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Doctor D

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Tout ce qui a été posté par Doctor D

  1. Am I mistaken or do these two projects both claim the same space?
  2. Boston was the same until they put it underground with the famous "Big Dig". Seattle had the same problem and is taking the same action.
  3. Fairview has been under renovations for the past ten years.
  4. Pretty suggestive painting. A whole Georgia O'keeffe thing happening.
  5. New development in Westmount on de Maisoneuve just west of Victoria. Sign says 75% sold and there is some activity. Very close to Vendome metro but not really aimed at those who take the metro. Website:
  6. Could be but surrounded by new residences.
  7. Project in Lachine
  8. Pretty big project to fly under the radar. Only thing I can find about it is that it is a project by Davmont Gestion Immobiliere
  9. Doctor D

    The Easton

    New project slated for Montreal West, corner of St Jacques and Westminster (former Library parking lot).
  10. The problem with the West island is most areas are very low density 2,090.8/km2 for Kirkland versus 12,792.1/km2 for the Plateau or 3,889/km2 average for Montreal. It does not merit a second spur.
  11. Although not to scale I believe the image gives an accurate rendition of what we would see. This is Seattle monorail from street view; practical but not pretty.
  12. New project filling in a gap near Notre Dame. Very narrow but leaves just enough space for another one next door.
  13. Good research to make your point and the new bridge looks far more robust and aesthetically pleasing.
  14. Obviously the areas of earth will be planted and I personally like the way it is laid out (but that's just me).
  15. You should put them together as an animated GIF so we can watch them grown then shrink again.
  16. Thanks so much! I've been banging my head against a wall looking for that map for years.
  17. I lived downtown from 1977 to 1992 and you have no idea how much it has improved. There was a large number of rooming houses on RL (in those days Dorchester), where the mentally challenged could panhandle enough money to pay the $8 - $10 for the night. Technically, they weren't homeless but crystal meth was the drug of of choice so there was lots of muggings and street prostitution from Greene to Guy on St Catherine, which was essentially a desert. Walking after dark was a risk in the seventies but the renovation of what became Faubourg Ste-Catherine in the 80's and the expansion of Concordia brought more businesses to the area and the desert began to flourish. we still have homeless hanging around Cabot Square, but not the same volume as near Berri (probably spillage from the Old Brewry Mission, La Maison Benoît Labre, and the psych ward at the CHUM). UQAM was supposed to have the same effect but the increase in condos had the effect of pushing up prices and the loss of cheap housing, worsening the problem. Berri Square is the eastern equivalent of Cabot Square so they have similar problems but the area between Green and Guy has had massive improvement in the past forty years so I really really have to disagree.
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