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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. Don't ask for an update, become the update. 😂
  2. Stop building??? This is an essential public transit project for the Montreal Metro area, regardless of the 10% decline due to WFH accommodations.
  3. Construction has already started on this one
  4. Unless I’m mistaken, the sketch for the project in BC only includes 1 tower. Two different sketches
  5. April 24, 2021 Tracks have been completely removed on the east and west sides of the Toupin crossing
  6. There is nothing planned for the north portion of the site. Two towers on the south parcel, and if it’s not 2x200, it will be very close.
  7. The Forum ghosts continue to possess people in Cabot Square
  8. All these new messages... thought you guys had some updates 😬
  9. budgebandit

    Montreal's Future Skyline

    Wrong... but he can get you there quickly if YOU have business there
  10. the project across the street (Noria condos) is in full swing as well
  11. Tu n'auras pas du Square Children. And don't forget, twins can be fraternal.
  12. yes he is... it should have been changed to proposed weeks ago ! TBD !
  13. Effectivement mais je trouve ca dommage que la ville essaye de limiter l'hauteur max. La valeur du terrain va refleter le potentiel de développement, malgre l'avis défavorable de la ville, donc je serais tres surpris qu'il y a une baisse dans le prix demandé. Outre la valeur du terrain, il y a aussi la complexité du projet à prendre en compte, ainsi que les risques inhérentes à cette complexité. Dans ce cas particulier, les risques sont notamment dans l'excavation + les 10 premières étages (en raison de l'église adjacente). Que le projet soit 92m ou 192m, c'est essentiellement les memes risques.
  14. Ah ouais ?? I feel like each of those lots can accommodate two towers
  15. To reiterate lol Limiting this lot to 92m is a death blow.
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