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Messages posté(e)s par IluvMTL

  1. Don't be fooled by projected delivery dates till you see  the progress of work on the site. 

    The original plan and vision for the QdL has changed and will continue to change between now and 2023 (hopefully) when they can acces the buildings and start work.

    I'm sure that they're not elated with the fact that the REM trains will swing by the full length of the site and the elevated infrastructure will cut the project off from the Village side. They could use some good news. Let's hope they decide to bury the REM.

    La fin du déménagement de Radio-Canada de nouveau reportée

    Vendredi dernier, de nombreux employés de Radio-Canada apprenaient dans une note interne que la fin du déménagement dans la nouvelle maison est reportée une seconde fois, cette fois-ci à décembre 2022.


    On est en train de revoir le calendrier et différents échéanciers. C’est un jeu de casse-tête, mais on était conscient que ça pouvait arriver.

    Une citation de :Daniel Durand, directeur des communications, Groupe Mach

    Groupe Mach réduit de moitié son offre commerciale

    En pleine pandémie de COVID-19, Groupe Mach diminue de moitié son offre commerciale au Quartier des lumières, son projet de réaménagement de l’ancienne Maison de Radio-Canada. 

  2. 4 hours ago, MtlReal said:

    Additionally, many compare esplanade to A&L project. August and louis Phase 1 was the most sucessful downtown project in 2020 - 95% of the units were sold. As opposed to esplanade quartier which has been struggling with the sales since the beginning of the project. Phase 2 of Auguste and Louis is underway - if you don't hear about it it's because a lot of the units have already been sold. 

    EC sold out Phase 1 (the highrise portion) during the first days of the presale in Nov 2019 and started construction 4 months later in Feb 2020. There are very few units left in Phase 2 which went on sale later, and is not a high-rise (zoning didn't permit the construction of a high-rise on Sainte-Catherine).  Occupation is slated for the beginning of 2022.

    Prevel mustn't be struggling with sales, because Phase 3 condos along Parthenais (Ilot 3) will go on sale shortly.

    Construction on Ilot 2, one of the rental/commercial phases planned for the de Lorimier perimeter,  has already started. It was announced that the Women's Y will move into that phase in 2024 as well as offices, a grocery store and other retail outlets as well as a rental apartment tower.  There will be a total of about 15 retail outlets in the EP project (Ilots 1 + 2) by that time.

    I suspect that the Prevel sales office will move to the site as soon as the 'Maison de projet' is ready in Ilot 1, on Sainte-Catherine and next to the placette. I think that people who visit their sales office will appreciate first-hand that the master project is on track and will be more inclined to buy into the project's future phases. The retail additions will be a big plus. And Papineau Metro is a block away, a 4 minute walk.

    Meanwhile A&L still hasn't started construction on their first 'sold out' phase. MACH announced that they are scaling back their commercial component considerably. And I heard that Radio-Canada will keep their old spaces for another year, till the end of 2022. So nothing much will be happening there for another 2 years at least.

    Molson will be vacating the brewery site by this December. If I wanted to buy in that area, I might wait to see what's in store for the Molson site before buying into the MACH site...Same for the REM. I wouldn't want to buy a unit with that in my face, and walking under elevated train tracks everyday to go out/come home would be a big deterrent for many I would think.

    All in all I think EP is way ahead of the game.  

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Rocco said:

    Devimco a certainement été pris de court par l'annonce du REM de l'Est. Tous les édifices le long de René-Lévesque seront invendable. Il va falloir mettre les logements sociaux le long de "la track".

    En plus ils avaient mis le grand parc central directement face à l'église de l'autre côté de René-Lévesque, malheureusement la vue sur celle-ci va disparaitre avec la structure surélevée du REM.

    Screenshot_20210917-121723_Samsung Internet.jpg


    Interesting. Maybe it's time to start thinking of other options for the lot, like flipping the green space so it opens on the south/river side. A large park make no sense on R-L if trains are running past it overhead. Besides social housing they could perhaps concentrate more commercial activity/services on R-L instead of the pedestrian east-west street they had planned.

    Another possibility to examine the possibility of creating a larger esplanade/promenade running the width (north/south) instead of a square. This would also integrate rue de la Visitation that eventually opens up into a passerelle over the trains. Visitation also brushes by the new parc Sohmer on its way to the river.

    Condo units could overlook the promenade. And the western section of the R-C Tower would open onto it as a public square.  In any case what a headache to have to deal with the REM mess after going through various consultation processes all these years.image.png.446d3deb0e79e2215926ef8806dcc9ae.png

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  4. 1 hour ago, mtt said:

    Je sais que le retard du déménagement de Radio-Canada y est probablement pour quelques choses mais ce projet semble mort depuis bien longtemps. Je compare avec la communication et l'avancement d'Esplanade Cartier... Même la Phase 2 d'Auguste et Louis semble gelé avec une annonce qui était prévue à l'été et qui n'a pas encore eu lieu.

    J'ai hâte de voir bouger les choses. J'habite pas loin et j'y passe à pied une fois par semaine pour voir l'avancement et rien ne bouge, même le chantier de Devimco.

    Il me semble que Radio-Canada va occuper les lieux jusqu'à la fin de 2022. Puis le REM n'aide pas. 

    Effectivement ça bouge sur le site de Esplanade Cartier. Des acheteurs vont y  emménager au début  2022. Ilot 2 est en branle. Les ventes d’Îlot 3  devraient commencer sous peu. Ça va être intéressant  de voir comment vont les ventes. Si les personnes qui attendaient d'acheter à l'Auguste vont a à Esplanade à la place... 

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