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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. 5 hours ago, steve_36 said:

    Je crois que la ''nouvelle date'' pour un éventuel retour des Expos est en 2027.  Si le club de Tampa n'arrive pas à s'entendre avec la ville de St-Petersburg (ou la ville de Tampa) alors il ne leur restera qu'attendre la fin du bail en 2027 pour ensuite quitter. Et Montréal redeviendra attrayante à ce moment là. 

    Exactly. When all these rumours first started in 2012, all the American baseball pundits said 2027 was the likely date it would happen. It seemed so far away in 2012 but it's right around the corner now..

    • D'accord 2
  2. Thanks everyone! And yes Normand, I'm planning to do a University/Student video at some point. This summer I'm going through and cataloguing thousands of video clips into subjects/themes so that I can edit faster. I was coming across so many videos of people visiting for the first time since 2019 and being overwhelmed to be back in the city, I just had to create a quick one about that. Stay tuned!

    • Thanks 2
  3. A reminder of what Germany looks like, arguably the world's greatest country for train connectivity, along with Japan. As someone who has travelled throughout the country by train, I can promise you no one cares about the look of the catenaries, especially when riding it. The reliable and fast service more than makes up for it, and it will be the same thing with the REM. The interior of the REM trains and stations will be what people remember.istockphoto-473217708-1024x1024.jpg.f16789461c4f01d33968ccbad26319ff.jpgtrain-gleise-infrastructure-catenary-northern-germany-regional-express-lubeck-rails-opnv.jpg.37229fcc9fa02efc8aaa11cd8f973ff4.jpg 

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    • Thanks 1
  4. 14 hours ago, Normand Hamel said:

    This montage is an absolute masterpiece! Your best work ever I would say. I especially appreciate its extra length, which allows us to go much deeper into this most extraordinary event that was. And not just for Montréal but for the whole world also.

    What amazes me Chris, and correct me if I am wrong, is that you were not even born at that time. Yet, you caught perfectly here the essence of Expo 67.  I am amazed just like I was back then. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Wow thank you so much Normand, incredible hearing that kind of reaction! I wasn't born yet but all my life I've heard of the legendary Expo 67, I have passports from relatives that have since passed on, and so many stories they shared. I knew there was a treasure trove of amazing clips floating around and knowing how much it influenced the city and country, it was a joy to create. I think I'm most proud of being able to include snippets of all the songs created for the event haha. As someone who missed both Expo 67 and the 76 Olympics, I hope Montrealers can one day get over the Olympic boondoggle and get that desire to once again host the world in some fashion, the city is stronger and richer than it has ever been and the world knows Montreal can throw a world-class party.

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