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Messages posté(e)s par Mondo_Grosso

  1. 11 minutes ago, Rocco said:

    Ça ressemble pas mal à ce qu'il y a actuellement au Conplexe les ailes. 

    Je crois que tu as raison, les colonnes de supports sont au même endroit. Il semble moins ouvert que ce qui est là aujourd'hui ...


  2. There is a new service center in the lowest level of complexe les ailes, there's a screen that shows renderings of the renovations. Sadly no picture aloud inside, but I managed to get this photo from a distance. It's hard to tell where exactly this is in the entire project, but it looks like a large open central area.



  3. 3 hours ago, Djentmaster001 said:

    During NYE the crown was lit up blue and had a motion to it, it was pretty sick to see. I do hope they mix it up with colour patterns and pulsating lights and whatnot, it adds more life to the city at night.

    I saw that too, I was right in front before the new years count down. It was really wild to see, it would dance around with shades of blue and light grey, very similar to the art instalation in the lobby.


    PVM lights were also going crazy!

    • Thanks 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Faitlemou said:

    J'espère qu'ils feront une murale sur le gros mur de béton qui domine l'esplanade.

    Personnellement, j'aimerais voir un écran qui montre les spectacles de l'autre côté de la place des spectacles.

    Quand il n'y a pas de concerts ils pouront mettre quelque chose comme les nouvelles que nous voyons dans le métro.

  5. 1 hour ago, denpanosekai said:

    mind sharing a picture? From my house in Crawford Park I see the Tour de la Bourse very well, but I know from Bannantyne and Verdun streets you get even better views. Lately even the chubby Deloitte made an impact.

    I've tried taking pictures, but it's really hard. I don't think a cellphone can do it, you need a good camera.


    Also the lights from YUL blind everything out...

  6. I am very curious for this project, it's an opportunity to do something big. Here are my pictures taken last night, huge sections are closed. In both the Eaton center and complexe les ailles, they show this branded "Evolution" sign. Maybe this will be the new name of the combined shopping centers? The work is being done by Brocolini.









    • Thanks 1
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