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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. 6 hours ago, SameGuy said:

    Pictures don't do justice to the wooden slats, especially on the highway side facing the sun. Much nicer in person.

    Yeah? I haven't seen them in person yet but I was worried from the webcam footage they may be too dark? Maybe more wood-colour like the ceilings or white (like Îles-des-Soeurs) would have been better I don't know. Still looks great! And looks like the road is open!

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    • Thanks 1
  2. A fun video I made about a 90s kid classic that was a television phenomenon in the US, which was produced and filmed in Montreal. If you weren't a 90s kid, this one might not interest you. One of my favourite quotes in the video comes from the American creator of the series who said "it wasn't really a Canadian show... it was a French Canadian show." 


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  3. I'm always amazed how people around here think this stuff only happens to us. Turns out a quick Google search shows the UK, Malaysia, Philippines, India all had similar problems. Oh and remember just a few years ago the fiasco with the Azur trains shutting down service when first introduced before the kinks were ironed out? How quickly we forget. 


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  4. 1 hour ago, SameGuy said:

    Somehow people around here keep forgetting that the mandate insists the empty tests go 30 days without problems. The moment there’s a problem, the clock resets. So don’t all be thinking you’ll be among the first passengers on July 28. It would be wonderful if it were possible, but be cool, the whole point of the tests is to iron out any problems. I’d rather the system were as dependable as possible, even if that means waiting another few months to clear any snags.

    That's what I had been led to believe as well but it's not true, I just had it confirmed: it's 10 days of testing that must hit a minimum of 95% - once that's been completed it'll take 30 days for certification (modern rules?). That's why they gave a window of 30-45 days. If it took 30 days for tests and an issue arose on day 29 that would mean restarting the 30-day test and the 30-45 day window would make no sense. If all goes well, we should know within 2 weeks the definitive opening day for the network.

    • Thanks 3
  5. 5 minutes ago, mtlurb said:

    Is this new? not aware of it but thanks!

    The screen isn't very big though, it feels like someone's personal theatre room with expensive drinks and food. But the seats are nice!

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  6. 33 minutes ago, mtlurb said:

    De mémoire il y a un seul cinéma VIP dans le grand Montréal, et c'est au Dix30.... un peu normal qu'il y en a un autre plus accessible pour l'autre moitié du Grand Montréal.

    VIP = Gros sofa, et service de bouffe/alcool au sofa... that's it.

    Cineplex Forum theatre also has one.

  7. 21 hours ago, Weka 29 said:

    Pas d'accord. J'habite dans le nord de Villeray, juste en dessous d'un des deux corridors des avions. C'est agaçant surtout entre 15h et 18h  Mais je trouve le bruit du REM nettement pire et la fréquence du REM sera beaucoup plus importante que celle du passage des avions.

    As someone who lives near both runways, YUL handles just under 700 aircraft a day, versus 500 REM trains when it reaches maximum capacity. And the sound of an aircraft lasts much longer than an 80 metre train. I'll take the REM any day.

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