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Messages posté(e)s par peekay

  1. On 2019-11-25 at 9:04 AM, vanylapep said:

    8 minutes de plaisirs (regardez sur 2x).



    Imagine tout le temps sauvé à cause que le chantier se situe à l'entrée du centre-ville à la fin de l'autoroute 10. Beaucoup de trafic locale évité! Surement une bonne trentaine de minutes comparer aux chantiers plus au nord. :thumbsup:



    There will be no hourly light show, and the colours won’t change very often, but builders hope the lights on the new Samuel de Champlain Bridge will still impress onlookers.

    The bridge’s lights have been switched on permanently after a short period of testing. It took 15 months for builders to mount the lights and wire the bridge.

    The lights — more than 7,800 LED bulbs — can display an “almost infinite palette of colours,” said Martin Chamberland, the operations manager for Signature on the St. Lawrence, the consortium in charge of building and maintaining the new bridge.

    Despite the possibilities available, white is to be the usual colour of the bridge’s lights. In recent nights, however, the bridge has been a mix of blue and green in an effort to minimize the possibility of causing collisions among migrating birds, Chamberland said.


    By comparison, the lights on the Jacques Cartier Bridge — installed for the city’s 375th anniversary in 2017 — are composed of 2,800 light tubes and projectors. Designed by Moment Factory, the lighting of that bridge reflects the mood of the city as gleaned through posts on social media. That bridge also has a light show every hour where the bridge displays many different colours.

    The cost of the lights on the Jacques Cartier was $39.5 million, paid by the federal government. Chamberland would not detail the cost of the lights on the new Champlain, saying it’s part of the overall cost to build and maintain the bridge.



    The laziest, dumbest article I've seen in months. Wow just wow...

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  3. 3 minutes ago, ydg said:

    Déjà, je pense que de voir filer les rames à 100 km/h chaque 3-4 minutes sur le pont sera un bon incitatif à essayer le REM au lieu de rester pogné dans le trafic chaque matin!

    Chaque 2,5 minutes en heure de pointe.

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  4. 5 hours ago, acpnc said:

    C'est clair que s'il y a place pour deux maisons supplémentaires (déjà prévues) je ne vois pas pourquoi le promoteur se priverait de ce revenu.

    Wow je croyais pas que c'était si large que ca. C'est certain que le promoteur va construire deux autres maisons de ville!

  5. 5 hours ago, GIGI said:

    They will ! In total there are 17 townhouses planned. 15 already build. The last 2 are going to be sold when the phase 2 is finished;They need space to access the site. That gap is going to be filled 100%.






    Really? I don't see the space for 2 more. Are they are going to demolish the garage entrance in between the townhouses and the LaFontaine house or fit in between the garage and the last townhouse?






    Filo, on t ils parlé d'une date de début de construction?

    Bronfman a parlé de genre approx dans 2 ans. Attendre au printemps pour la réponse, 8 mois pour les dessins plus une autre année pour préparer le terrain. Ça c’est si ils ont le ok vite des Rays. 2023-2024 est la projection pour l’ouverture du stade.



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