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Messages posté(e)s par Mondo_Grosso

  1. 13 hours ago, JB667 said:

    If this had been a tall and slender building , but by having only one type of prefab cladding i.e all black or white concrete it could have looked like a scaled down version of 432 Park Avenue in New York City . 

    So far I think it looks good . The problem is the density in the immediate area . It gives one the impression that it’s a soviet-era bunker . 

    432 Park Avenue is really plain and boring. Yes it's very tall, yes it's in New York,  but for me that doesn't change the fact that it's design is uninspired. It looks like it was designed in minecraft...

    Le Smith is much better in my opinion.

  2. On 2018-07-09 at 2:17 PM, Chris1989 said:

    I am keeping the faith but...

    they're about to announce a new stadium for Tampa Bay


    They are not announcing a new stadium, they announced their intentions if the government gives them the money they want.

    This is exactly what happened with the Expos: grand plans were shown, the government refused to pay, then management said "see? We did our part, it's their fault we are leaving."

    The only thing stopping us from getting a team is the Rays being in limbo. A decision needs to be made asap. If they stay, good we can start expansion. If they leave, good we get a relocation team.

    • Like 1
  3. 44 minutes ago, FrancSoisD said:

    Ça excavait presque tout le long en bordure de St-Hubert mercredi le 4!

    Un autre projet qui montera vite, et qui ajoutera de la pression pour terminer l'îlot Voyageur!

    Mods: Je ne vois pas pourquoi ce projet est dans "En construction". La rigueur en place sur MtlUrb dicte qu'une fois le pieutage et l'excavation terminés et la coulée des fondations entamée, l'on peut alors considérer un projet en construction. Est-ce bien toujours le cas?




    2 minutes ago, Ousb said:

    La seule photo du permis que je retrouve sur les pages précédentes est trop flou pour voir quoi que ce soit malheureusement

    Comme UrbMtl a spécifié, c'est un project résidentiel, pas d'hôtel. Les rendus qui sont partagés aujourd'hui datent de 2015. Sixty Hotel a même dit que ce projet avait été annulé...

    Je pense sérieusement que Avison Young a simplement "googlé" le project et a partagé ce qu'ils ont vu.

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, franktko said:


    I said it often but I'll repeat myself: this project, as proposed with 2 towers of 23 storeys, is developing the maximum commercial footage allowed by city laws on this lot.

    Exactly. Again people care only about the height of the building, not it's actual impact on it's environment. Either way, this project will be surrounded by tall buildings on all sides, even at 180 meters, it would have little to no impact on the skyline.

    Viewed from Place Du Canada, this project will make for a nice depth; first Gare Windsor, 750 Peel and then 600 Peel. 

    For context, Cadillac Fairview's other main office project in Toronto is 46 stories and 1.2 million square feet, that's the same number of floors and square footage as 750 Peel. So no, they are not being cheap with Montreal.

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