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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. Great news about the station, but very disappointed about the name. After months of Plante hammering Landry as the name, she changed her tune in January 2020:


    Some members of Montreal's Irish community objected to the idea and wanted the name to reflect the Irish history of the neighbourhood.

    Plante said a recent meeting with some members of the Irish community showed her how sensitive the issue is.

    "It was very important for me to let them know that for me, I don't want to hurt no one's feelings. I truly recognize how the Irish community has been contributing so much to Montreal," said Plante.

    I hope there's some serious backlash and the name is dropped. You wanna honour Landry? Rename a street after him in the Cite Multimedia and be done with it.

    • Like 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, nephersir7 said:

    This isn't about alternate routes.

    It's the NouvLR consortium itself who requested more time to refine their technical plans before the construction.

    So last week the tunnel was still planning to close in January, but after a few news reports by whiny Deux-Montagnes folks saying it was going to screw up their plans and 18,000 signatures, suddenly with only a few weeks to go its been delayed til spring? I'm sure it's a total coincidence.

    Wondering why NouvLR didn't make all this clear earlier, so that CDP could calm the Deux Montagnes folks and tell them about the delay rather than tell them 3 weeks before..

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, nephersir7 said:

    Dans le PPU de la pointe-nord de l'IDS:

    Quatre antennes sont prévues et joindront la Gare centrale au centre-ville, dont l’antenne Rive-Sud, qui desservira la station de L’IDS. Il est prévu que ce dernier tronçon du projet soit terminé pour le début de 2022.

    L'antenne sud n'était pas supposée être prête en 2021 ?

    Literally 2-3 weeks ago the media spokesperson was on TV re-stating a 2021 start date for that part of the line.. fingers crossed OCPM made a little error there.

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