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Village Lacey Green, Kirkland - Prével


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  • 1 mois plus tard...

Ce projet a toutes les chances de voir le jour car il ne semble pas y avoir de nimby dans les environs immédiats et surtout parce qu'il se situe dans un arrondissement qui n'est pas sous le joug valérien. :cool:

Et après ça les bien-pensant se plaignent que l'Ouest à plus de projets d'habitation et de meilleurs systèmes de transport en commun que dans l'Est. Quoique, j'avais oublié les nimby de Pointe-Claire. 

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It looks like an interesting project, but looking at this from as a person who has been living in France for about 19 months. This project needs a bakery and corner store, so people can walk around and not need to take their car. They should also envision a small school, since you are building 1000+ units you can expect there will be at least 100-250 kids running around. 

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Brunswick may be a bit hostile, but there are good sidewalks and trees. St-Charles is less than a ten minute walk from Charles-E.-Frosst x Brunswick, where one can find a Première Moisson and Ben & Florentine, along with a smattering of other restos and supermarkets. In the other direction, the east section of this property is less than a ten minute walk from Fairview.

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