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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. Hahahahaha the PQ is such a joke. They've been slowly eroding support for decades now and this is the grand plan that will fix their terrible fortunes? 

    Stick a nail in their coffin. They are finished.

    Good fucking riddance.

  2. Wow, what fantastic news for the city!

    I think what's most amazing about this ranking is that Montreal as a "has-been" city, "the best days are behind us" feeling is evaporating, and in the eyes of the younger generations, they see Montreal as a special place in the world, the same way people who visited in the 1920s and the 1960s reported feeling about the city.

    As I have said previously, the great cities of the world always rise again, regardless of how dire the political or economic situation was at one time. Berlin resurfaced and takes the top spot, and Montreal has begun its resurgence and already sits in the #2 spot. Amazing.

    Vive Montréal!

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  3. 2 hours ago, Aiglon said:

    Ça doit être bruyant pour les nouveaux résidents des maisons de ville en arrière, je ne comprends pas pourquoi le basilaire n'a pas été fait en même temps pour les deux phases, tel qu'il en fut le cas pour le Roccabella...

    I walked by there last week, no one lives in the town houses yet. Finishing touches.

  4. Once the tablier (I think that's the word?) is built, it won't take long to create the roadway. I watched the Dorval interchange progress so slowly for years, but once the metal girders were in place for the roadway, the lanes opened up to the public like 4 weeks later. I have a feeling once all the girders are there, building the roadway is gonna happen faster than most people expect.

    The New Champlain will be one of the widest bridges in the world, built in harsh conditions, with delivery hiccups (the old Champlain couldn't handle heavy materials being delivered to the new bridge and had to re-assess) and the original completion date was 2022. If it's open by Spring 2019, will that really be the end of the world?

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