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Messages posté(e)s par Mondo_Grosso

  1. 7 hours ago, all said:

    I work for the architectural firm of this project. This construction site is closed for the foreseeable futur.

    No  one is buying condos anytime soon.

    Correct me if I am wrong, my understanding is that the residential component of this project is considered a "phase 2" of Royalmount. To my knowledge, TMR hasn't approved the residential rezoning as of yet, as such sales and leasing for the residential aspect have not started.

    The midterm objective is to complete the commercial component by 2022, and then office and residential. So the current real estate crash shouldn't slow the construction.

  2. 3 hours ago, Surintendant1 said:

    non , ces chantiers n'avance pas , ils sont fermé depuis que le gouvernement l'a demandé 

    Pourtant, je travaille au centre-ville et je vois toujours des travailleurs sur divers sites. Bien-sûr beaucoup moins qu'avant, mais ils sont présents.  

    C'est possible qu'ils font que sécurisé les chantiers.

  3. 4 hours ago, KOOL said:

    Je t'ai mis un upvote mais c'est d'une insoutenable tristesse de voir de telles images. J'ai un indescriptible feeling de 9/11 vécu à l'envers : tout était tombé, là rien ne lève. On se revoit dans trois semaines. 

    Ce chantier avance encore, en fait la plupart des chantiers sont toujours actifs.

  4. 1 hour ago, internationalx said:

    If you count the windows, it's 40+ stories.  This proposal/rendering certainly doesn't look residential.    

    Although uncommon, it is possible to have a residential tower without balconies.

    Some notable examples in Montreal include the two residential towers at Westmont Square,  le Port-Royal Apartments on Sherbrooke, also many of the condos in tour des Canadiens 1 have no balcony. 

    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, GDS said:

    Seems like the Square Victoria site, but the proposal must be ~2014 and before as Altoria and U3 are missing from the reflection

    According to the comments in the Facebook post, the project was a proposal from December 2019. This is most likely work requested by Brivia.

    It's not uncommon for the surroundings in renders to be outdated.

    • Like 2
  6. 6 hours ago, vincenzo said:

    It’s unfortunate that the whole base facing RL is built up to the sidewalk. It would have made the pedestrian experience on RL more enjoyable and grand if there were a recessed space at street level. 

    I agree with you, especially because they have the land to do so. Rocabella and Icône both have drop off areas which avoids blocking a lane on Réne Lévesque. 

    It's more peaceful when entering and exiting the building aswell.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, vincenzo said:

    ..and the ground floor on the St Laurent side is a disaster. 

    I prefer to wait until the ground floor is complete before passing a final judgement.

    Basing myself on the renderings, I find that architecturally, the base is neutral and simple, which will accommodate well two towers of different styles and materials.

    The crucial factor for me is how it will interact at the street level. Will it be inviting and animated? Or cold and dull? I think that the latter would be the true disaster for Saint Laurent.

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