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andre md

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Tout ce qui a été posté par andre md

  1. andre md

    Top Cities Index

    You don't get what i'm telling. They are more and more beggars in Montreal not because they are more people with mental illness ,drugs addiction or alcolism. It's a new trend to begg money in the street in Montreal. Monsieur and Madame tout le monde are asking money in the streets now. Of course Vancouver having more problems with addiction than Montreal. Fentanyl usage is a huge issue over there. And ask anyone who works with peoples with addiction to drugs and alcool it's really difficult to get rid of it. For my side i gave up trying to help them. Of course there is peoples who get out of this terrible situation. But it have to come by themself first. I still helping peoples but with different situation.
  2. D'accord pour la verdure moins pour les murets. Pas obligé d'etre du meme point de vue. J'aime beaucoup l'entrée sur la rue Laval par contre. C'est la ou on trouve le plus de verdure aussi.
  3. C'est une proposition que je fait . C'est le coin portugais de Montreal . Tout a voir avec Lisbon.
  4. Ya pas mal pire dans les McMansion du quartier 10-30 a Brossard.
  5. andre md

    Top Cities Index

    Et pourtant l'etat est tres present au Quebec pour aider les gens ici alors pourquoi autant de mendicité ? C'est devenu une facons facile pour certains pour avoir de l'argent. Et je le repete beaucoup de ceux qui demande de l'argent dans la rue ne sont pas des sans abris ni des gens avec des problemes mentales. Juste aller observer le trio qui font le poste de peage improvisé a la sortie Angrignon de la 720 . Tres bien equipé avec des impermeables quand il pleut en short quand il faut beau. Ils se relaient quand l'autre arrive comme un vrai quart de travail. Drole pareil parcequ'ils disparaissent quand la police est la pour faire la circulation durant les travaux de la 720 pour l'echangeur Turcot. Frustration because it wasn't my apartment it was my mom apartment and she agreed to help this guy because i asked her to do so. I lost my face in front of my mom trying to help this guy. I still helping people. But for alcoholic and junkie , sorry i pass my turn.
  6. Tres simple d'avoir une gare a Mirabel on installe des quais et voila c'est tout. Et on dit que c'est une gare temporaire pour ne pas etre obligé d'installer des ascenseurs. Sauf que faut toujours que se soit compliqué alors on met ca en standby.
  7. andre md

    Top Cities Index

    Most of the beggars are not homeless. Some of them are from other provinces spending their summer in Montreal. I doubt that Montreal having more people with mental issue than any other major cities. Of course I won't give money to a junkie this is not helping him. Robbing people to get money to buy drugs this is human decency maybe. From my own experience i tried to help an alcoholic living in the street. I let him living in an apartment belonging to my mom for free. And you know what happens he put fire in the apartment with a cigarette because he was too drunk and fall asleep. I learn my lesson.
  8. andre md

    Top Cities Index

    Begging money in the street is a new trend now . We could even see tourist begging money to pay for their trip.“beg-packers”-white-tourists-who-beg-southeast-asia Real homeless people with mental problems quite often stay isolated and doesnt begg for money.
  9. Va faire un tour en Espagne ca naise pas la-bas en construction d'infrastructure.
  10. andre md

    Top Cities Index

    Begging should be the last recourse. For many begging money is a way of life not by absolute necessity. I agree to help people who really need money. Not for beggars coming from others provinces to spend the summer in Montreal. As a montrealer i'm fedup to get so many beggars to every highway, bridge entrance and exit.
  11. andre md

    Top Cities Index

    Why so many beggars ? 6% unemployement in Quebec also we are paying tons of taxes to get more social services . I don't catch it.
  12. andre md

    Top Cities Index

    As a Tourist for example i dislike being bothered by people who insist to offer me a service. The worst case Lima Peru. Once you passed the custom they are like mosquitos around you offering you taxi, cellphone, accomadation etc... Same thing in Santiago Chile. In Buenos Aires airport There is no harassment .like that. I guess there is some kind of control over there. I'm pretty sure the tourists don't really appreciate the money beggar in Montreal.
  13. andre md

    Top Cities Index

    Bad point for Montreal money beggar at every corner. I saw more money beggar in Montreal than in Madrid or Athens, two cities which suffer terrible economic crisis.
  14. andre md

    Top Cities Index

    At least Montreal Grand Prix beating Abu Dhabi attendance. Abu Dhabi having one of the lowest public attendance in Formula 1. Tons of money tought they spent 1 billions$ to build the racing circuit.
  15. J'arrete de chialer si on refait tout prince-arthur comme l'entree sur Laval. Parceque le reste 80% c'est comme l'entrée sur St-Laurent mal foutu. Une idée comme ca pour faire un clin d'oeil a la communauté portugaise du quartier pourquoi ne pas faire un trottoir mosaïque comme a Lisbonne pour la partie qui donne sur St-Laurent.
  16. Je me corrige. Plutot que dire que Rocco a raison je dirai que je partage son Avís. L'entrée de prince arthur qui donne sur la rue Laval est mieux reussie. Celle qui donne sur St-Laurent donne une impresión de barricade.
  17. andre md

    Top Cities Index

    The cops in Montreal are pretty fluent in english as I could see. I heard many of them helping the american touristes with all the mess with blocked streets. English isn't a issue. I met an Saskatchewan lady at the Tims Hortons on Cote de Liesse and she were asking me for directions and wondering if I could speak in English. She was a little insecure about that fact . I told her to not worry almost everybody speak English in Montreal and if you met someone who can't speak they will found someone who can help you. And about some ayatolah for French in public service , the baby boomers are retiring. The new generation don't have the same grief against the anglos. Essaye juste pour le fun de trouver quelqu'un a Toronto qui parle français dans la fonction public.
  18. andre md

    Top Cities Index

    Maybe getting a Montreal website not only in French and English but also in Spanish and some other language like German and Arabic. And also maybe doing a campaign for Montreal in Mexico City. . A lot of wealthy Mexican could visit us. And there are now more flights to Montreal. And I could add that Cirque du Soleil is helping to put Montreal on the map. Le Cirque du Soleil is doing a South America tour with a new show on the famous Argentinian RockBand Soda Stereo.
  19. andre md

    Top Cities Index

    I would speak for my friend of Buenos Aires who visit Montreal last autumn. He told me that he knew nothing about Montreal. But once visited that's an hidden treasure.
  20. Rocco a raison. C'est mal foutu j'ai passer par la et ca donne l'impression que la rue est barrée. Pourquoi avoir mit des murets perpendiculaire a la rue je ne la comprend pas. En plus ca gene au passage des piétons et des cyclistes.
  21. andre md

    Top Cities Index

    Toronto is more popular simply because they have a bigger population and way more immigrants who got visits from there relatives living abroad. Also people landing to Canada are landing in Toronto and Vacouver . For tourism maybe i'm wrong but Montreal having more to offer than Vancouver or T.O. By the way i never saw as much of USA licenses plate this summer. This morning i saw 2 iowa plates .
  22. Oui dommage car il serait bien de prolonger le REM dépasser l'aéroport pour aller rejoindre le rond point Dorval pour faire un maillage avec la gare Via , la gare de train Dorval de la RTM et le terminus d´autobus Dorval. Et en meme temps créer un axe nord sud dans le west-island.
  23. Faut toujours que tu y aille fort. Exagere pas trop avec le mot haine. Les estis pis les calvaires tabouere etc... pas vraiment necessaire non plus. Ceci dit je n'excuse pas non plus les gloutons du privé comme les cadres et directeurs de Sears Canada qui vont s'en sortir avec des primes alors que la compagnie fait naufrage.
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