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Messages posté(e)s par Mondo_Grosso

  1. Certaines des couleurs sont plus jolies que d'autres, mais je commence à en avoir marre des lumières de couleurs dans le ciel de Montréal.

    Ces éclairages sont spectaculaires, mais ils ne mettent pas du tout en valeur l'architecture de leur bâtiment. Du rose ici, du bleu là, des gros spots verts dans un coin...


    L'éclairage des bâtiments du Vieux-Port a été précédé d'un plan. Ça parait.

    Les projections temporaires et artistiques sur les bâtiments du QDS sont déjà plus intéressantes. Elles animent le paysage et impressionnent, à mon avis.


    Ceci dit, l'éclairage blanc de la PVM est mon préféré. Beaucoup plus joli qu'un bleu-blanc-rouge.


    Personnellement, je l'aime beaucoup. Ils donnent à la ville un aspect futuriste, un peu comme Hong Kong.


  2. As an architect myself I agree with you that the Rogers Building is a complete disgrace. May I suggest that you propose this to the Rogers execs for consideration?


    You propose to reclad the entire building, It would be very interesting to see what it could look like if you change the height of the windows (ie, taller windows), similar to what they are doing at 500 de Maisonneuve.


    Otherwise, nice job! Revit can be hard on the nerves sometimes, but believe me, it is well worth the time to learn it properly !!




    Thank you and everyone else for the kind words, it's nice to see people appreciate it! Maybe I will send them a copy, maybe it will inspire them to see that so many people notice the state if the building.

    I will try out some of your suggestions in the project and post an update, thanks for the feedback!

  3. Nom: 1200 McGill College

    Hauteur en étages: 24

    Hauteur en mètres: 84


    Bonjour à tous! Je suis un lecteur d'MtlUrb depuis un an maintenant. J'adore la passion que tout le monde ici a pour l'architecture à Montréal, même si elle est négative parfois! :P


    Je suis bilingue, mais je préfère écrire en anglais, donc vous pouvez me répondre en anglais ou en français. Merci!


    La Tour Rogers in the state that it is today is a disgrace to McGill College, one of the most beautiful streets in Montreal. If you are not familiar with the rusted and faded building, here it is:




    Bellow is my vision to refresh 1200 McGill College. The renders were created in Revit 2017, I'm studying to be architectural technologist and making these renders are a part of the job. The renderings that usually come with a proposal are created by a team with very powerful computers. I made these renders on my laptop at home in my free time, I still think it turned out well:




    In my vision, the bronze aluminum sections of the elevations would be replaced by a silver aluminum. This finish would be nearly identical to the finish on Place ville Marie, I think that would be a noteworthy integration. The windows would be replaced with black reflective windows, like the ones being installed on the new Holiday Inn on R.L.




    For the brick section, I would replace the brick with black prefab concrete slabs like the ones on Tour Des Canadiens. I also chose to add a billboard that would be used to advertise CityTv and Breakfast Television Montreal (I wanted to put a screen under the billboard, but didn't). This is done on the CityTv building in Toronto:




    I know some of you hate prefab and billboards, but I think in this situation they add character to a TV studio building. :stirthepot:






    I did not do any design work on the commercial section facing St Catherines, so in the render it is just a glass box. If you have any ideas for the vision, let me know! If I have free time, maybe I will add some suggestions and post new renders. Thank you!

  4. I went to visit Rubic yesterday and met with a leasing agent. He told me that of the 47 apartments, only 6 are still available. He mentioned to me that because of the special "Upbrella" top-down construction, they could add more floors later on. I asked when and if they would add more floors, he said they plan to in 10 years once the other condos beside and the Radio-Canada project is done. He claimed that his sources said Maison Radio-Canada was about to sell the property and the developer was planning 6 towers for the site. I doubt him on that, but it's what he said.



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