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Messages posté(e)s par peekay

  1. 51 minutes ago, KOOL said:

    Donc le MTQ avait besoin de bois de chauffage pour cet hiver et a demandé à Brocco de lui couper ses arbres en échange d'un endroit où placer ses roulottes de construction ? :silly:

    I appreciate the humour but somebody should get to the bottom of this. Those trees cannot (probably wont) be replaced and it'll take 15-20 years before the R-B canopy thickens to the point where green and the concrete of downtown meet. It is a shame they couldn't save them. 

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, Mondo_Grosso said:

    I always considered the Mile End to be our midtown. I guess we can have two because what's north of downtown is split by Mont Royal.

    What would be Uptown though?

    I would say Marcel-Laurin and Henri-Bourrassa crossroads. A transport hub will hopefully be built in the area near Bois-Franc REM station. Hopefully a metro extension too.

  3. 6 hours ago, Rusty said:

    wow that image looks like a new downtown ... kinda like Mississagua 

    Very interesting. The distance between downtown Toronto  and Mississauga is roughly the distance between our downtown and Pointe-Claire.

    RoyalMount will truley be a Mid-Town. We shall see what happens.

    Bois-Franc in Saint-Laurent is almost finished after almost 30 years, I beleive this project will take almost as long especially if they incorporate schools and social housing, It will be interesting to see the outcome! I am pleasantly surprised that a private company is still willing to spend over 1 billion even though their initial vision has changed. Bravo!

    • Like 2
  4. When that bureau en gros dies, it will be the ultimate proof to everyone that Montreal is well into a huge construction boom.

    Obviously for all of us here, we know Montreal is booming for a while now.

    The closing of the ESSO station on de la montagne and the construction of a condo tower there is also a good indicator.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, IluvMTL said:

    You seem to think that we are suggesting that rail transport isn't a crucial and important economic part of the picture for the Port. This is very far from the facts. Our group does not want to eliminate it at all. We are just exploring ways that can improve our relationship and live alongside the Port (cohabitation). 

    The curve study seems to have disappeared, and CP remains silent

    During the OCPM consultations for the  Faubourgs, the Port admitted that the study to reconfigure the curve seems to have 'disappeared'. This does not instill confidence.  What our group is suggesting is that a new study be done. That will produce facts and that is exactly what we need to move ahead on this issue. This is a very simple and reasonable request. And until it is done, people and groups will continue to express their views on the issue. As I said this will only increase with the 10K new units being added to the area over the next decade.  

    As for the future, unless someone owns a crystal ball, no one can predict with certainty what will eventually happen. SO anything is possible. In the meantime let's just agree to disagree on this one.

    Agree! :)


  6. 58 minutes ago, IluvMTL said:

    I beg your pardon? ''are doing a disservice to the people of this forum by giving false hope that CP / CN and port railways will cede their land for any foreseeable future'' 

    I don't know why you personalize this issue so much. I think we are allowed to express ourselves in this forum, even if you disagree. Besides I never said they will cede their land willingly or in the near future. Reread my post. In fact I inferred the opposite.

    And on your other point: Other cities have invested millions to redo their waterfronts  and  had to move railways and even their ports to achieve this. And yes some cities even move airports, sometimes even twice. Mirabel being a prime example close to home. And besides, we're not moving an airport here, to use your analogy, we're adjusting a runway.

    And I think we can all live with the one CN track going west. It's been running through the Old Port and they're still investing million to draw more people to the area.

    One of the worst thing about the the Port downtown is that they park the trains to rearrange the cargo and assemble 2 km sections so that they can take the curve. They may spend most of the day there. So they block the view of the river. Prior to 1990 this was not a problem since the trains didn't carry double containers. So the assembling didn't block our views. So this issue is relatively new.

    I reread your passage and you do indeed give false hope because you say it may happen with growing public pressure and demographic changes etc. However, it won't happen anytime soon unless someone invents a better and more environmentally friendly way to transport your goods that you use everyday. I don't take it personal. It seems that you and your group does. Over and over again. I am merely stating facts. 

    Why do you think they double stack? Why do you think the airport and port are expanding? If you look at the traffic numbers you will see that the economy is booming for both sectors. The free trade agreement with Europe will soon change the status of Quebec to a "Have-Province" I don't understand why you chose to ignore these facts. CN and the whole logistics around transporting goods doesn't have a personal vendetta against your group in blocking the river view. You make it seem like they do.

    You need to hire real railway infrastructure engineers hired by CP to look at the problem because you have to ensure to not affect commercial traffic during the many months it'll take to change the curve. Where is the space for that? Also, good luck getting CP on board. As you mentionned, they"re not even commenting.

    BTW, the railway going west is multiple times a day, you may not be there when it occurs because they try to do it when it doesn't affect the public. 


    • Thanks 1
  7. I admire your vision @IluvMTL but you are doing a disservice to the people of this forum by giving false hope that CP / CN and port railways will cede their land for any forseable future. You would have to come up with a better way of transporting billions of dollars of merchandise across the region than rail. The proposal for Notre Dame is very amibityious and I hope something like that happens but stop thinking that anything will move port/rail wise. Ask yourself if an airport would cede their land? It is the same thing with rail and port land. They NEED that land in order to survive and expand and for commerce to survive. There are thousands of jobs dependant on it. Moving the curve will cost hundreds of millions and expropriate quite a lot of land, the worst part is that you wil still have rail going west.

    You will not eliminate the problem at all. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Rocco said:

    C'est beau mais... J'ai presque l'impression d'être au nouveau CHUM.. Aseptisé et blanc.

    Maybe because it was cloudy that day. The same picture with a blue sky ceiling and more natural light pouring in would not have the same effect. Professional photograhers and sales teams always show that in their work. 

  9. 32 minutes ago, Moi said:

    Super... UBER qui ne respecte rien....  il va y avoir des vélos partout, sur les propriétés privées, j'espère que la Ville aura une tolérance zéro et que les propriétaires privés se débarrasseront de ces cochonneries qui vont trainer sur leur terrain. Bref, UBER veut faire de l'argent, qu'il paye le gros prix... No mercy.


    J'y étais parmi nombreaux au square Victoria. Ils offrent $5 dollars de rabais sur un trajet. Promo Code: MONTREAL19C

    Uber vont te chargé $25 dollars si tu ne verouille pas le vélo sur un rack de vélos. Après quatre fois ($100), Uber va fermer ton compte.

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