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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. 2 hours ago, Le Roach said:

    Stop the brilliant videos Chris your killing me. Of course you would include the doo-doo-doo at end, the tears started for me. I want this f.....g pandemic over with so can get to Mtl and enjoy everything you have featured in your videos.

    So happy to read this! Once the pandemic is over, time to go spend 6 hours in the metro exploring haha!

  2. On 2020-12-19 at 12:01 AM, steve_36 said:

    Beau petit vidéo sur ce charmant commerce que je ne connaissais même pas. Bien sur on est loin du dépanneur traditionnel de quartier car on est davantage dans un mélange de café, boutique souvenir de produits québecois que dans un dep.  Mais le concept est très intéressant, la facade est très belle et c'est un endroit qui a franchement de la gueule. De plus, j'aime bien découvrir des endroits que je ne connais dans ma propre ville donc en cela je te dis bravo.

    Merci Steve :)

    I went to film school and always loved this Canadian classic, so with Christmas here decided to make a different type of video - a love letter to an iconic Christmas horror film, with a small creepy Montreal connection. This might not be for everyone! 

    Spoiler Warning for Black Christmas (1974)

    Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël à tous!


  3. 18 hours ago, steve_36 said:

    Interesting vidéo. It makes us realize what we take for granted. Marché Jean-Talon is unique in North America and it's good to have someone reminding us, once in a while, which you did with this vidéo.

    Also, I wanted to point out the ''diversity'' of people in that vidéo, french people, some Americans, locals and.....some clip of Anthony Bourdain. Great !

    Thank you Steve!

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