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Messages posté(e)s par Mondo_Grosso

  1. On 2020-05-17 at 12:00 PM, lucd said:

    Yes. I was harsh. There has been ‘some’ work done. At this pace however the work won’t be done for months and months. As a resident of the neighbourhood it’s just been annoying that there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. 

    I read a recent report that states that the project is due for the end of the year. I imagine they mean Q4, so between October and December.

    The report also confirms that Sounder will be expanding it's canadian head office in the building, renting 50k square feet. The rest goes to Google.




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  2. 17 minutes ago, lucd said:

    Something very fishy is going on for this project. The progress is one of the slowest I’ve ever seen for this type of project. I live across the street and can see inside and there has been no work done since about November. Occasionally one dude will be seen walking around and that’s pretty much it. I understand the current lockdown hasn’t helped much but even since being given the green light for additional staff there is next to nothing going on yet people are there bright and early at 6am making plenty of noise doing nothing much. Not to mention the lights inside shining directly into our windows all night - and not just little light bulbs - high beam construction lamps. Ridiculous.

    Work is definitely slow, but it has not been stopped since November. I took photos at the end of January that showed workers working on the curtain wall. Notice the wood board in the bottom left corner.

    Now in the second image taken by another user around February 20, the wood panel has been replaced by glass.

    I am guessing that since the announcement that google would be the primary tenant, plans had to be adjusted for the interior. 



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  3. Je pense que cette idée serait un suicide politique pour quiconque la proposerait. Il serait surement considéré comme une solution cheap et peut être même cruel. Je ne dis pas que vous êtes mal intentionné, mais la perception publique de ce projet hypothétique serait très négative.

    Beaucoup de sans-abri se déplacent et n'aiment pas être au même endroit constamment. Donc, même si on leur faites une place désigné, il est fort probable que la plupart ne la respecteront pas.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Fortier said:

    Petite correction, le 20-20-20 dans sa forme actuelle n’épargne pas la construction de logements locatifs.

    Merci pour la précision, mais je voulais dire que les acheteurs seront limités par les conditions économiques et non par le 20-20-20. Ainsi, plus d'appartements seront construits au lieu de condos. Ca ne veux pas dire qu'il n'y aura plus de condos construit, mais la ratio condos vs appartements changera en faveur des appartements.

    Peut-être une augmentation des projets mixtes, à la fois locatifs et condos, comme Maestria ou Humaniti?

  5. 1 hour ago, acpnc said:

    On peut comprendre la poursuite des chantiers déjà en marche. Cependant l'initiation de nouveaux chantiers est une signe encore plus encourageant, parce qu'il démontre que la demande est toujours présente dans le marché des nouveaux condos à Montréal. 

    Les chantiers sont limités à 50 personnes à la fois, donc ca fait du sens pour Magil de répartir ses employés "supplémentaires" sur ce chantier pour commencer la construction.

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  6. 20 hours ago, internationalx said:

    Thanks for the intel. Hilton is 4 stars though... Conrad and W-A are the 5-star brands... I could see it becoming a Conrad. Would be great to see it expand onto the lot next door: retail on the ground floor, rooms on the upper levels.  

    The article states that it will be one of Hiltons 5 star brands, not that it will be a Hilton specifically.

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  7. 5 hours ago, CGD said:

    Not sure where this goes but this is the closest in location to the new renovation/small project. On 3456-58 de la Musee they have built a large extension that connects to both mansions. Listed as "Luxury Condos Downtown" with "nine Luxury condominiums and five townhomes" ready for late 2019. ( Can anyone help me create a new space for this project?




    IMG_4122 3.JPG

    You can create your own topics, I will show you how.

    The first step is to make sure that a topic does not already exist for the project. Your best bet would be to search on Google the projects address/name + Mtlurb. If nothing shows up, you should be good to go. 

    The second step is to find the right category for your project, so this one would be under: "Home > Real estate projects > Going up > Renovations". There's a considerable expansion to this project, so it might qualify as more than just a renovation, so it might go under simply  "Home > Real estate projects > Going up".

    There is a turquoise button on the top right that says "Start new topic". Try to follow the standards for naming your thread the best you can, look at other topics for guidance. Include as much information you can, so photos, renderings, official website, etc. Don't stress if it is not perfect, a mod will usually correct any errors.

    Good luck!

  8. @Mtlarch

    J'ai fait le même exercice, mais en utilisant les webcams à la place. Par temps clair, on voit qui ferme leurs rideaux. 

    Comme @acpnc a dit, ce n'est pas concluant. Ce n'est pas tout le monde qui sont chez eux, ni tout le monde qui ferme ses rideaux.

    Il est également important de noter que TDC2 a été livré le 1er novembre 2019. Donc il y a encore des résidences qui n'ont pas emménagé car leur bail se termine le 1er juillet 2020. :



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