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denpanosekai a gagné pour la dernière fois le 28 janvier 2020

denpanosekai a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

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  • Type d’habitation
    Maison unifamiliale / single family home

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Why can't we have pinned posts at the top of each page anymore?
  2. Not sure where this goes but Fiiiiiinally Starting in mid-July, users will once again be able to use the North tunnel, which has been closed for several years due to various deficiencies. In addition to vegetation clearing, improvements include lighting, path markings, and signage. The North and South tunnels will return to one-way traffic (eastbound and westbound), thereby reducing the risk of user incidents. Pedestrians and cyclists will have separate, dedicated lanes. These improvements are intended to make tunnel usage more enjoyable and safe for everyone.
  3. That sidewalk going north on guy is too damn narrow
  4. Yep pathetic Nobody should join the gaming industry at this point Psychopathic CEOs looking to please shareholders at any cost Go indie or tech (and even then it's dreary)
  5. Absolutely no progress since late 2022 And the url is broken
  6. Maison Benoît-Labre: la situation est pire que jamais près du centre d’injection et d’inhalation supervisé
  7. You're not wrong But I'm no longer the target audience
  8. Yeah I'm just some dumb verdun engineer and I think this looks ugly asf
  9. All for density but does it have to be so ugly?
  10. Well that's a goddamn bummer.
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