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Messages posté(e)s par Mondo_Grosso

  1. 15 hours ago, internationalx said:

    They really just need to turn it into a giant glass box at this point.

    They need to make the glass match, it's different tones and the mullions are different too. It reminds me of when a teen will buy a bunch of mismatch aesthetic parts from Canadian Tire to make his 1996 Chevy Cavalier look 'sport'.

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    • Haha 1
  2. I don't think mtlurb is the best platform for this. You will first need a clearer vision of what and where you want to build, no one will take you serious with such a vague mission. 

    The only way to get a tailor made project would be to own the land first and then find a builder.  I don't know how much money you have, but it will be expensive. 


  3. 33 minutes ago, plavic said:

    Was this the building that was permitted to have 3 extra floors compared to the YUL? Therefore instead of measuring 120 meters, it should be around 130m or am I wrong?

    There is no official height yet, the maximum is 120m though.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Gio22 said:

    Has anyone been on their website? Its terrible. I dont know if they have pictures of the current lobby or if those are renderings but they're absolutely ugly. This project has zero marketing what so ever. The "renovated" part is not fully renovated, from the pictures the floors are old as hell, ugly white appliances, and the windows and doors like so damn cheap! Its better off some developer buy this building, demolish it and build a proper high rise, not a half-fast attempt like this.

    The renovated part is nearly rented at %100. You have to keep in mind the target audience is students at Concordia, there is even a study room located in the building. You will not be getting top quality materials and renovations.

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    "It's remembered by many as the A&P and Provigo grocery stores. Most recently it was a Toyota dealership.
    What I didn't know is that when it was built (maybe in the 1920s? also as a car showroom), it had a pleasing industrial/commercial style. Had the original structure been preserved over the ensuing decades - minus the two atrocious levels added on the roof - it might have had a third life not unlike that of le Faubourg Ste-Catherine a few blocks away."




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