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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. 4 hours ago, budgebandit said:

    Owner of the Tampa Bay Rays has been to Montreal 4-5 times in the last twelve months

    Preliminary budgets are being worked on for the stadium (with two different seat configurations) 

    We may not be hearing a lot of news but things are moving forward...

    Keep the faith boys 

    I am keeping the faith but...

    they're about to announce a new stadium for Tampa Bay


    • Sad 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, peekay said:

    J'adoré son quote, "Canada is nothing without Montreal" "It is the best part of Canada"



    "This is a great country because of this city - without Montreal, Canada would be hopeless" - Anthony Bourdain.

    I don't think I'll ever forget that quote by him.  I'm absolutely heartbroken today.

    RIP Tony

    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, seb851 said:

    Personnellement je préfère que les canadien appuis la candidature pour les jeux de 2026 a Calgary que du maudit soccer … et le cout pour des jeux hivers a Calgary serais très bas contrairement a Pyeongchang presque tous les installation de 1988 son encore dans les critère des Fédération Sportif.. Il a juste la piste de bobsleigh / de luge et le tremplin du saut a ski qui on hors norme de la FIS et ISBF/FIL .. Et la Piste et le tremplin de whistler peux etre utiliser …     

    And what about the stadium? Calgary does not have an Olympic-style facility to host. McMahon was a piece of shit in 1988. It's time for Canada to host the (men's) World Cup.


    5 hours ago, Miska said:

    Ils sont à 10, il reste 5 « coches » À ce rythme le mât devrait être complété début août !

    The La Presse article from a few days ago said they just hit 130m high; another 40m to go. Quite impressive! 

  5. 14 hours ago, Maisonneuve said:

    Once the Turcot is completed and the new highway 20 is open, there are plans to develop the land where the existing highway is. That land between the new highway 20 and the canal. Does anyone have any knowledge about serious plans or intentions to develop that land? 

    My desire is for that land to be zoned for buildings taller than the St. Jacques Escarpment. I would prefer a mixed-use master-planned neigbourhood like CityPlace or Concord Pacific Place.  It would be a nice way to stretch the skyline of Montreal, because west of Westmount Square there are few tall buildings. Having a mixed-use master-planned neigbourhood would be better than an industrial no-mans land.

    Nothing concrete yet, but the Turcot plan always envisioned potential development where the old highway 20 was. Apparently up to 400,000 m2 of space!

    A park will be built along the canal to allow better access to it, and a whole new neighbourhood will be born from it. They're even allowing enough space for a potential transit line. Pink line perhaps?

    Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 11.13.30 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 11.15.47 PM.png

  6. 8 hours ago, MtlMan said:

    "No guarantee it will be like that in a few years"

    Jeez, this guy is a genius. Thanks for the warning, dude. 

    Rob Lurie is a fucking idiot. His reporting is always full of holes and bias. 

    30 minutes ago, swansongtoo said:

    I think things were morose for so long in this city that people just got used to Montreal being pretty much frozen in time.  Now that we're seeing a marked increase in residential construction I sense these same people cannot fathom Montreal may finally at long last again be on the go and is slowly joining the ranks of other North America cities.  

    This! Nailed it, there is a whole generation of anglos who thought Montreal was down and out, and can't wrap their head around a possible resurgence, even if all the stats and numbers say its so. There's a couple of people like that on this forum actually :)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Rusty said:

    I wanted to share it but I will not as I have friends from Alberta :thumbsdown: I don't want to hurt their feelings


    14 hours ago, Normand Hamel said:

    What I like about this video is that it captures the essence of Montréal. And at any given time we know where we are because we cannot be anywhere else on earth. We see ourselves through the eyes of tourists, yet we recognize our unique city. This stuff is not made up. They are individual moments woven together in a beautiful and authentic tapestry. Congratulations for this video and the previous one as well. Chapeau!


    Beautifully said :)

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