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Messages posté(e)s par Mondo_Grosso


    "En 2016, JOE CAPRERA a lancé la conception de Montréal 1. En collaboration avec une équipe d’architectes, JOE CAPRERA a pu transmettre ses réflexions et croquis sur des dessins architecturaux. Conçu avec une seule chose en tête: ramener la grandeur du passé de Montréal pour notre avenir. Montréal 1 stimulera la grandeur de la Ville en invitant des investisseurs prospères à participer à l’économie montréalaise.

    Montréal 1 est un complexe à usage mixte de 62 étages. Construit dans le centre-ville de Montréal, Montréal 1 offrira des espaces de bureaux commerciaux modernes, des unités locatives deluxe et des résidences ultra-luxueuses pour l’achat sur les 20 derniers étages. Le bâtiment aura trois entrées principales distinctives desservant les trois types d’occupants occupant le bâtiment."

  2. 10 hours ago, nephersir7 said:

    Puiisqu'on parle du Maple Leaf square...

    @Mondo_Grosso, do you still stand by what you said a few months ago? 

    Yes, there are still way more Canadiens logos on our towers! :rotfl:

    Better street level integration: MLS condos main street level component is a Le Germain Hotel. TDC 2+3 offer a large green space.

    Superior architecture/ greater branding: TDC1 is an original looking building with great looking garage base and gorgeous interiors that really fit the hockey theme. MLS condos are incredibly generic and bland. For example, look at these interior comparisons:



    It's still early for TDC2/3, but we can already see superior materials, also an elegant design with integrated balconies.

    More accessible location: MLS Condos are between an elevated highway and railway tracks. The nearest subway & train station are 300 meters away, TDC is 100 meters away from the metro.


  3. 5 hours ago, mont royal said:

    Just by calling it `Montreal`s Times Square` makes this idea imitative and not visionary. Forget New York; Montreal itself must be the starting point. The use of neon and videos are common throughout the world; some major Asian cities have neon-lined streets that make Times Square look pale in comparison. Toronto has an embarrassing effort to emulate Times Square, but then, that`s  typical of Toronto. So, if the idea is to glam up Montreal. or a part of Montreal, to create a glitzy area that is neither imitative nor kitchy, it would be best to start from Montreal`s uniqueness. Yes, benefit from any outside experience , but don`t try to copy it; it will only result in second-rate quality. 

    Like I mentioned, I'm not looking to debate it, but rather "if we had to do it, where and how would we do it?" I agree for the most part with your opinion, but I think that an idea can be imitative and visionary at the same time. You can take a proven concept and put your own twist on it and end up with a good result.

    There are other "big city" fads that have been copied in Montreal in recent years that have done just that. Examples include the giant Ferris wheel, bridge illumination and urban greenways (promenade Fleuve-Montagne). No one says that these are embarrassing imitations or second-rate efforts (well else than Luc Ferrandez :P). Maybe because Time Square is so iconic, it gets a much stronger "copy cat" reaction.

  4. 6 hours ago, franktko said:

    Oui pour de l'art et des projections, non aux publicités. Hey, imaginez ce bozo sur 10 étages


    Si jamais je décide de faire une illustration plus détaillée de ma vision, je vais utiliser cette image!

  5. 1 hour ago, alihoufani said:

    Vue à partir du Canal Lachine



    Eh bien, c'est triste que le 1000 n'a pas de nouveaux amis. Les tours CIBC et IBM ont des nouvelles copines avec le quad Windsor, PVM a TOM et Altoria, tour de la Bourse a 3 nouvelles tours de Brocolini .... mais personne veut être amis avec le 1000.... 


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  6. A lot of stores have been eliminated close to the entrance to complexe les ailes. This wide corridor makes the area feel much more open. You can see how wide it used to be by looking at the tiles on the floor. 

    They have also put up giant prints of the renovations inside, if anyone wants a detailed look. The entire ceiling will be covered in mirrors,  this will make the area appear bigger as well.








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