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Tout ce qui a été posté par newyorkontario

  1. TDC2 Topped out. The 3rd tower can only improve the density.
  2. This is becoming a little ridiculous. Why even propose such a project when the ability to start the project (not mentioning the ability to finish it) is not present- and in Quebec City of all places (I know the prospective owner wants to utilize his own land but this is like building an Empire State Building in Halifax). The real true is that the Empire State Building, even in a big city like New York, had vacancy issues until the 1960's- decades after it was built.
  3. The developer owns land in Quebec. Nevertheless, Quebec is a bad place for a project like this. If it did not work in Montreal, it would not work in Quebec. The revised proposal is 11 meters shorter than the original but is still alot taller than the second tallest building in the city. Even though a mixed proposal, this could have a negative effect (office vacancy, tenancy problems).
  4. À la page 71 du fil intitulé "800 rue Saint-Jacques (Banque Nationale) - 46 étages", il est question d'une éventuelle tour de 62 étages à construire par Devimco (même bâtisseur de la tour de Children's Hospital, etc.) À l'origine, on pensait que cette tour aurait environ 215 mètres de hauteur et serait située sur le même terrain que les tours BNC et Broccolini. Cependant, cette tour ne serait pas construite sur le même terrain mais plutôt ailleurs. Si la tour Devimco est effectivement construite, elle ne sera pas de plus de 200 mètres car il n'y aura nulle part ailleurs avec une hauteur de 200 mètres pour la construire. Comment affreux.
  5. Selon cet atricle: "Le terrain [acheté par BNC] faisait partie d'une propriété de 135 000 pieds carrés que Broccolini a achetée la semaine dernière à Magil Laurentienne et à Desjardins pour 100 millions de dollars. Broccolini conservera la propriété du reste de la propriété, environ 50 000 pieds carrés." Broccolini a conservé moins de la moitié de l'achat initial total (BNC a obtenu 85 000 pieds carrés si mes calculs sont corrects) Ce qui manque, c'est combien BNC a payé pour ses 85 000 pieds carrés. La somme exacte, bien sûr, n'est ni ici ni là...des dizaines de millions de dollars facilement. Je suis sûr que Broccolini a récupéré son argent. BNC paie 500 millions de dollars de plus pour ériger sa nouvelle tour.
  6. Vrai. Le prix a été mentionné plus tôt dans ce fil même et d'autres - 100 000 000 $ (100 millions de dollars)
  7. Selon cet article: "Malheureusement pour les acheteurs de condos, il n'y a pas de recours pour des vues qui finissent par disparaître, dit un notaire dont la spécialité est les questions de copropriété. 'Vous pouvez acheter un condo dans une tour et deux ans plus tard, le même développeur construira une autre tour à côté et vous perdrez la vue", a-t-il dit. À moins que l'acheteur n'obtienne par écrit que les vues du condo soient protégées, ou insiste sur l'inclusion d'une clause de compensation dans le cas où ces vues finissent par être compromises, il n'y a pas beaucoup à faire si une nouvelle structure intrusive monte'."
  8. CTV video about new Broccolini tower and Montreal condo market.
  9. 200m / 56 floors = 3,57m per floor (tour residentielle de Broccolini) 210m / 62 floors = 3,38m per floor (possible Devimco Tower). Dans ce cas, en utilisant la hauteur maximale théorique de 210 mètres, la hauteur du plafond dans l'éventuelle tour Devimco serait de 3,38 mètres (environ 11 pieds). Mes excuses (à SKYMTL) pour les calculs mathématiques supplémentaires.
  10. 200m / 56 floors = 3,57m per floor (tour residentielle de Broccolini) 3,57m (per floor) x 62 floors (possible mixed Devimco Tower) = une hauteur possible de 220m. Hmmm…Peut-être que ce serait le nouveau plus haut bâtiment de la ville à plus ou moins 220 mètres (toujours en dessous de la hauteur maximale de 230)? 1000 DLG mesure 205 mètres de haut.
  11. What I meant by "lowball" was erecting something shorter than what was indicated in the articles that were originally posted concerning the BNC tower. 139m (or whatever it would have been at 36 floors) would have been a disappointment. The (English) version of Wiki has now (finally) corrected the error that was posted (concerning 139m for 800 St Jacques) to show 200m. Idk what/who their source was. I hope the info about 650 Peel is also a mistake- 393m is low. Name Height m / ft Floors Year Notes 1 700 Saint-Jacques West 200 / 656 56 2022 To be announced soon. 2 800 Saint-Jacques West (National Bank HQ) 200 / 656* 46 2022 To be announced soon. 3 750 Peel (2 towers) 180/590 & 130/426 35 2022 To be announced soon. 4 1000 de la Montagne 143 / 471 45 2022 Condos 5 650 Peel (3 towers) 120 / 393* 35 2022 To be announced soon.
  12. The consensus is that Wikipedia is not a solid source- nor was the other (mtlurb) post that mentioned 139m before I saw it on Wikipedia. We all now know BNC wants 46 floors at 200m (regardless of what the height would have been with 36 floors). Crown and lobby height?- idk They didn't post that on the sign onsite. In any event (using your height calculation for the Deloitte Tower), ten (10) floors x 5,2m (per floor) is 52m- only 8m short of the difference between 200m and 139m (60m)).
  13. a. Tallest MTL office buildings with approximately 47/46 floors 1250 René-Lévesque (47 floors/199m) Tour de la Bourse (47 floors/190m) 800 St-Jacques (46 floors/200m) Special Note: 1000 DLG (51 floors but only 205m) b. Tallest MTL office buildings with approximately 36 floors Tour KPMG (37 floors/146m) Tour Telus (34 floors/135.6m) 800 St-Jacques (36 floors/139m) Special Note: Tour Deloitte (only 27 floors but still 133m tall) It would appear that ceiling height is a variable factor selected to suit the architect, tenant, or builder- in the same way as the height of the building (which is also restricted by zoning which would apply to the area subject to construction) is also a variable. As far as I know (IMHO and not being an MTLURB GodMaster/Grand Poobah, etc.), there is no specific mandated ceiling height that must be incorporated in all commercial and/or residential buildings. Hence, ceiling heights do vary. I would suggest given the sample of office buildings provided above that it is not so inconceivable that with an extra 10 floors added, a decision could have been taken to modify the ceiling height uniformly throughout all 46 floors. The top floors may even have higher ceilings than the lower floors. This can be seen in lots of Toronto office buildings (example: the EY [Ernst and Young] tower.
  14. Of course there was a 139m (or something substantially less than 200m) in their plans- the original announcement was for only 36 floors. The thing is the architects (thank god) convinced BNC to add 10 floors to go 46 floors (200m). Notwithstanding the 200m on the sign at the construction site, BNC was gonna "lowball" the project (with something shorter than 200m) until they were brought to their senses.
  15. English speakers have an expression: "common sense is not so common." It is surprising that they (BNC officials) did not think that a 200m building would be more impressive than 139m building. They were oblivious to the obvious.
  16. Il semble que le Wikipedia ait tort (139 metres). J'espere qu'on garde la hauteur (de les deux tours a 200 metres) mais aussi que Broccolini change le rendu de la tour residentielle.
  17. When the article specifically mentions 1250 Rene Levesque as the tallest office building erected in the downtown core in 1992 (true) I did not construe that reference in relation to the Deloitte building or the even shorter Maison Manuvie building- both of which are not even alluded to in the article; and both of which are less than three (3) years old. I would be misinterpreting the quote "tallest since [1250 RL built in] 1992" to think the author meant the Deloitte Tower (2015) or the Maison Manuvie (2017).
  18. Actually this article says that [tallest since 1992]: "The 36-storey building will be the tallest office tower built in Montreal’s downtown core since the 47-storey building at 1250 René-Lévesque went up in 1992, said Claude Breton, the bank’s vice-president of public affairs." That was not a false statement. All the fanfare with such an announcement (tallest since 1992) appears to have been over-hyped promotion.
  19. I saw this information regarding proposed buildings on the wikipedia website: Name Height m / ft Floors Year Notes 1 700 Saint-Jacques West 200 / 656 56 2022 To be announced soon. 2 750 Peel (2 towers) 180/590 & 130/426 35 2022 To be announced soon. 3 975 Lucien-L'allier 143 / 471 45 2022 Condos 4 800 Saint-Jacques West (National Bank HQ) 139 / 456 36 2022 To be announced soon. 5 650 Peel (3 towers) 120 / 393* 35 2022 To be announced soon. 1) New Broccolini residential tower (200m good); 2) CF 750 Peel (Quad Windsor) Towers (180m and 130m- better than proposed earlier); 3) Lucien L'Allier (143m ok);4) New BNC headquarters (Only 139m- terrible. That huge announcement about this being one of the tallest buildings since 1992 was bunk?); 5) CF 600 Peel (three (3) short 120m towers). All to be completed by 2022? We will see. I'm not the only one confused.
  20. I respectfully disagree... My avatar would would blend in better (on a linear and aesthetic scale) between la Tour de la Bourse and 628 St. Jacques. The orange hue would compliment the appearance as well (La Bourse being black and the beige of 628 St. Jacques).
  21. Wow...this is really not what I was expecting. Without a 360 degree rendering it looks like it might have only three (3) true sides. They over-did it trying to be too original. Back to the drawing board please guys. I love that the plan is to make use of the maximum height....but the aesthetics and design need some work.
  22. Il faut qu'elle soit grosse parce qu'elle ne peut pas etre plus haute (a moins que la limite soit seulement 15 metres plus [215 metres]).
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