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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. With the way projects have been announced and started within the last three years, I wouldn’t be surprised to see an announcement for the BeG property by the end of this year and construction starting by the end of next year. I expect we will see a South Block Lands announcement shortly as well, but I have lower expectations for 895DLG.
  2. SameGuy

    REM - Axe A640

    What the population density maps don’t show are commercial and employment centres. A lot of the white and pale areas on the South Shore and West Island are densely industrialized or commercialized; along the 640 that is less of the case.
  3. SameGuy

    REM - Axe A640

    C'est une blague? Il n'y a pas assez de population ou de densité le long de la 640 pour supporter n’importe forme de TEC structurant rapide. La population de l'ensemble de la MRC de DM est inférieure à 100 000 habitants et la densité est d'environ 400 habitants au kilomètre carré. Les villages le long de la route sont petits et Deux-Montagnes aura déjà une station REM. Ai-je manqué une note quelque part qui suggère que suffisamment de gens à Pointe-Calumet ou à St-Joseph-du-Lac veulent se rendre dans d'autres villages et villes le long de la 640 qu'une ligne de metro, capable de 25000 passagers par heure et coûtant plus de 100 millions de dollars par kilomètre, soit justifiée?
  4. SameGuy

    REM - Axe A640

    One more time for the folks in the back: no rapid transit to farm country before densely populated areas of the city (Lachine, NDG, VR, PMR, MN) are properly served. It makes zero sense. Show me a modern city anywhere in the free world that runs a metro between the villages of its third ring (or beyond). Regional trains are perfect for that purpose, and where the traffic doesn’t yet warrant a train, buses are more than capable.
  5. SameGuy

    REM - Axe A640

    Good to know.
  6. SameGuy

    REM - Axe A640

    You all know my (very supportive) opinion of modern suburban/regional trains. 😉 If the Train de l’Est doesn’t get redeveloped into rapid transit, I’d like to see it electrified and improved from Repentigny to Côte-de-Liesse (or west of Jonction-de-l’Est into VMR/Côte-St-Luc), and Mascouche station become part of an electric east-west line in Laval shared with an electrified TGF along the QMO&O right of way that crosses (and connects with) an improved exo2 SJ. Short EMU trains are perfect for servicing sprawl like Laval, while the DPs can be used for limited or rush hour service to the farther reaches that can’t justify $10M/km for electrification. A longitudinal rapid transit line along the 640 makes no sense.
  7. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Je respecte ton point de vue, mais j’aimerais ajouter qu’il existe une vaste différence entre la négativité préjugée, et la critique bien-réfléchie (qui est généralement constructive). Récemment, nous avons vu principalement le premier et peu de ce dernier.
  8. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    This is the crux of the problem. I think many of us lukewarm supporters of REM-A have already said as much, multiple times. We agree that there are definite shortcomings and drawbacks with it, but if we had balked at the proposal loudly enough, it’s likely a rapid transit system would never get built to serve the West Island’s 300,000 residents and large employment hub any other way. The East End is underserved and all opportunities for transit should be explored, but unlike the exclave in the west, communities east of St-Laurent are generally well connected to the rest of the city, while the employment hub there is rather small and spread out. However, every government has been poised to build and expand transit eastward — this can’t be said for the west. For the east, we shouldn’t get rattled by “take it or leave it” threats.
  9. Topic still needs a separate thread. Minor, temporary tangents are normal, but derailing a thread ignores basic etiquette.
  10. 😂 Yes. I apologize for my obtuseness!
  11. I agree without hesitation. The original Métro was built by the city, with a single-minded pursuit of building a flagship transit system that could be held up as a model for the rest of the world. Corners were cut, norms disregarded, and decisions based on efficiency and progress rather than logic and safety. Similarly — though not identically — the Caisse has been given an abundance of freedom to pursue Québec’s goal of supplying a flagship transit system as quickly as they can, allowing for some looseness with logic and civic norms, however without sacrificing safety. In turn, the Caisse is allowed to pursue a goal of providing a return for its investors: the residents and workers of Québec. The parallels between the original Métro and REM are rather uncanny.
  12. Again, an extreme example that doesn’t represent the current designs for elevated guideways. The tracks above New York streets were built a hundred years ago to be functional, and that they are, with roughly 25% more daily boardings per kilometre than our own very busy Métro.
  13. Before the crisis hit I was booked for a trip to Wuppertal scheduled for last spring. But as it turns out, the Schwebebahn was closed for technical reasons again, and it will only open some time later this year (planned for August). I’ll likely go in 2022.
  14. Et en parcourant la liste des centaines d'incidents ferroviaires entre 2010 à 2020, on constate qu'à peine une douzaine de métros impliqués, et parmi eux, seuls trois se sont produits dans des systèmes modernes, alors qu'aucun d'entre eux ne concerne des métros surélevés, et aucun d'entre eux n'était un système entièrement automatisé. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  15. LOL I guess I like buildings that others do not like: KPMG, 2001 MC... 🤷🏻‍♂️😄
  16. I mean ever since those dang horseless carriages showed up, folks is gettin’ runnd over left an’ right. We shoulda never left the good ol’ days.
  17. The incident in New York involved a bendy bus on an overpass, not any form of train on an elevated guideway. But do go on.
  18. Wow! Merci. Ça c’est merveilleux comme point de vue! Et mon bâtiment préféré à l’arrière-plan!
  19. Omg. What rule? I just suggested starting a thread specific to that concern, where you might be able to have a discussion about that specific topic. See? Here we are, not talking about the design or route. Mods, I apologize for whatever I may have done to derail this topic. I’m done.
  20. I edited my post to make it more clear but the gist is the same.
  21. That’s listing prices from one area compared to a different area; Vancouver’s “underground” stations are almost all in the downtown core, which has higher list prices. But did building the elevated line lower the value of properties near the line?
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