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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. So in other words, it’s not that it can’t be done, it just needs the will to do it.
  2. Thanks for finding and sharing that!
  3. Exactly. I’ve brought it up before but I honestly don’t know the answers. I’ve visited many of the best laneways in Melbourne, and they each have a different character as well as a different vocation. Laneway transformation programs are spreading across Australia and some of those I’ve visited in other cities exhibit varying degrees of “conversion” and cleanliness, but I honestly can’t tell how they handle the behind-the-curtain services that we seem to cast as the main reason we can’t have nice laneways here.
  4. Pendant les travaux qui s’en viennent l’année prochaine?
  5. I’m still on furlough, I may do a tour closer to downtown this week; maybe I’ll trespass again sshhhhhhh
  6. Semble à des paquets de traverses en béton, quasiment 15 000...
  7. The exact point where the old Doney spur splits for the Aéroport and Anse-À-L’Orme branches:
  8. Le gars de Sécuritas semble être endormi dans l’autre coin du chantier le samedi, alors... une petite promenade sans caps-d’acier au Techno-parc pour aller visitor Alice! 😂😂
  9. I like this answer. There are many passionate members here, so sometimes the simplest or most logical answer eludes us.
  10. Ok so which is the real one for the Gare Centrale platform? This one? Or this one?
  11. Montreal’s construction booms seem to follow roughly a 30-year cycle, so hopefully I’ll be around for the next one that fills in R-B. 😉
  12. Lol exactement! NB que la pente menant à la structure aérienne à VSL est assez graduelle, et je m'attends à une déscente similaire à Anse-À-L’Orme, qui est probablement d’une inclination similaire que le viaduc du terminus de Brossard.
  13. The rendering in the pinned post has been bothering me for a LONG time. What are we looking at there? I know it’s the platform... ...but where are the tracks? The platform screen doors? We see people on the other side of the X-braces looking towards us, presumably waiting for a train. But why are the people on this side walking where the tracks are supposed to be? It’s a bad rendering. Or is it possible that two trenches will be filled and constitute one big central platform, with the screen-door-protected REM tracks actually three tracks apart at the station to accommodate that big platform?
  14. I thought Cominar only has the air rights above the trackage and platforms, much like IC owns the air rights at PVM.
  15. Lol they magically transplanted some Sakura trees when they installed the musical swing sets?
  16. C'est à ce point que l’antenne qui fait son écart après la 13 devient aérienne, et tout juste avant de se séparer encore vers l’aéroport et SAdB.
  17. Douglas-B.-Floreani, pas loin d’Henri-B et la 40.
  18. I’m wondering if we can expect some of the flyovers (O’Brien, Toupin, Alexander) to look like the berm at Douglas-B.-Floreani.
  19. Kirquitlam. 😉😁 So NOT “embourbé”...? 😁
  20. This exactly. On y voit ailleurs des chevêtres à deux colonnes, ainsi que quelques chevêtres asymmétriques; c’est à cause des obstacles aux colonnes, ils aident à maintenir le trajet sans trop de zigonnage.
  21. Doubling of services or increasing or even initiating off-peak service can only be a good thing. That said, il est triste qu’une flotte d’EMU parfaitement utilisables soit découpée, avec peut-être un moteur et une remorque qui finiront à St-Constant.
  22. Well, having watched them build the forms for Fairview this time last year, it will be interesting to see it take shape. But it’s twice as high off the ground!
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