.
  2. Je suis en Caroline du Sud en ce moment. Presque la moitié des gens ont des corps complètement déformés par l’embonpoint Ici. Hallucinant.
  3. Magnifique cette tour! Toute en transparence.
  4. C’est un design prometteur je trouve.
  5. MAD's landmark tower proposal seeks to reconnect Melbourne citizens with nature MAD architects has revealed its proposal for the ‘southbank by beulah’ tower competition. in contrast to melbourne’s typical glass, box-like buildings, MAD’s design incorporates forms that resemble mountains, trees, and clouds in an attempt to reconnect citizens with nature. the proposal is competing against entries from other high-profile firms, including BIG, coop himmelb(l)au, MVRDV, OMA, and UNStudio with the result to be announced on august 8, 2018.
  6. Bien content de voir ce projet se concrétiser. Mon seul bémol, c'est le l'édifice à bureaux. J'aurais préféré une montée en escalier, une gradation du volume à partir de l'ancienne gare. Je le trouve banal et sans relation avec son voisin patrimonial.
  7. La toile de la toile, ou comment un algorithme apprend à peindre  Publié le vendredi 16 février à 11 h 30 HNE CHRONIQUE - Ceci est l'histoire d'une toile peinte par absolument personne et qui est en vente pour 15 566,62 $. Son créateur? \min_G \max_D \mathbb{E}_{x\sim p_{data}(x)} [\log D(x))] + \mathbb{E}_{z\sim p_z(z)} [\log(1-D(G(z)))]. Voici la genèse de la toile Le comte de Belamy. Un texte de Matthieu Dugal, animateur de La sphère Cette déclaration se retrouve sur la page d’accueil de cette expérience artistique qu’on dirait tout droit sortie de Bladerunner 2049, sauf que l’œuvre est à vendre au coût de 10 000 euros sur la plateforme eBay et qu’elle provient en partie de… Montréal. Ces lignes de code, c’est littéralement ce à quoi peut ressembler l’intelligence artificielle lorsqu’elle est formalisée en laboratoires. C’est avec ce nom qu’un collectif d’artistes français, Obvious Art, a signé cette toile. Et vous qui pensiez que le serbo-croate manquait de voyelles... Accédez à l’article et à l’image de la toile. Elle s’est vendue pour $15k can.
  8. Je n'ai que de bons souvenirs de Vancouver. Merci de poster tes photos et je vais lire tes reportages avec intérêt!
  9. Why the smart money is on the Twin Cities for finance operations — artificial intelligence Welcome to the Twin Cities, the (potential) back-office capital of the upper Midwest. Hey, it could happen. In fact, some corporate consultants say the Twin Cities metro is well positioned to become a national or even global destination for banks and financial services companies that are looking to relocate their back-office operations to cheaper surroundings. Think of accounting, IT, cyber-security, payroll, records maintenance, payment processing and the like. Those back-end operations — which don’t require face-time with clients — don’t necessarily need to be housed within the typical corporate, big-city headquarters. They’re happy on their own in smaller-market suburbs, provided there’s a wealth of talent nearby. “Since 2015, New York City has lost more than 30,000 banking jobs to smaller markets like Nashville and Salt Lake City,” said corporate relocation consultant John Boyd, who frequently works with economic development groups such as Greater MSP to help them compare the costs of doing business in different regions of the country. Boyd says key changes in the financial services industry — including recent banking deregulation moves that could lead to a wave of new mergers — make it more and more likely that back-end services will be relocated out of financial hubs like London, New York, San Francisco and Chicago to surroundings with cheaper overhead, lower labor costs and an educated workforce. The Twin Cities may not be an especially low-cost market — it’s more like middle of the road — but the metro offers all three criteria in spades, according to a new report from Boyd and the Boyd Co. The Princeton, N.J.-based consultant has been flying into Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport with greater regularity. “(High-end), ‘Class A’ office space in Midtown Manhattan can approach $170 per square foot,” Boyd said in an interview last week. “Here in the Twin Cities, you can negotiate $30 per square foot.” The Twin Cities metro also offers something bankers used to fear but are now embracing: access to artificial intelligence. Industry insiders say it won’t be long before as many as a third of financial services jobs are replaced by robots and computer programs. And that side of the industry won’t be designed by bank tellers or accountants. It will be assembled, maintained and expanded by technologists. FORGET SAN FRANCISCO AND CHICAGO — WATCH OUT FOR MONTREAL If cities market themselves correctly, Boyd says, automation could make markets like the Twin Cities metro future power players in the banking industry, given their proximity to the University of Minnesota, which is on the cutting edge of artificial intelligence research. But they already face stiff competition in Montreal. “I don’t think people realize the degree to which AI is playing into site selection today,” said Boyd, pointing to Boston-based State Street’s and New York-based Morgan Stanley’s decision to move 2,000 workers to Montreal. “The University of Montreal has the best AI program in the world. You’re competing with Montreal more than people realize.” The impact that artificial intelligence could play in the physical relocation of corporate offices resonates with Joel Akason, vice president of Business Investment and Research with Greater MSP, a Twin Cities-based economic development group. “Given what we know, Boyd’s points on the … region’s competitiveness due to lower costs and proximity to AI seem to be correct,” Akason said. Meanwhile, high housing costs in Chicago and coastal areas have made relocating workers there even more difficult, and smaller markets like the Twin Cities even more attractive. An educated workforce is key. Boyd notes that when companies up and move, roughly half of their workers stay put, so they have to hire local talent — or convince more workers that relocating doesn’t amount to a pay cut after housing costs are factored in. DODD-FRANK IS LOOSENED And closer to Silicon Valley, technologists can charge more for their skills. “Bankers are competing with IT ‘trophy’ employers like Apple and Google, and bankers need to pay a premium for that talent,” Boyd said. “Labor costs tend to dominate the equation.” Boyd notes that the Trump administration has softened banking regulations that were put in place after the financial panic of 2008. The Dodd-Frank act — formally known as the “Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act” — required even small community banks to spend millions of dollars proving compliance. With those rules loosened, banks will have access to more capital, and they can grow their assets five-fold from the previous limit of $50 billion to $250 billion without intense federal scrutiny. That means the financial industry — and consumers in general — can expect a wave of mergers and acquisitions, which will lead to “money moves:” corporations making new location decisions, shuffling their headquarters and relocating their back-office operations. Yes, the Twin Cities metro has a reputation for offering relatively limited tax incentives while imposing hefty state income and property taxes. Nevertheless, “companies want it all,” said Boyd, who points out that a strong quality of life, good schools and other assets are strong selling points. He said Minnesota would do well to further explore more non-tax-based incentives, like workforce training, which “serve a public good.” FROM THE BOYD REPORT: The Boyd Co. ranked 40 cities around the world — including Paris, London, New York City, San Francisco, San Jose (Costa Rica) and others — based on the cost of operating a financial services back office for a year. Those costs include labor, electricity, office rents, amortization and sales taxes, and corporate travel. NO. 1 — SAN FRANCISCO: At $13.6 million per year, San Francisco ranked as the the costliest city in which to operate a financial services back office. NO. 12 — MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL METRO: At $11.3 million per year, the Twin Cities metro ranked as the 12th-costliest city. NO. 37 — MONTREAL: At $8.5 million, Montreal ranked as the fourth most affordable city in the survey. Montreal has drawn some 2,000 workers from Boston-based State Street and New York-based Morgan Stanley. NO. 40 — WARSAW: At $5.6 million, Warsaw, Poland, ranked as the most affordable of the 40 cities surveyed. Credit Suisse AG has moved a growing number of back-office operations there.
  10. Bon ça ne gagnera pas de concours d’architecture, mais le château Viger sera rénové et ne se verra pas écrasé par une tour de verre banale. Un bel espace en perspective, bravo!
  11. Je crains fort pour leur prochain projet, la tour du jardin Domtar. ?
  12. Les services de cartes de crédit Desjardins quittent ce building pour le Stade Olympique, ce qui ouvre le champs pour remonter cet immeuble d’une coche.
  13. Non, je ne pensais pas à un terrain en particulier, quoi que maintenant que j'y pense, y a pas un Bureau en Gros de trop dans le voisinage?
  14. Madame Plante semble bien têtue. Si j'étais le musée, qui fait état de l'histoire de Montréal, je me tournerais vers un terrain vacant proche de la station Victoria, et bâtirait un superbe nouveau musée spacieux, à la fois au centre-ville et dans le Vieux Montréal, non loin de Pointe-A-Calliere et du Vieux Port.
  15. Belle vue à partir d'une future tour de 70 étages.
  16. Ca fait des années que j'ai mis les pieds dans ce quartier, mais à l'époque, c'était un coin bien déprimant. Personne sur Saint-Denis, Ontario, Berri. Ouf!
  17. Le McCord est un musée d'histoire montréalaise. Je le verrais bien plus dans le Vieux-Montréal en synergie avec le musée Pointe-A-Callière, et proche du redéveloppement de tout le quartier autour du Silo #5 (qui viendra bien tot ou tard). Il deviendrait un incontournable pour les touristes et tous ceux qui veulent mieux comprendre le riche passé de la ville. Il n'a pas vraiment sa place dans le quartier des spectacles à mon avis.
  18. L'évocation ressemble clairement à un Humaniti Redux, mais encore plus gros. Si c'est le cas, ils vont le lancer lorsque le premier sera tout vendu, pour ne pas le cannibaliser.
  19. Je verrais le Musée McCord au Silo #5, dans un ensemble hotelier, résidentiel et pedestre. De grandes projections des milliers de photos du musée sur les parois internes et externes du silo.
  20. Est-ce que quelqu'un sait si ce chantier est en marche ? Je parle de l'hôtel à la place de l'ancienne maison Alcan?
  21. Ca ressemble beaucoup à ce qui se construit sur Lafayette ou Bowery dans le Lower East Side.
  22. Le Septième Art, l'art des écorchés vifs, rouge sang!
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