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Messages posté(e)s par Mondo_Grosso

  1. 13 hours ago, GIGI said:

    C'est enorme 680 condos a gerer.  Il y beaucoup trop d'unites de petites surface (memes plans) et ca peut afecter la revente. Et les gens vont se dire qu'il y a de l'instabilite (location a court terme) ou de la maintenance a faire. Le taille des condos et le prestige de l'immeuble joue aussi sur ca.

    il aurait du le faire en 2 phases..

    2 phases?! Non merçi. On a déjà 6 tours jumelles dans la région Quad Windsor. Je pense que ça suffit...

    • Like 3
  2. 5 minutes ago, Jollysnork said:

    What is the status or rumor concerning the vacant lot just north of the Bethune statue's back? It's adjacent to a really ugly aparment building on the corner of Guy and Bethune Sq. I wonder if it's owned by Concordia. Thoughts anyone?

    Status: Tim Hortons. It's just used for delivery trucks and parking, no plans.

  3. 3 hours ago, blue_dragon said:

    I'm generally pro-development  (really, who isn't on this board ?) Having said so, I would prefer Concordia or the city outright buy the existing building, knock it down, and make the lot a focal point for the downtown campus. Would be a pretty sweet public square or park and help Concordia gain a bit more of a 'campus' feel rather than a boring collection of office buildings. There is a prime lot across the street on De Maisonneuve perfect for a high-rise.



    The city already did make a public square by Concordia,  it's called Norman Bethune Square. I personally like the urban feeling of Concordia, they have the Loyola campus which is very green if that's what students prefer.


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  4. "L'engouement pour ce projet signature est bien present, car 40 % des unites ont ete reservees avant la mise en marche du projet. « D'ailleurs, un homme d'affaires bien connu a Montreal a reserve le 35e etage apres avoir fait l'analyse de plusieurs projets », confie M. Charron. Seulement une vingtaine d'autres proprietaires privilegies pourront habiter cet immeuble unique en son genre alliant prestige et qualite de vie."


  5. 1 hour ago, franktko said:

    En hauteur "altimétrique" (?), Desjardins fait 177m (152 + 25 rue) comparé à celle-là à 199.5m

    Pas très scientifique mon image en copiant l'échelle du 33m mais ça semble avoir de l'allure...

    hauteur avec desjardins.jpg

    Merci pour l'analyse, même si elle n'est pas aussi haute que je le pensais, c'est toujours une structure imposante avec ses deux tours. Avec ce projet, le complexe Desjardins, AC marriot, Courtyard et humanité, on commence à avoir un joli petit cluster à l’est.

    J'ai hâte de voir tes modèles 3D!

  6. 1 hour ago, Ousb said:

    Building height is 185,5m and 199,5m above sea level. I think

    I think that this is the correct answer,  I misread the document and I apologize for the misleading statement. 2x50 floors, 185.5m construction height, 195.5m above sea level.

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 1
  7. On 2018-09-28 at 1:49 PM, Gio22 said:

    If they are driving piles into the ground that means excavation will begin soon!!!!


    I hope so, construction was supposed to start in spring, they haven't even broken ground yet. The delivery date of summer 2021 will be hard if there are anymore delays.

  8. 28 minutes ago, JB667 said:

    If I recall , Armani designed the common spaces for the YUL project . If they do it again with this one , it could explain part of the high pricetag .

    Workers are also in shortage with all the private and public projects going on, it makes it more expensive.

  9. Cette pensée est purement hypothétique, mais que pensez-vous si la ville aidait Bronfman en expropriant des terrains pour un Stade? Le groupe d'investisseurs devrait toutefois payer les frais et non la ville.

    Imaginons que tu est en charge, quel terrain choisiriez-vous? Ça doit 1) être assez grand pour un stade 2) proche du centre ville 3) avoir le moins de dégâts sociaux et patrimoniaux.

  10. 4 hours ago, jesseps said:

    I don't think CAPITAL NORD-EST SOCIETE EN COMMANDITE will spend money to fix up Wanda exterior, since they are the owners of 1310 Maisoneuve. 

    The city evaluates the building and land at $2.7 million. I am guessing they want more than $6 million for the land and building. May'be they are holding out on someone willing to pay $12 million or more.

    Fine, I'll take out my checkbook... but you guys are helping to build!

  11. 2 hours ago, Errol MacDonald said:

    Those three downvotes have me thinking I should amplify my objections to this Lazarus project, and in all seriousness. Buildings spring from a user's needs and I find it impossible to imagine who would occupy these buildings once resurrected. Unless they would be used as hotels. But hotels require lots & lots of cutting-edge bathrooms. As museums? What do we lack in museums, or museums that need a period building? Would their interiors be rebuilt exactly true to their era? That means oak floors & doors, and much, much more, and that means money & skills that are hard to find.

    Financing these re-builds could be done through government money plus donations from corporations, someone said. Donations for the good of the buildings themselves and let them stand empty? The members who have written in support of this idea seem to want to look at these lost buildings purely as artifacts standing in the streetscape just for the sake of being seen, without considering how they could possibly be viable.

    Or are they just fantasizing? And me, maybe I should stick to less occult areas of this organization.

    You're being really condescending and taking it too serious.  Relax, this is just a vision, or yeah a fantasy, not a comity.

    At that, I'm sure you could find someone to live in fancy condos in old Montréal or another boutique hotel will gladly open shop. If there's enough money and will, anything is possible. 

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