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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. 11 minutes ago, Normand Hamel said:

    Very interesting video @Chris1989 but as is often the case with your work the background music is a little too loud and somewhat covers the narration. The consequence is that my poor brain is struggling at times to process the two simultaneously.😳

    Damn that's disappointing.. some of the dialogue is from decades old recordings and Zoom calls so there's fluttering noises that I can't fix, but everyone who was shown the video before release said they were able to understand so I'm perplexed 😕  let me know if it continues, and also try listening through different methods (earphones for example). On iPhone, I've noticed the music is barely heard and the voices come through almost too loud. 

  2. 18 hours ago, steve_36 said:

    Amazing video. And great timing as we needed that after several weeks of Montreal bashing by......montrealers !  We needed to see people admiring our architecture, our resilience, our winter and part of our way of life. And for  a moment, Montreal seemed more beautiful in the winter than in the summer !

    The best line in this clip: A guy, at 9:52, saying ''It made me think about my own attitude towards winter and how as we get older, we just complain a lot''. So true !

    Great work.

    Thank you so much! Surprisingly, based on the comments I'm seeing, the video seems to have made people want to visit during winter rather than scaring them away lol

  3. Based on suggestions from others, I will post and group all the videos I create in this topic.

    I wanted to make unique videos that showcase the city through authentic experiences captured by visitors for two reasons: to make Montrealers realize how special their city is (and to go out and discover it themselves) but also to attract new visitors who may have never considered visiting Montreal before.

    If you like what you see, please share it with friends and on social media!

    Here is my newest, visiting Eva B on Saint-Laurent:


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