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mont royal a gagné pour la dernière fois le 13 juillet 2017

mont royal a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

1 abonné

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    Condominium appartement / condominium apartment

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  1. Could be. I’ve noticed a popular twin-like contributeur ‘ rocking’ the boat from time to time
  2. And when we see them, you will complain about something else.
  3. Yes, but promoters are not the voters. My guess is that the 3x20 will be dumped and replaced by something workable. The demand for affordable housing is going to skyrocket and the traditional promoters are not equipped to fill that need.
  4. Quite a parade just to celebrate a crane goin up!
  5. I never would have guessed that you two were sceptical. Amazing how you always seem to find the bright side of things,
  6. your point that you are much more eco aware than they are...and that unlike you, they are actually hypocrites, because you would never, out of conviction, buy a SUV or a single unit dwelling? If so, congratulations. Or, do you actually believe that eco concern is a waste of time and not an issue worth discussing. If so, it would be interesting to hear how you know better than 97% of scientists who study this issue.
  7. Thanks Rocco, if you didn’t remind us of this every two days, it just might slip our minds.
  8. Right on!!! The mayor and the councilors should be putting up the scaffolding as we speak.
  9. I opened this thread to get an update on Livmore. Stupid me.
  10. Some of the beautiful exterior sculpturing is still in storage. It was agreed publicly at the time that it would be applied on any building replacing the hotel. A sad joke actually; it was a simple lie designed to sooth those who were, very understandably, upset at the arbitrary demolition.
  11. This should provide some much-needed stability for the Als. Our sports teams here have suffered too much from outside carpetbaggers who have had no real interest in the relationships between our teams and the local community...nor any capacity to make a long-term commitment.
  12. You don’t have to agree with me that your question was loaded, insidious, and fundamentally dishonest...which I guess is why you won’t deal with the actual subject matter. You throw out the term ‘discriminatory’ with no effort to explain why; you talk about ‘modern’ society, whatever that means...and your underlying message is very clear..but you don’t have the courage to specifically identify your real opinion, which is pretty obvious to any reader. Then you try to shut off any honest discussion with..’ Next’. Where we agree is that your supposedly innocent question actually leads to the obvious answer..comparing Quebec’s rather unique situation with most other nations receiving immigrants is indeed comparing apples with oranges. so, if there is something that bothers you about Quebec’s language /immigration policy, just say so and why it bothers you, and we can all have a good discussion.
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