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Messages posté(e)s par Mondo_Grosso

  1. 55 minutes ago, rufus96 said:

    Where did I use the word impossible? I said it was highly unlikely and listed my supporting reasons, none of which mentioned the technical impossibility of doing this. Economic infeasibility yes, technical impossibility no.

    This type of thing is usually reserved for prestige buildings, which we can most probably agree is not what this is going to be. A green roof for people to stroll upon complete with trees will jack up condo fees and make these units considerably more difficult to move.

    This can totally be done. Doesn't mean it will be. But hey, perhaps I'll be proven wrong. 

    I'm willing to bet that if there's a green roof, it will surround a 1-storey mechanical rooftop penthouse to which access will be prohibited.

    Where did I say you used the word impossible? There's a difference between saying "impossible" and "basically impossible". I don't feel I need to explain that for you. Most of your points are technical as well:

    Your point #1 is that trees need strong roots/foundations (technical) and lose leaves in winter (obviously?) and then you assume residents wouldn't be willing to pay (economic) for such a green space.

    All evidence points to the contrary: condo owners are willing to pay big bucks for high-end facilities. Developers dont add suggest such common areas for fun, they know that customers want them.

    Point #2 is about wind (technical), a problem that a high parapet will easily fix.

    Point #3 is that the weight of humans would destroy plants and irrigation systems (technical x2). Simply add foot paths to the area to protect plants. Irrigation systems can support a humans weight.

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  2. 10 hours ago, rufus96 said:

    No dude.

    Also, highly unlikely there will be a green roof with trees at 200m, and even less likely that residents would be able to walk on it:

    1) There would need to be sufficient planting depth integrated into the roof assembly for even the smallest of trees, which would lose their leaves in the winter. So realistically, this is a poor value proposition for a condo tower. Residents will not want to pay condo fees to maintain trees that are only lively for 7-8 months out of the year. 

    2)Higher winds at 200m, amplified by the canyon effect of other tall buildings nearby would also make for a poor environment for tree growth. 

    3) Green roofs are not typically designed for people to casually walk on. That would destroy the plants and/or the irrigation system. If there's even a green roof at all, it will not be occupied. Only people who occasionally service the green roof would typically be permitted on the green roof. 

    You do realize that what you are basically saying is impossible has been done many times before?

  3. 3 hours ago, Wave Arts said:

    Attends, le 1000 est vraiment fait de béton préfabriqué? Je pensais que c'était une blague. Quand je pense au béton préfab je pense toujours à un revêtement cheap d'un bâtiment contemporain sans âme, j'étais loin de penser qu'un édifice aussi élégant pouvait aussi en avoir.

    Merci MTLURB de continuer à m'apprendre des choses chaque jour. 

    Le je commence à douter de moi-même, mais j'avais l'impression que seulement la base était recouverte de granit et que la partie tour était en béton.

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  4. 3 hours ago, KOOL said:

    Une tour de 200m en pré-fab ? Le chaînon manquant entre Griffintown et le centre-ville ! 

    Blague à part, sachant que même la Ville a eu la lucidité de refuser le premier projet proposé, ça devait être particulièrement hideux. 

    Là je suis totalement mitigé mais j'ose imaginer qu'ils sont conscients que non seulement le 900 fera partie de la nouvelle porte d'entrée du centre-ville en compagnie de la BN et du VSLP mais qu'il aura également une place prédominante dans le skyline à partir du belvédère Kondiaronk. On va laisser une chance aux coureurs et espérer être agréablement surpris.

    Les gens ont tendance à oublier que Montréal possède déjà une tour en béton préfab de 200m: le 1000!

    Comme je l'ai déjà dit, ce qui est important pour moi, c'est 1. que le béton soit de haute qualité, 2. des grandes fenêtres et 3. une applications créatives

  5. 22 minutes ago, Kilgore Trout said:

    Considérant que Kim Phat est un des investisseurs, pourrait-on s'attendre à qu'il y ait un supermarché dans les étages commerciaux? Ça pourrait expliquer le trou gigantesque (entreposage et stationnement pour clients). 

    Quelle est votre source? J'adore Kim Phat, mais je n'ai jamais entendu dire qu'ils sont des investisseurs dans ce projet. 

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