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Messages posté(e)s par Mondo_Grosso

  1. 1 minute ago, SKYMTL said:

    Could this be part of a little battle?  TDC @ 55, Broccolini @ 56 to claim the title of Montreal's tallest.  There's certainly some prestige attached to that.    

    It's the actual height that matters, not floor count. TDC 3 has 55 floors (most in MTL), but is only 166m, so shorter that L/Avenue.

  2. 11 minutes ago, LeTravailleur said:

    Ça dépasserait donc peut-être la Tour de la Bourse? Wow! Hâte d'en savoir plus.

    L'article dit qu'il sera plus grand que L'Avenue (qui a 51 étages et mesure 184m). La tour de la bourse mesure 194m, donc avec 5 étages de plus que L'Avenue, je pense qu'on est pas mal assurés qu'il le dépassera. Environ 202m selon mes calculs...  :hyper:

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  3. 12 hours ago, Mondo_Grosso said:

    National Bank will be holding it's annual financial services conference tomorrow. A lot of industry leaders from the financial and insurance sector will be in attendance. Louis Vachon, president of NBC will be giving a speech, maybe we will hear something about their new head office???

    Le commentaire de vincethewipet a complètement éclipsé la mien lol :rotfl: mais bon! Quel plaisir d'entendre toutes ces nouvelles. Vivre Montréal!

  4. National Bank will be holding it's annual financial services conference tomorrow. A lot of industry leaders from the financial and insurance sector will be in attendance. Louis Vachon, president of NBC will be giving a speech, maybe we will hear something about their new head office???

  5. 2 hours ago, UrbMtl said:

    Je suis passé sur Viger la semaine dernière... ouch. Un long mur aveugle en panneaux de béton préfabriqués. Je crois qu'on ne pouvait pas plus nier l'évidence que le Sud se développerait un jour ou l'autre.

    Le mur aveugle a toujours été planifié dans le projet. Le mur que t'as vu est un bâtiment mécanique, donc pas besoin de fenêtres. Les grands murs seront utilisés comme écrans pour des projections:




  6. Une proposition qui provient de Boston, je pense que ça pourrait être intéressant pour ce projet! Cela ferait une belle équilibre avec la place Bonaventure et son jardin sur son toit.


    Stantec Designs Residential Addition to Boston's Dock Square Garage

    Finding developable plots of land in Boston's vibrant downtown is becoming rare these days, forcing developers and architects to literally think outside the box in the case of a new proposal by Fortis Property Group and Stantec. The duo have filed plans for a flashy ten-storey residential addition on the roof of the Dock Square parking garage

    Dock Square Garage, Boston, Fortis Property Group, StantecThe proposed project makes new use out of a hostile urban environment, image via Stantec

    While the current parking garage and Hard Rock would be retained, the latter would be reduced in size from 15,000 to 8,000 square feet to accommodate the lobby for the 195-unit residential volume. The number of public parking spaces would also decline from 714 to 698.

    Dock Square Garage, Boston, Fortis Property Group, StantecDock Square Garage proposal, image via Stantec

    The brick-clad garage faces a recladding along its entire perimeter under the scheme. It would be sheathed in terracotta louvers and perforated metal panels, arranged vertically to reduce the visual bulk of the structure, while the spiralling glass extension takes root up top. The garage facade would be embedded with LED light strips for active nighttime illumination.

    Dock Square Garage, Boston, Fortis Property Group, StantecThe proposal in context, image via Stantec

    The goal of the facade composition, reads the design strategy submitted to the City, is to "create a warm-coloured building base that fits into the context of the historical neighbourhood, and a contrasting sleek and prism-like top that becomes a recognizable addition to the Boston skyline."


    Le 3/12/2018 à 09:37, BilMo a dit :

    Where do you see this great entrance? Mansfield? University? both?

    De la Gauchetière St. is the simplest answer, as the Indigo parkade bldg. and the Central Station levsl passenger drop and car rental floor shall be demolished anyways, and then rebuilt in the process of building a tower. This would represent the perfect occasion to create a grandiose entrance at the very level of the station's main floor. (This, as opposed to the horrendous narrow corridor presently offering visitors views over... the parking!)

    Plus, Belmont St. is barely wider than a big alley, and would require demolition of either CN's office tower, or the one on the opposite side of the block, so this most certainly won't be considered.


    Il y a 12 heures, Mondo_Grosso a dit :

    Une proposition qui provient de Boston, je pense que ça pourrait être intéressant pour ce projet! Cela ferait une belle équilibre avec la place Bonaventure et son jardin sur son toit.


    Stantec Designs Residential Addition to Boston's Dock Square Garage

    Finding developable plots of land in Boston's vibrant downtown is becoming rare these days, forcing developers and architects to literally think outside the box in the case of a new proposal by Fortis Property Group and Stantec. The duo have filed plans for a flashy ten-storey residential addition on the roof of the Dock Square parking garage

    Dock Square Garage, Boston, Fortis Property Group, StantecThe proposed project makes new use out of a hostile urban environment, image via Stantec

    While the current parking garage and Hard Rock would be retained, the latter would be reduced in size from 15,000 to 8,000 square feet to accommodate the lobby for the 195-unit residential volume. The number of public parking spaces would also decline from 714 to 698.

    Dock Square Garage, Boston, Fortis Property Group, StantecDock Square Garage proposal, image via Stantec

    The brick-clad garage faces a recladding along its entire perimeter under the scheme. It would be sheathed in terracotta louvers and perforated metal panels, arranged vertically to reduce the visual bulk of the structure, while the spiralling glass extension takes root up top. The garage facade would be embedded with LED light strips for active nighttime illumination.

    Dock Square Garage, Boston, Fortis Property Group, StantecThe proposal in context, image via Stantec

    The goal of the facade composition, reads the design strategy submitted to the City, is to "create a warm-coloured building base that fits into the context of the historical neighbourhood, and a contrasting sleek and prism-like top that becomes a recognizable addition to the Boston skyline."

    Nifty creative project! I'd love to see any project somewhat inspired by it replacing one the few parking lots south of Place Bonaventure!

    But such a small project definitely shall not be built where the Indigo parkade is presently located. We're talking about a location directly connected to the metro, the REM and Central.Station, where the demand will be there sooer of later to build this lot to its max density, and thus rake up max profits.

  7. 11 hours ago, MartinMtl said:

    Are you seriously arguing that Canderel is failing their condo market in Montreal ? Canderel who is responsible for not one but three 50-storeys condo towers success in Montreal so far ? Looks to me like they know very well what they’re doing. 

    Come on, let's be honest here. Canderel is NOT responsible for the 3 Canadiens towers. Cadillac Fairview is the source of those towers, Canderel is just a partner.

    This just emphasises that Canderel needs help executing their projects for them to take off (at least in Montreal).

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  8. This could be a sales office, but I think it is just an office area for employees to eat/park and examine plans. In my picture, you can see on the left what looks like an air conditioner popping out.

    They already have a sales office located at 500 rue McGill that they fully renovated for 628 St-Jaques.It would make financial sense to just reuse it for this new project, considering it is right beside.



  9. 1 hour ago, peekay said:

    Les universités peuvent formuler des cours sur ce saga. 'Westcliff': l'art de manquer le bateau.

    La deuxième session: "Canderel: emplacements stratégiques, zéro plan d'exécution".

    Tours QDS, 1215 Phillips Square, 539 Sainte-Catherine Ouest...

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